Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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Any news on whether Louise is leaving or not? I'm just watching ABRTI and it made me realize how much I'd miss her if she were gone. She's pretty much the only reason why I continue to watch the show.
I know how you feel; if she left I might stop watching too.

There’s information on the pilot up at IMDB, which is a pretty reliable source of TV and Film information, it lists the show as still in pre-production so there isn’t really any news on weather she will leave or not since right now it’s just a pilot, I might get picked up or it might not. I guess all we can do is wait and see what happens. There’s also a full cast list up too, so that’s worth checking out.
I still think she's probably contracted for Season 8. Since they're still in pre-production she can probably film Season 8 at the same time. I think at the end of Season 8, all the cast contracts will be up and seeing if they renegotiate.
I know, double posting. Bad. I had trouble finding the edit button. Anyway, here's something I found on the BBC UK site. It's about The House of Elliot Trivia.

Household names
Prior to The House of Eliott, Eileen Atkins and Jean Marsh, co-created another costume drama; the worldwide hit Upstairs, Downstairs.

Upper class
Eileen Atkins returned to the world of class divide costume drama for the Robert Altman film Gosford Park - this time in front of the screen in the role of Elisabeth Croft.

High Couture
The first series of The House of Eliott was budgeted at £6 million. Throughout its three-year run audience figures were consistently over 10 million.

Out of towners
In real life, Louise Lombard and Stella Gonet were not particularly posh. Louise was born in Redbridge, Essex and Gonet was born in Greenock, Scotland.

History repeating
Louise Lombard recently starred opposite Lord of the Rings star Viggo Mortensen in the film Hidalgo. Stella Gonet played Mrs Nickleby in a film version of Nicholas Nickleby starring Queer as Folk's Charlie Hunnam.

Indecent Proposal
Lombard was reportedly offered the female lead role in Indecent Proposal, but had to turn it down due to her commitments on series two of The House of Eliott. The part went to Demi Moore instead.

The Mouse of Eliott
Lombard was once described as 'The Mouse of Eliott' due to her unpretentious wardrobe. "Evangeline is a completely contrived character," she told The Mail on Sunday in 1993. "I know it is sacrilege, but the truth is I haven't a clue about fashion".

"All that twittering about clothes is very tedious. I have a limited wardrobe. I just throw on whatever's at hand. Why should women be dictated to about what clothes they wear? Why should they be put under such social pressure?"

Big issue
Like Evie, Lombard has a social conscience and often helps out at soup kitchens for London's homeless.

The House of Edmund
In 1998, Lombard turned her back on acting to study English Literature at St Edmund's College. Cambridge. After two years she put her studies on hold and accepted film work.

Wanted role
Lombard has recently filmed a pilot for Warner Bros and CBS called Wanted. She plays a Los Angeles cop whose department tracks down the toughest criminals. For more Louise Lombard news, check out her official site.

Casualty connection
Stella Gonet appeared in the first series of Casualty playing Dr Clare Wainwright. Louise Lombard appeared in the fifth as Clare Jameson, the sister of a patient.

Drop the posh accent
Known for her serious roles and theatre work, you may be surprised to hear that Stella Gonet appeared in an episode of the newsroom set sitcom Drop the Dead Donkey, called Sex 'n' Death. What would Bea say?

Minnie dress
Look out for Hollywood star Minnie Driver in the glimpse-and-you'll-miss-it role as Jack's new personal assistant. in episode four.

The House of Idiot
French and Saunders lampooned the series in a hilarious sketch called The House of Idiot for their 1993 series. Louise Lombard, Stella Gonet and Cathy Murphy all proved they were good sports by appearing at the end of the sketch claiming to be the real Bea, Evie and Tilly.
Drumchik said:
Indecent Proposal
Lombard was reportedly offered the female lead role in Indecent Proposal, but had to turn it down due to her commitments on series two of The House of Eliott. The part went to Demi Moore instead.
oh yah, i found that site too..and i must say the only tidbit that stuck to me was about the "Indecent Proposal" movie...wouldn't we be more happier if it was Louise who starred it?? :D i know i'd be hehe :p

hi guys, do you still remember me? i do hope so ehehe :D been busy for a long time i haven't really gone online that much...and oh i just found out i have ASD (atrial septal defect) which says basically i have a hole in my heart, ack!! :(
Hey kelloggs! *waves* Sorry to hear you're sick, hope you're gonna be okay.

Definitely would have been interesting to have seen Louise in Indecent Proposal, I think she could have pulled it off.
And so she did film a pilot before and it wasn't picked up...let's see how JGAG goes.
Drumchik said:
I know, double posting. Bad. I had trouble finding the edit button.
The reason you had trouble finding it is because the option to edit expired (24 hr option) note the dates below between the two posts (you said you were double posting).

First post: Wed Mar 21 2007 09:31

Second Post: Sat Mar 24 2007 03:05

Notice the amount of time between over 24 hrs, therefore it is not considered double posting, its only double posting if you post twice or more in a row when the Edit option is available. ;)
Thanks for that info, Destiny :D

Kellog, I'm sorry to hear that you're sick :(

And I can't wait to see Louise in more things. I've only seen her in The House of Eliott (Season 1, they don't have anymore at the library), Hidalgo and CSI.
I got the Second Nature dvd in the mail today, and just finished watching it. She did a great job, even though I didn't think it was much different from her role of Sofia, as she's a psychologist in this one. Her role is kind of quiet and observant. I thought the movie was kind of long and boring, plus I'm not really a fan of Alec Baldwin, so that probably had something to do with it.

The other one I've seen is After the rain, which I thought was more of an interesting role and different from what I've seen her in.

I still need to pick up House of Elliot. I'm just waiting to find a cheap version.
Sorry to hear your sick kelloggs, my dad just had to get a plastic aorta put in, hart trouble’s the worst. :(

Has anybody else seen The Call, no ones mentioned that one, I thought she was very good in it. It’s a short film you can get on the internet and definitely worth checking out for Louise, she’s rather conniving (quiet different from how I’ve seen her in anything else) and it’s British so you get to hear her accent to boot. :D

kaylyne you should definitely pick up The House Of Elliot, weather or not you actually like the show, Louise is one of the main characters in it so if you're a big fan what more could you want really.
Are there screencaps from The House of Eliott available? Or clips perhaps? I've only seen a few photos. They do show some of Louise's movies here, but on pay TV, and the one time they showed Second Nature on regular TV, I missed it because I didn't know it'd be on. :p

I have seen The Call and loved it! It was the first time I heard her speak in a British accent and it made me grin like an idiot. She looked gorgeous in it, too. ;)
I've been a bad Louise fan lately. Not posting here, not posting there, I know. But trust me, Louise and Marg are my favorite actresses and their characters are on CSI are my favorites. :)

Anyways, I might have posted this before, but here's a movie still from Gold in the Streets. Have you guys seen it? Is it worth seeing? Her hair is awfully short, but she still looks very nice. :D

And I sooo hope she doesn't leave CSI! It would be a huge mistake. She has a huge fanbase! :D
OOkay, Louise with that short hair is not good, but the hair she has in HoE isn't bad. Just different to what I"m used to LOL.

atfm, I shall PM you some links of House of Eliot clips and any other fun Louise stuff I can find.

I am fast becoming a Louise addict - unfortunately, my video store has yet to catch up. Darn them.

Sorry to hear you're sick, kellogg. :(
I hadn't seen that pic, thanks. Really short hair, looks a little boyish.

Drumchik, thanks got the links. :)
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