Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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Yep SidLer, I’m an addict too; I love that sight. I just typed in army brat and wikipedia into the Google search engine, one thing I learned is to never search for things through the actual wikipedia search, always go through Google, you double your chances of bringing up a match. There was an interesting bit in the article about how females raised in military families can become “warrior women” ok that sounds very Xena (I totally love Xena).

Yes I do agree that a more plausible background would be for Sofia to be bourn and raised in England and be an ex pat, she could have moved to America as a teenager and have been naturalized (gotten citizenship), which would solve the problem of non-Americans not being aloud to join the force, the same for her mother. That way the not quiet American accent would jell with what we already know.

She could also have had a military upbringing. That would explain a lot. Like I said before, she has shown a lot of traits that can be attributed to a military upbringing. I’m going to stop talking about the background thing now until we actually get something concrete, speculating is no fun.

Oh and maybe Sofia seems taller because she is so tough and intimidating, especially in interrogations.

and Bullit_01, So does that mean it’s a het paring. :(
Sorry, I didn't really make it clear did I? :) It's a very complicated het pairing and the world is conspiring against the writing team to make it more complicated. Sofia's so difficult to get a proper read on that we're finding it really hard to get her responses right.
Females in military -> warrior women -> Xena? Interesting. I love wiki. Should kiss whoever who thought up the whole thing. We've speculated enough about Sofia to produce a thin book. Why cant TPTB sit around a table for 1/4 of a day to create Sofia's profile. Theyre that busy eh?

Am disappointed about the het pairing too. :(

This cap's from ABRTI 2. Sofia's in uniform wheee!


And what she said to Brass at the officer's funeral...

SOFIA: Jim, I was just on my way out, but if you want me to stay...

BRASS: No, I-I think I can handle it. I think. Thanks.

...is really thoughtful of her. You cannot NOT love her. :)
I fought for a slash fic! But the team is made up of guys and its really hard to write that without it turning into a bizarre 80s b movie. :devil:(We tried and it was pure porn...). We're posting a preview later so if you want to take a look. Just for you guys we're gonna try and explain the accent thing at some point.
You guys are naughty! But us girls are naughtier. ;) We'd love to see it. Anything with Sofia is a yes. Just tell us when and where. :)
It's ready! The layout's done and the preview is up! I'll post another preview next week and maybe another before the ep goes up. It's our first serious project so I don't promise perfection. Feel free to comment on the contact page - if you'd met the Bullit Productions team you'd know we need all the help we can get! City Of Angels
I think most of the team didn't like Sofia because she had worked for Ecklie AND she is just too damn hot. Plus, she has such an air of authority that they must have reacted badly.

Yup, Sofia is shorter than Sara... ^_^ But they're both fairly tall, so it suits my loves in ladies...
Why would the team not like Sofia? hmm they did the one thing they were taught not to do with evidence, "Assumed". They assumed things about her before getting to know the truth. While that is human nature, apparently assumptions got them exactly what it means.

She worked for Ecklie, she investigated, she was put on their team (who knows maybe in their minds they assumed she would just report every little thing to Ecklie like a plant that she wasn't), she was helpful, confident, but had the air of approach with caution (which could have been from working with Ecklie lol).

I don't think anyone was jealous of her but rather stand-offish they didn't know that she would suddenly get promoted back to day shift as quick as she was demoted. But look at Catherines reaction to Sara when she first arrived. For some change is hard, and for some its easy. In this case it was probably a combo of the personality/job mentality she was giving off, being new and they know Ecklie well enough to know he would try to plant to get the goods of whatever.

Once they figured out that Sofia wasn't what they assumed they slowly accepted her but then she left (as per the actresses pregnancy) to go somewhere else for a while, and then returned orginially I think to be a CSI but as she pointed out there wasn't a position open so she took the next best thing Detective. -- But also when she first returned there was that air about everyone of being uncomfortable, but after a couple eps they got use to her being back and accepted her from there.

As to height Comparisons: Marg is 5'6 - Louise is 5'7 - Jorja is 5'9.
Destiny, I thought we were in trouble! Because when you or Tally post at the thread, its always because we did something naughty. :lol: Im glad you shared your $0.02 with us. Youre right there, they all assumed didnt they? Assumed that Sofia is a rat since she reports to Ecklie, assumed that Sara gets too personal with certain cases, that Warrick is still a gambling addict. Assumptions. You'd think that since theyre CSIs they'd do none of that. That'd they'd be objective and look at the facts, at the evidence. But no, they still assume. ASS u ME. Funny they forgot that.

Everyone's been hostile with the other at some point during the show – ie. Cath & Sara, Sara & Warr, Warr & Grissom – but I dislike how practically everyone was bitter toward Sofia. Maybe they're scared that she'll report their mistakes to Ecklie, or they really see her as a threat. But she's always been helpful and kind, never behaved unprofessionally nor has she ever ridiculed or provoked any of them. People are weird.

I just went there Bullit. Great work! You guys should check it out, they did the credits for their show and everything. Pretty cool. :D (They even roped Greg in to join their team. ;))
Just realized I haven't posted in a very long time (well, long time for me)...but you guys & girls always say about the same things I would say, so no point in just repeating :p

I'd write something meaningful right now, because I have my own idea of how to interpret everybody's "hostility" towards Sofia but I'm seriously too tired for that now... and I have to go.

Keep writing everyone :)

Just because I can:

Destiny said:
Why would the team not like Sofia? hmm they did the one thing they were taught not to do with evidence, "Assumed". They assumed things about her before getting to know the truth. While that is human nature, apparently assumptions got them exactly what it means.

She worked for Ecklie, she investigated, she was put on their team (who knows maybe in their minds they assumed she would just report every little thing to Ecklie like a plant that she wasn't), she was helpful, confident, but had the air of approach with caution (which could have been from working with Ecklie lol).

I don't think anyone was jealous of her but rather stand-offish they didn't know that she would suddenly get promoted back to day shift as quick as she was demoted. But look at Catherines reaction to Sara when she first arrived. For some change is hard, and for some its easy. In this case it was probably a combo of the personality/job mentality she was giving off, being new and they know Ecklie well enough to know he would try to plant to get the goods of whatever.

Once they figured out that Sofia wasn't what they assumed they slowly accepted her but then she left (as per the actresses pregnancy) to go somewhere else for a while, and then returned orginially I think to be a CSI but as she pointed out there wasn't a position open so she took the next best thing Detective. -- But also when she first returned there was that air about everyone of being uncomfortable, but after a couple eps they got use to her being back and accepted her from there.

i couldn't agree with you more Destiny apparently they just assumed and jumped into conclusions about Sofia without even confirming first if she's really that person they've conceived to be. real sad as they didn't used their investigative skills first and gotten to know her more.

SidLer said:
Destiny, I thought we were in trouble! Because when you or Tally post at the thread, its always because we did something naughty. :lol:

hahahaha :lol: you know SidLer i thought as much we did a boo-boo again as soon as i saw Destiny's nick, it gave me a momentary fright, hehe funny!! :lol:

MiaCharlize said:
I'd write something meaningful right now, because I have my own idea of how to interpret everybody's "hostility" towards Sofia but I'm seriously too tired for that now... and I have to go.

Keep writing everyone :)

Just because I can:


hope you'll feel better soon Mia, i'm not feeling so well too, got a really bad cold and feeling slightly fever-ish...i think i need a "huggle" hehe :D

and that pic? *swoon* X_X
Man, you guys have been busy since the last time I was here. I have officially finished uni for the year, thanks everyone who wished me good luck for my last exam (such sweet, sweet people you all are, *giving out gold stars*) it went very well.

Bullit_01 said:
I fought for a slash fic! But the team is made up of guys and its really hard to write that without it turning into a bizarre 80s b movie. :devil:(We tried and it was pure porn
Don’t worry, your not the only one who has trouble with stories involving Sofia suddenly descending into porn.

MiaCharlize, where do you get these pictures, one day I really need to work out how to use that all the modes and settings on this bloody website.
*huggles kelloggs*

Hope you'll get better soon.

As for those pics: They are from all over the net, provided by nice Louise loving people. They're scarce but worth looking for.
Congrats on completing your papers 88Blackbirds. Now you can PARTAY! Its not just in stories where we suddenly travel down the porn path. We frequently do that over here too. Keep forgetting it's a minor-friendly board. Minors shouldn't be here. This place will corrupt their innocent minds. O.O Don't worry about mine. It was long-corrupted.

I hope you feel better kelloggs, I think Im coming down with something too. My throat feels like sandpaper. If only Sofia was here, she can make the booboo go byebye. She looks so pretty lying on the bed in that pic. :) Nope, not thinking anything porn. Its so difficult to find Louise/Sofia pictures. Once you find a good one you feel like you've struck gold.
I hope you feel better kelloggs, I think Im coming down with something too. My throat feels like sandpaper.

Seems to be a problem with a lot of people I know. I was up all night coughing and sneezing. My brain is not functioning from the cold medicine and I wanted to make a post, so I am going easy by contributing a picture.

Here is a pic from "Burnout". I liked it just because of that confident smirk on her face. :D

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