Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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Umm MikeW, youre a guy right? Hey girls, we DO have guys here after all! If youre not a guy, sorry, I'll crawl back into my hole. :eek: Yeah, I think its easier if we just assume that everyone's female here until stated otherwise. But its interesting isnt it? The extreme lack of guys not just in this thread, but in other threads too.

Sigh, Sofia. They should make a broadway show of her called Sofia Sofia. It'd be a musical about a blonde-haired girl who loves big guns and toothpicks. Thanks for the link btw!
SidLer said:
Umm MikeW, youre a guy right? Hey girls, we DO have guys here after all! If youre not a guy, sorry, I'll crawl back into my hole. :eek:

Last time I checked I was lol. No seriously, I totally dig Sofia at the moment. Glad to see she's been made a regular now. Is she in Season 7 much?
Last week or so there was another guy here, Bullitsomething.

MikeW, so far Sofia has been in season 7 a lot, even more than in season 6, so there's much to look forward to.

Anyway, I read fanfic, too, mostly Sassy.

We should totally create our own profile of Sofia! I'll start and everybody can add things. I'll have to make up most of it though.

Name: Sofia Curtis
DOB: Hmm...early 70s?
Place of Birth: Some British colony within the US? ;)
Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue
Height: 1,70m (and I really can't be bothered to convert that to ft)
Job: Police officer
Rank: detective (okay, I know shit about this stuff, is that a rank?)
Hobbies: big guns, small toothpicks
atfm said:
Last week or so there was another guy here, Bullitsomething.

The boy Bullit's still here. Been busy working on a special project (see below). I don't think guys aren't interested in using forums and stuff - I think most of us are too lazy :D Seriously, I'm not intimidated by strong women - my girlfriend's a tactial firearms officer (I got a thing for cops with guns...).

As for films, I think anything to do with the job is out 'cause she'd want to get away from work - I really see her watching some stupid comedy and laughing her head off.

If you give me a couple of days I think I can provide some fanfic.

City Of Angels

Blimey, that was an epic.
atfm said:
Last week or so there was another guy here, Bullitsomething.

MikeW, so far Sofia has been in season 7 a lot, even more than in season 6, so there's much to look forward to.

Anyway, I read fanfic, too, mostly Sassy.

We should totally create our own profile of Sofia! I'll start and everybody can add things. I'll have to make up most of it though.

Name: Sofia Curtis
DOB: Hmm...early 70s?
Place of Birth: Some British colony within the US? ;)
Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue
Height: 1,70m (and I really can't be bothered to convert that to ft)
Job: Police officer
Rank: detective (okay, I know shit about this stuff, is that a rank?)
Hobbies: big guns, small toothpicks

On the rank I am thinking she probably would be a rookie detective since she is new to the force. So, I would think she has to be lower on the pole.

Since we don't know her actual birthdate we could make up the month and use the actual year Louise was born 1970.
Oh so there are two guys here. Hello dudes. :D Bullit, is that your site? It looks cool so far! Hey, anything with Sofia is cool ya? :cool:

atfm thats a good profile of Sofia. Is she only 1.7? I thought she'd be at least 6"? She looks tall on the show, taller than the women anyway. But hey, Im a shorty. So EVERYONE's taller than me. :p Theyve made a short profile on her on Crimelab. NL, you can check it out. But CBS should really give her one. I mean come on, she's in the credits!

Ok, so I've rewatched Formalities, Mea Culpa and No Humans Involved, specifically to observe Sofia and everyone's attitude toward her. And I must say that I'm VERY saddened by how negatively everyone treated her then. She didn't do anything wrong, didn't even say anything wrong, but it seemed like everyone was EXTREMELY against her then. I cant believe that I just realized this. Here are some examples that happened in those 3 episodes:


SOFIA: It took me a long time to get where I was, Sara. Now I feel like I'm starting from scratch. I miss sleeping at night. I miss my colleagues. I miss...

SARA: What?

SOFIA: Being trusted.


SOFIA: Grissom, I've been assigned to your inquiry. I just wanted to give you the heads-up. I'll be impartial.

GRISSOM: I'd expect nothing less. (She already said she'd be impartial Gris! Come on!)


(Sofia is reviewing stacks of documents to ensure that all conclusions drawn are supported by the data)

CATHERINE (being defensive): I worked on this case. The conclusions, they are supported. I assume that's what you're finding?

SOFIA: Catherine...I appreciate your interest, but I think it's prudent to reserve my findings for the Assistant Director.



BRASS (speaking to Gris): I want to give you a heads-up, cause here's how it's gonna break down. In order to appear objective, Ecklie's gonna follow Sofia's recommendations. The problem is, Sofia's 'Acting Supervisor' of Days, so she needs Ecklie to sign off to keep her gig. And you think she'll say whatever Ecklie wants? Yeah.


CATHERINE: I thought you were going to process the scene with Grissom.

NICK: I was. He said he had it covered. Sofia Curtis is up there with him.

CATHERINE: Right...Ecklie's right hand.

NICK: Hmm?

CATHERINE: Ever do a case with her?

(Cath likes to say 'right' doesnt she? Riiight.)


And Greg was the only one who was nice to her. (I didn't hear Nick or Warrick mention anything about Sofia.)

(Sofia is helping Greg reconstruct an image on the computer)

GREG: Well, I appreciate your help.

SOFIA: No big deal.

GREG: I don't know if I'd be quite as accommodating after just being...well, you know...


GREG: Yeah.


Why did practically everyone hate Sofia back then? Was it because she was Ecklie's right hand woman? She might be working under him, but it's not like she's him. Yeesh! I gotta say, I was miffed when I noticed all of that. She was just trying to be nice and helpful, and everyone just hated her so much. No one trusted her. :mad: I'm so glad the situation is noticeably different now. She's finally getting the respect she deserves. Oh, in Formalities, Brass called Sofia Sofie.

BRASS: Hey Gil, hey Sofie.

How cute is that? Sofie. :D
Why not for DOB we just go her actual age, or, as per CSI tradition we take her actual age and just make her a couple of years younger for no reason at all.

If we’re coming up with a profile we gotta work out what to do about the background. Either we can except that she was bourn and raised in America (yeah like that happened) or at least try to explain the accent thing. Nothing official about her has actully said that she was bourn in America, just that her mother is a Police Captain. I like the army brat thing, maybe her father was a full time army officer and they moved around a lot, especially during her developmental years, there are American Army bases in most countries, that way her mother could still have time to become an American Police Chief and we can explain the accent and to some degree the personality.

I’m getting too attached to this idea, but it suits her so well. (I actually went to wikipedia to look this up, very big entry, would explain a lot about Sofia) they actually gave an acronym of Brat (well actually it’s called a backronym)

· The B stands for Brave, Bold, and Broadminded. Brats deal with new and exciting situations all the time, and learn quickly to accept people, regardless of race, color, creed, country of origin, or religion.
· The R stands for Resilient, Reliable, and Responsible. Brats bounce back from the turmoil inflicted upon them by their parents’ profession.
· The A stands for Amiable, Adaptable, and Audacious. Brats learn to make friends quickly in new moves, and to be daring when they have to be....
· The T stands for Tenacious, Tough, and Tolerant. Brats hang in there when the going gets tough, and they also stand up for the beliefs of others. They have the opportunity to be minorities themselves, sometimes by their race, but almost always as the new kids.

Seriously, you gotta admit, that describes her pretty well.

SidLer said:
Why did practically everyone hate Sofia back then?

Maybe they didn’t like her because she was really the first new character to be added to the show and their afraid of what that might signal (as in jumping the shark) which is usually what most people think when a show that has run with the same cast suddenly gets a new character.
Maybe they didn’t like her because she was really the first new character to be added to the show and their afraid of what that might signal (as in jumping the shark) which is usually what most people think when a show that has run with the same cast suddenly gets a new character.

Plus she was the first real character added that had some authority as high ranking as Catherine. In Formalities you will notice at the end when Sofia comes in and lays down Gil's bowtie, Sofia has glued it to fix the issue. Earlier we saw Cath go to the trouble to tie the bowtie. So in some sense Sofia is already presenting competition.

Plus we see this rare up again in King Baby when Gil and Sofia view the body in the morgue. Cath flips out and belittles Grissom pretty much in front of Sofia because Gil is finding someone else to rely on besides her.

(Grissom steps out into the hallway. He's looking at his glasses. Sofia steps
out into the hallway after Grissom.)

GRISSOM: I'm glad you decided to stay, Sofia.

SOFIA CURTIS: So am I ... for now.

(Catherine walks into the hallway.)

CATHERINE: Thanks for waiting. Got here as fast as I could.

GRISSOM: We just finished.

CATHERINE: Grissom, what the hell? Am I going to have any part of this case,
or should I just go back to my office and start shuffling some papers?

SOFIA CURTIS: Catherine, it wasn't personal. The body was posted. We didn't
think you'd be back for a few hours. There's the report.

(Sofia hands the report to Catherine.)

CATHERINE: (to Sofia) Stay out of this. (Sofia leaves.) (to Grissom) So, is
this an Ecklie mandate, or is this just your thoughtlessness?

GRISSOM: Well, look, I apologize, but this is a group effort.

CATHERINE: (scoffs) Thanks. I feel much better.
88Blackbirds said:
Anyway, here's another topic, how long are we going to have to wait before they give Sofia an official profile? Seriously, she’s not even up on the cast list on the official website. Everybody else has a background, why can’t Sofia.

Of course, there are certain benefits at not knowing a lot about her, like you can take certain liberties when writing fan fictions, like explaining that damn “speech impediment” away, and it makes slash a lot easier too. Do the people here read fanfic? We are all obsessive enough to spend our time on this forum.

been wondering for the same thing 88Blackbirds, do we have to write CBS before they can come up with Sofia's profile? :confused: i've been visiting the official site time and again just to check if they've posted it but no such luck yet :(

i've been reading quite a lot of fanfics but they're mostly slash and SaSsy ehehe :D i also read others that were paired with her as well, but i've only compiled the slash-y ones hehe :cool:

SidLer said:
kelloggs - If anyone faints, I'll just stick a toothpick deep into their flesh. We have plenty of those around here anyway. Why waste? ;) Does your nick come from the cereal brand btw? Im obsessed with people's nicks.

Drumchik - Romantic movies...she might watch them. I dont think she's a romantic (believe in love at first sight or all those lovey-dovey stuff) but Im sure she's watched Youve Got Mail and Sleepless In Seattle more than a dozen times. Which girl hasnt? Own up!

I read fanfics. I love reading them but unfortunately Im a terrible writer. But so far I haven't found much Sofia fics. Where can I find them? The good thing about fics is that we get to make what we want happen. On the show, what we dont want to happen is the first thing that will. Bleh.

oh my, then i should be more wary when i'll be getting swoon-y...'cause if i don't you'd prick me :lol: hehe yup, got my nick from the cereal brand...wanted to use frosties...'cause it's my all-time fave but i chose kelloggs since it sounds cuter :lol: and it's one of the nicks i've used in irc long before, so there :D

hey, i know some sites of fanfics, i also have a list (notepad form) of every slash Sofia fics i've read in the net. if you want i can send it to you, you can just pm me your email if ever :)

hey, great site Bullit_01, do keep up the good work! will definitely visit your site again ;)

SidLer said:
atfm thats a good profile of Sofia. Is she only 1.7? I thought she'd be at least 6"? She looks tall on the show, taller than the women anyway. But hey, Im a shorty. So EVERYONE's taller than me. :p

i've read somewhere, forgot what site though, that Louise is 5'7"...hey, i'm shorty/petite too :D

88Blackbirds said:
I’m getting too attached to this idea, but it suits her so well. (I actually went to wikipedia to look this up, very big entry, would explain a lot about Sofia) they actually gave an acronym of Brat (well actually it’s called a backronym)

· The B stands for Brave, Bold, and Broadminded. Brats deal with new and exciting situations all the time, and learn quickly to accept people, regardless of race, color, creed, country of origin, or religion.
· The R stands for Resilient, Reliable, and Responsible. Brats bounce back from the turmoil inflicted upon them by their parents’ profession.
· The A stands for Amiable, Adaptable, and Audacious. Brats learn to make friends quickly in new moves, and to be daring when they have to be....
· The T stands for Tenacious, Tough, and Tolerant. Brats hang in there when the going gets tough, and they also stand up for the beliefs of others. They have the opportunity to be minorities themselves, sometimes by their race, but almost always as the new kids.

Seriously, you gotta admit, that describes her pretty well

great find 88Blackbirds i do see all those traits incorporated in Sofia ;)

oh, and i'm officially a grinning idiot btw, thanks for the link atfm been watching the interview again and again...just can't get enough of Louise's ever-contagious smile *sigh*
I didn't sense much animosity from the men when sofia 1st joined graveyard. It was once again the women who had thier claws bared in animosity. Am I the only who gets tired of this?:rolleyes:

I have written several Sofia fics, unfortunetely due to the rating I can only post links to 2 of them. ;) If you want the others PM me.
Ladies' Night ( Cat/Sofia friendship)

Catharsis (Cat/Sofia pairing)

You may ahve noticed I enjoy the pairing of Sofia and Catherine :lol: I can't help it, they look good together.

I Posted these in the Sofia Curtis yahoo group, so some of you may have seen them. For anyone who hasn't these are the cover photos from the House of Eliott books. I am 2 thirds of my way into the first one and though I have not seen all 3 seasons, right away I could see there were many differences between the show and books.

House of Elliott

House at War 1

House at War 2

Hopefully I did that right and good or bad feel free to comment.
atfm said:
As for going over screencaps to find out how many pairs of aviators she owns - I was considering doing the same thing for her necklaces (love them) in order to compile a bunch of pics of these. ;)

You know, I was actually thinking of doing the same. Maybe this should go in the “You know you’ve watched too much CSI when…” thread

You know you’ve watched too much CSI when you start searching through thousands of screencaps for insignificant clothing accessory details. yup, that sounds about right.

Bullit_01, that City of Angles sight looks really good so far, I have absolutely no knowledge of website creating so I can only assume it took a lot of work. I have to ask is it slash or nonslash or not paring focused.
SidLer said:

atfm thats a good profile of Sofia. Is she only 1.7? I thought she'd be at least 6"? She looks tall on the show, taller than the women anyway.

There's a sort of profile on Wikipedia, too. Maybe we can borrow from all those sites. ;) IMDB says Louise is 1,70m. The funny thing is that in Sassy fics, most people describe Sofia as taller than Sara, though she's actually shorter, but she's wearing high heels most of the time, so she looks tall. In ABRTI, she looks definitely shorter when wearing no heels.

As for the hate thing - season five was really a tough one for the character, both fans (a lot of them) and characters hated Sofia. I liked that she never retaliated for snarky comments, she always remained calm and professional. Way to go!

88Blackbirds said:

You know you’ve watched too much CSI when you start searching through thousands of screencaps for insignificant clothing accessory details. yup, that sounds about right.

Rotfl, spot on. Still, I'm so doing it once I enter my next very bad procrastination phase. ;)

I really like that brat acronym, seems to describe Sofia pretty well. It might work as her background and she'd still be American, which I think is necessary as I read somewhere that you have to be a US citizen to work in law enforcement, not sure if it's true, though.

LadySaraButterfly said:

On the rank I am thinking she probably would be a rookie detective since she is new to the force.

Rookie detective sounds cute. :D I like the word rookie. I need to post more so I become one. And then I'll stop posting. ;)

And yes, for lack of an actual date, we could use 1970.
88Blackbirds, I like the BRAT thing. It describes Sofia to a T. How'd you get it from wiki? I always wiki stuff up, Im a wiki addict. I think Sofia's born and raised in England and migrated to the States when she was a child. I don't know why, I just like it better that way. Heh. But the CBS peeps are probably gonna say that she's a born American. If theyre ever gonna do up her profile anyway. I think she came from a military family. We know her mother's a cop, but what about her dad, her siblings if any? She's tough and determined, which may be credited to a strict military upbringing. So if they say that her father's a grade school teacher and her brother's a painter, I'd be shocked. I think she's got military blood.

I remember the glued-together bow tie scene! Smart of her. Is it just me, or was Cath especially vicious towards Sofia then? I don't see why anyone would see Sofia as a threat. She's nice and helpful. Nothing threatening about that.

Thanks for the links umbrello and I'll PM you for yours kelloggs. :) The House of Elliot books, are they any good? Ive got some time on my hands, so I can check them out if theyre worth reading.

I think it's the way I see things, but Ive always thought that Sofia is taller than all the other women in CSI. I actually thought that she's the same height as Warrick. :eek: And he's TALL isn't he? But now I know that Sofia's shorter than Sara...Im finding it hard to accept that. I must adjust the Sofia in my head. :lol:
88Blackbirds said:
Bullit_01, that City of Angles sight looks really good so far, I have absolutely no knowledge of website creating so I can only assume it took a lot of work. I have to ask is it slash or nonslash or not paring focused.

Killing two birds with one stone...There is a pairing 88Blackbirds and if you go to the characters page there is a Sofia bio sort of, its specific to City Of Angels. More of a work in progress.
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