Oh so there are two guys here. Hello dudes.
Bullit, is that your site? It looks cool so far! Hey, anything with Sofia is cool ya?
atfm thats a good profile of Sofia. Is she only 1.7? I thought she'd be at least 6"? She looks tall on the show, taller than the women anyway. But hey, Im a shorty. So EVERYONE's taller than me.

Theyve made a short profile on her on
Crimelab. NL, you can check it out. But CBS should really give her one. I mean come on, she's in the credits!
Ok, so I've rewatched
Mea Culpa and
No Humans Involved, specifically to observe Sofia and everyone's attitude toward her. And I must say that I'm VERY saddened by how negatively everyone treated her then. She didn't do anything wrong, didn't even
say anything wrong, but it seemed like everyone was EXTREMELY against her then. I cant believe that I just realized this. Here are some examples that happened in those 3 episodes:
SOFIA: It took me a long time to get where I was, Sara. Now I feel like I'm starting from scratch. I miss sleeping at night. I miss my colleagues. I miss...
SARA: What?
SOFIA: Being trusted.
SOFIA: Grissom, I've been assigned to your inquiry. I just wanted to give you the heads-up. I'll be impartial.
GRISSOM: I'd expect nothing less.
(She already said she'd be impartial Gris! Come on!)
(Sofia is reviewing stacks of documents to ensure that all conclusions drawn are supported by the data)
CATHERINE (being defensive): I worked on this case. The conclusions, they are supported. I assume that's what you're finding?
SOFIA: Catherine...I appreciate your interest, but I think it's prudent to reserve my findings for the Assistant Director.
BRASS (speaking to Gris): I want to give you a heads-up, cause here's how it's gonna break down. In order to appear objective, Ecklie's gonna follow Sofia's recommendations. The problem is, Sofia's 'Acting Supervisor' of Days, so she needs Ecklie to sign off to keep her gig. And you think she'll say whatever Ecklie wants? Yeah.
CATHERINE: I thought you were going to process the scene with Grissom.
NICK: I was. He said he had it covered. Sofia Curtis is up there with him.
CATHERINE: Right...Ecklie's right hand.
NICK: Hmm?
CATHERINE: Ever do a case with her?
(Cath likes to say 'right' doesnt she? Riiight.)
And Greg was the only one who was nice to her. (I didn't hear Nick or Warrick mention anything about Sofia.)
(Sofia is helping Greg reconstruct an image on the computer)
GREG: Well, I appreciate your help.
SOFIA: No big deal.
GREG: I don't know if I'd be quite as accommodating after just being...well, you know...
GREG: Yeah.
Why did practically everyone hate Sofia back then? Was it because she was Ecklie's right hand woman? She might be working under him, but it's not like she's
him. Yeesh! I gotta say, I was miffed when I noticed all of that. She was just trying to be nice and helpful, and everyone just hated her so much. No one trusted her.

I'm so glad the situation is noticeably different now. She's finally getting the respect she deserves. Oh, in
Formalities, Brass called Sofia
BRASS: Hey Gil, hey Sofie.
How cute is that? Sofie.