Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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Whoa, am I the only healthy person in here? Hope you all feel better soon. *chicken soup for everyone*

And 88Blackbirds, yay for finals being over. Summer for you, enjoy it. ;)

I checked out the credits for City of Angels, very cool, I'm curious about the first episode now.

That's a very pretty picture of Louise in bed. Wish I could see that movie. :)

I found an older pic of her, hair looks pretty different and she looks a little rounder (in a good way) but her facial expression is the Louise we know:

Why are you so tired, long days or not sleeping well?

Me too. That hairdo is very 90s. She's gorgeous with long dark hair, it makes her eyes look all the bluer. But blonde is good, too.
I love her hair in almost all ways. Love the long blonde, short blonde, short brown, long brown...you catch my drift.

I'd love to see her all curly though, bit like she had her hair at those Museum of something pics, but open.

And I'm tired because I'm not used to getting up early and working before 12:30 :p
For some reason I don't think I'd like curly hair on her. I wasn't too fond of the hair at that event. Wavy, perhaps.

Haha, aww. Maybe you'll get used to it. ;)

For everyone: I have a request to make. Would one of the native speakers (or simply someone whose English is better than mine :p) rewatch the Five US interview (and I just know you'll all gladly watch it again) and transcribe two or three sentences for me? There's this one part that I can't figure out for the life of me. Or actually, I do have an idea but I'm not sure. It's after the guy says his accent travelled from Brooklyn to Toronto in about five seconds. Then he says something else, and then Louise says something and I'm kinda lost on those two parts. Help?
It's after the guy says his accent travelled from Brooklyn to Toronto in about five seconds.

Here is what follows after this statement in the interview.

Guy: In the end, I ended up doing sort of a creepy posh English villian. Wasn't what I was looking for.

Louise is giggling so madly at this point it was tough for me to make the words out. :p

Louise: And it wasn't a bit funny though? (Let me tell you it took several play backs to figure those words out)
I watched and got a totally different line, it sounded as if they said.

Interviewer: “In the end, I ended up doing sort of a creepy posh English villain (rythem?). Wasn't what they were looking for”

Louise: “and it wasn’t what they were…funny that” she started to echo his last line and stopped mid sentence and said something else.

Anyway, that’s what I got. At least I got to watch it again; her accent is so delightful.
Everyone, drink plenty of fluids and get enough rest. We're dropping like flies here. Im feeling slightly better, I hope those of you who're sick are too. :)

Loiuse giggly? Really? If it were Sofia Id be surprised, because I dont want her to be the type who likes to giggle (Reminds me of barbie. Dont ask.) but hey, giggle away. I bet she's cute when she does that. :D

Who do I have to PM to ask for the interview links? Id love to see it. :)
Is everybody getting sick because it’s into winter over there (you poor little devils) it’s nearly summer here, I’m looking outside right now and its absolutely beautiful on my part of the southern hemisphere.

I think Sofia laughing every one and awhile would be nice (she could still be the badass cop that we all love). We just got to see Time of Your Death down here and there’s that scene with the suspect where she has this really malevolent sounding laugh, I couldn’t help smiling like an idiot when she did that (but then again I do that every time I see her come on screen, I think it’s like a nee-jerk reaction now).
I agree that Sofia should laugh (or smile) more, she looks so pretty when she does. I loved the little laugh she gave Nick in BTK 1. :)

LSB and 88, thanks for the effort, much appreciated. I wasn't way off, I'll watch it again with both versions in mind. ;)
Ok, so I’ve been scouring all the CSI forums to find details of the last episode, people still Sofia bashing, came across this at TWOP “Go away Sofia, you're hogging the spotlight.” I’m pretty sure some people need to just except that Sofia is a main character now and she’s gonna get more screen time, especially more then the other detectives (Ortaga, Vartan) who aren’t in the opening credits.

Oh, I also found this line “Sophia really needs to find new sunglasses. Those huge aviators just don’t suit her” now that’s just sacrilege, and I’m not even gonna comment on how annoying it is that people still spell her name wrong.

Did Sofia do anything interesting in Happenstance? probably not; I hear she was working with Nick AGAIN!!! I hope there not trying to beat us over the head with them as a paring, or maybe I’m just been paranoid.

On another note, I was checking my synonyms thing on my word program and I just realized that happenstance is a real word (how bout that, sometimes I feel so thick)
Squee! I just saw the interview clip, Im kinda late aren't I? She looks absolutely gorgeous! Her hair has this extra blonde/yellowish tone to it which is so beautiful. And god, her smile *melts* There's this one part where the interviewer said "There's very few English actors and actresses who can do a bang on, convincing American accent..." and I agree. Louises' American accent sounds convincing enough. I didn't know she is an English actor until I read it here actually. But she looks English, so it's a giveaway.

I love how she tugged the bottom of her shirt and suddenly sat up straight. :) Ive been paying so much attention to HER instead of what she's saying. :lol: Much watch it again. Hopefully I can catch something.

PS: I take back what I said earlier. Id love to see Sofia so cheerful like that on the show sometime. Her smile alone is a deadly weapon.

About Sofia-bashing: I hate it when viewers bash characters they dislike without a good reason. Disliking her because she is "hogging the spotlight" is a very lame reason. Whether you like or hate a character, I respect people's opinions because everyone is entitled and shouldnt be told how to think. But if you hate someone, it should be for a good reason. Agreed, she's part of the main cast now, people have to accept that she's going to be in almost every episode, if not all. And I love her supersized shades. They dont look funny on her to me.

Gotta admit this, when I learnt of Sofia (I think it was earlier this year or last) I spelt her name as Sophia. Then I saw that everyone spells it with an f instead of ph so I followed suit. I have a baby cousin named Sophia. Thats why. :)

ETA: Whenever people spell Sofia's name wrong, I wanna do more than pinch them. Same goes for Sara too. When they spell Sara with an h at the back (I have a cousin named Sarah too), I feel like taking out my axe. I need to go for anger management treatments. :p
SidLer said:

I love how she tugged the bottom of her shirt and suddenly sat up straight. :)

PS: I take back what I said earlier. Id love to see Sofia so cheerful like that on the show sometime. Her smile alone is a deadly weapon.

I noticed that, too. On the show, whenever you see her standing somewhere from the side, it looks like she has bad posture. Or maybe I'm just imagining it.

Haaa, I totally knew you'd change your mind after watching the interview! :D
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