Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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Hehe. Yeah, it does doesn't it? LOL

Talking about the House of E, does anyone know where I could get cheap boxsets from Season 2 onwards? I tried eBay, but convert to Australian dollars and it's a huge amount.
atfm said:
Duh, I didn't even realise it was about the 1920s, LOL. It does explain a lot, clothes-wise. ;)
Fair dinkum, are you joking atfm? :)

Anyway, yes, her hair did look very nice, especially for the early nineties. she did look very young too, she’s really very naturally gorgeous isn’t she. and she’s got a lovely smile, its nice to see it on House of E, we don’t get that often enough on CSI.

Drumchik said:
does anyone know where I could get cheap boxsets from Season 2 onwards? I tried eBay, but convert to Australian dollars and it's a huge amount.
In Australia JB Hi-Fi would be the best place for a good retail price and they’ve got series two marked at $93.99, which is still a lot. Ebay Australia would be your best bet, they had copies sold at about 60 dollars, which is probably the best you’ll do.
88Blackbirds said:

Fair dinkum, are you joking atfm? :)

I really didn't know...never saw it, never read much about it. Does that make me a bad fan? ;)

I agree about the smile or laugh...it's so contagious when you watch her in an interview (or maybe it's just me because I'm majorly infatuated with her) but CSi doesn't let its characters smile a lot. But when she does smile, it's extra nice. My favourite CSI laugh of hers has got to be the little moment in BTK2.
atfm said:
I agree about the smile or laugh...it's so contagious when you watch her in an interview (or maybe it's just me because I'm majorly infatuated with her) but CSi doesn't let its characters smile a lot. But when she does smile, it's extra nice. My favourite CSI laugh of hers has got to be the little moment in BTK2.
It's not just you, no. I do think it is contagious,too. That's because it's not fake, it's real and natural, it's nice and adorable...And yeah, I agree that CSI characters don't smile that much, which is actually understandable. That makes seeing the interview even more enjoyable, at least for me. Seeing such a nice thing when we are not used to, it's really good. But with this I don't mean that I wouldn't like to see CSIs smiling a little bit more sometimes...
Oh, and thank you for the welcomes :)
Glad someone agrees. Actually I can imagine Louise doing comedy, too, not as in a sitcom but as in skits. She has some pretty funny facial expressions.

And ha, I found out how to make screencaps from Real Player! *thumps chest* Here's a taste of what is yet to come once I get around to cap The Call:

atfm said:
I agree about the smile or laugh...it's so contagious when you watch her in an interview (or maybe it's just me because I'm majorly infatuated with her)
Yes, contagious, very contagious and I’m right with you on being very infatuated with her. If you're a good fangirl you absolutely have to see House of Eliott though, the prices are pretty reasonable on eBay, besides she’s a main character of like two main characters, that’s a lot of screen time. Plus she’s totally cute and adorable.
I'd love to watch it but on German Ebay it comes either from the UK or the US and some of the prices are rather high...other seem okay, though. I might look into that once I have a proper job. ;)
atfm said:
I'd love to watch it but on German Ebay it comes either from the UK or the US and some of the prices are rather high
Yeah, that sucks, I get that exact problem too.

You know I didn’t realise until I checked the other threads a few minutes ago that Empty Eyes aired, was Sofia in that at all?
I didn't realise until this morning either! For some reason I was under the impression that there would be no new episodes until April 12. I haven't seen it yet but I know Sofia was in it, though apparently she didn't have much screentime.
atfm the reason for that assumption was based on the fact that they were orginially saying no new eps until april, but then moved up "Empty Eyes", I made a note to this site via news info about it, but apparently they didn't change the date for it.
Damn, for a moment when I saw my name there I thought I did something wrong again. :lol: Thanks for the info, so I wasn't imagining things after all. I'm not complaining, was suffering from withdrawal.
Hot Louise! Thanks for that cap from the Call, atfm! I can't wait to see the others!

And thanks for the info 88Blackbirds. I shall see what I can turn up. I actually saw some DVDs from America that even with conversion and shipping are cheaper than some Aussie ones. Go figure.
atfm said:
Damn, for a moment when I saw my name there I thought I did something wrong again. :lol: Thanks for the info, so I wasn't imagining things after all. I'm not complaining, was suffering from withdrawal.
:lol: Don't worry I get that alot, you will get over it. ;)
You're welcome and I know you weren't complaining I was just giving you a heads up as to the why. :)
I finished screencapping The Call and have uploaded the pics. I probably shouldn't post the link here, so whoever wants them, just leave a note here and I'll PM you the link.
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