Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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I’m with most of you, I don’t think she’d ever go back from being a cop, the big guns are way too fun (ah man, I’m having all there Freudian images flashing through my head now). Besides, if you look at CSI Sofia and Detective Sofia I think there’s quite a change, she really seems to have come into her own since becoming a cop.

CSI Sofia was really just another character (I know that sacrilege but I’m going somewhere with this) she was really no distinct then any other character (Well except for Nick, that guys a plank, sorry Nick fans) anyway I’m not sure if it’s the writers or the costume department or louse herself (since she’s a character actress) but someone’s going out of there way to create a very well defined type of character. Ever since she’s become a detective there really seems to be a marked effort to get the most out of the character and give her a defined personality and attitude, especially through physical traits (which is really the only way you can go when there’s not much time for character development).

Look at the way she dresses, since becoming a detective 90% of the time she wares the shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows (I’ve mentioned this before but I love the shirt). Then there’s her stance and her cowboy walk (which is very noticeable) with her hips and shoulders and arms swaying (from watching other stuff she’s in I’m sure that not the way she naturally walks so she must be putting it on), as well as those aviator glasses (I’m obsessive enough to actually go over screencaps to see how many pairs she has, I think it’s two) Oh, and the toothpick, cannot forget the toothpick (why do I have this image of her standing around practicing her James Dean impersonation). She comes across to me through those traits (all of which have remained consistent) as very tough and masculine (I was going to say butch, but maybe I’m just projecting my own criteria of traits I dig in women on Sofia)

But we’ve also seen that she is very smart and articulate, almost philosophical, like when she talked with Grisom about identity over that corpse, and she’s not as closed off with her feelings as some of the other characters (Grissom, I’m looking in your direction) We see that when she talked to Sara about not being trusted in No Humans Involved, or when she went to Grisom and Brass to talk with in ABRTI. And she’s very good with people and is kind and compassionate like when she consoled Greg, both during the case with the burned woman and during Post Mortem, and, although I haven’t seen it yet, that scene with the kid in the bus (could someone transcript that for me please). But she can still laugh, like with Brass in I Like To Watch (I love that scene, who wasn’t staring down her top). I hope I’m not going overboard when I say that so far no CSI character has come across with such a defined attitude or personality.

And since everybody’s putting in their two cents on this, I’m still 18, nearly 19, but I’ve been told I’m very mature. Oh, and to add to the whole oil thing, in my opinion the one tragedy of Sofia becoming a cop is we don’t get to see her in the blue jumpsuit anymore (someone’s got to be with me on this) that sight is very drool bucket worthy.

Ok, I’m done with my rant. You see what I’m doing is called displacement activity, I learned that in an interview I read with Louise. I’m actually supposed to be studying for my University exam on Thursday (damn medieval history).
Thank you, I managed to waste a whole hour writing that. I didn’t intend on it being that long, isn’t procrastination wonderful. I never got to the nervous habit thing everybody mentioned before; I’ll have go and look at my tapes after exams finish.
She definitely fits into the detective role so much better.
In NHI, as a CSI she ran after the perp - with the excuse of chasing after the evidence. In Formalities, also as a CSI, when she, Cath & Gil were discussing the outcome of the case, she said it was "highly unsatisfying" that there was no one being punished and put into jail. Her mindset is so much more towards being a cop and into the "exciting" aspects of chasing people, etc, than as a CSI where it's more about the "little" things, with no action.

Plus, as a cop, she fits in so much better with Brass as well as the other CSIs. Her CSI background gives her an extra advantage as a cop too.
Very well summed up, 88Blackbirds. *nods* I agree that she's undergone quite a change, unfortunately abandoning the quirk of talking to herself when processing a crime scene but I suppose that's inappropriate for a cop. But they developed other traits for her, such as the ones you mentioned. Btw, if you look closely in Formalities, she's swaggering in that red dress, too, or maybe I'm just imagining it. ;) As for going over screencaps to find out how many pairs of aviators she owns - I was considering doing the same thing for her necklaces (love them) in order to compile a bunch of pics of these. ;)

Lastly, good luck on your exam from me, too. :)

UrielFalcon said:
Her personality just isn't detatched.

I think this is a very important point. She's way too compassionate and I think she might have a hard time staying impartial. She feels for the victims and would do anything to catch the bad guy. In I Like To Watch, she was almost tearing up when she was taking the woman's statement, and she was ready to chase Ellie out of town when Brass was shot.
What's wrong here? I stay up late, get all bored because nothing happens and when I do get asleep people write whole essays about Sofia...

Totally agree by the way. I loved watching the changes in her character and the way Louise acts.
I believe that it has mostly to do with the fact that she was pregnant filming though. I think she would have played CSI different already had she not been expecting.

Anyways, loved CSI Curtis, love Detective Curtis just a tiny bit more and head over heals with off work Sofia too :p
I’ve been board all day waiting for all you to start posting, so I wrote my essay (my studying is coming alone reasonably well, would anybody like to hear about the 10th century investiture controversy? its rather interesting…No you say?). That’s the annoying thing about time zones. I see its now morning for you guys, it’s night here.

I guess being rather heavily pregnant might have had something to do with how Sofia was early on. There was an interview when she was talking about how nice everybody was being when she began working on CSI and then she says that it “might have had something to with the fact that I was pregnant and waddling about and they felt sorry for me!” ahh, she’s so cute.

As for Formalities, I never got to see it; the memory still haunts me. I would kill to see the red dress in action. Ok, this obsessions getting a little out of hand
88Blackbirds said:
CSI Sofia was really just another character ...Ever since she’s become a detective there really seems to be a marked effort to get the most out of the character and give her a defined personality and attitude, especially through physical traits
I totally agree with you there! And I thought I was the only one who thinks that CSI Sofia and Det Sofia are almost two different characters. When Sofia was a CSI they didn't really reveal much about her character. All I knew about her then is that she talks to herself and likes to chase after suspects. But when Sofia became a Det we got to know a lot more about her and realize how strong and determined she really is. Maybe it's because the writers forgot to fix Sofia's character when she was a CSI, or maybe they waited till she became a Det to develop it. I like Sofia as both a CSI and a Det, but more when she's a Det. I've never disliked nor hated Sofia (HATE Sofia? Horrors!!) ever since she came on, I know some people do. And I can never figure out why. I've nothing but respect for her character.

Good luck for your exmas btw! And why the heck did you write an essay on Sofia when you should be studying? Nyeh, I'm a procrastinator too. :p PS: Great sig ya have there. Personally, I don't think straight people exist. They just think they are. ;)

would anybody like to hear about the 10th century investiture controversy?
Uhh...mmm, does it have Sofia in it?

And thanks for the Louise pics kissmesweet. I love her short hair. :)
88Blackbirds said:

As for Formalities, I never got to see it; the memory still haunts me. I would kill to see the red dress in action. Ok, this obsessions getting a little out of hand

There's a short clip from Formalities here.
Yeah, what’s with the Sofia haters, that’s just wrong. I think most of the people who hated her did so for three main reasons.

1. She was a threat to GSR (in my fantasy she’s definitely a threat, but not in the way most people think, you see Sofia wouldn’t go near Grisson with a 10 foot pole. Sara on the other hand...)
2. They felt she was a pointless addition (isn’t that where “spork” comes from, quiet a pointless utensil)
3. They just didn’t like her (sort of like how I feel about Nick)

atfm, thanks for the clip

And thank you for complimenting me on my signature SidLer; I just changed it. I’m thinking of mixing it up every now and then, I got a whole lot of gay quotes, because we need to be out and proud if society’s ever going to completely except us (sorry, I just got out of a South of Nowhere forum). Anyway, on that note, its 3am in the morning and I’m going to bed.
Totally agree on 1.

As for two: How can adding a beautiful & talented woman to the show be pointless??

And, off topic: Your sig is great indeed. I was chosen that way too :p
Thanks for bringing up Formalities! I'm gonna pop in my DVD and watch it. And replay that scene over and over again. ;)

I think those are the reasons why people dislike/hate Sofia. I think it's mostly due to reasons 2 and 3. The cast have ballooned since the show first began, thats a fact, and they feel that she's just an additional character who takes the screen time away from the other characters. But I welcome additions, and I'm okay with people leaving. Change can be good. I love Sofia, and there's no one character I extremely hate, (just one I like the least). And Sofia's in the show and she's part of the team, and as far as I know, she's not going anywhere. But diff people have diff opinions about certain characters I guess. I just dont get what is it about Sofia that they dont like. But like you mnetioned in reason 3, it could be JUST BECAUSE.

You gotta tell us where you get these quotes! Swimsuit and evening gown. Haha!
I got the quotes at “The Quotes Garden” at http://www.quotegarden.com/homosexuality.html

One I like is ”Pronouns make it hard to keep our sexual orientation a secret when our co-workers ask us about our weekend. "I had a great time with... them." Great! Now they don't think you're queer - just a big slut! ~Judy Carter

Ok, now I really have to go to bed.
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