Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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I'm sure there are LOTS of people who want to take that trenchcoat off, atfm ;)

She looks so hot. Thanks for the screencaps!
atfm now don't go running for the hills, but please keep in mind that you're edit button works for up to 24 hrs, so double posting isn't needed. ;) Now BREATHE!
Whoops, I always thought double posting was accidentally making the same post twice, not two in a row without anyone replying in between. My apologies and my lesson for today. ;)
Apparently. Some have said they separated/divorced, some say its before the baby was born/concieved. There are some sites that still have them together and him as the father. I don't know.
Thanks for that Destiny. I was just interested, that's all.

As long as Louise is happy, that's the main thing.

I wonder if Alejandro goes to the set with her? I bet she'd find a couple of handy helpers in Marg and Billy!
That site doesn't come up for me...but in an interview she said she's not married anymore and he's not the father of her child. She also mentioned taking her son to the set. Read for yourself, it's about halfway down the page:

Ah, that's typical of my brain. I've read it and I forgot already. ROFL.

I think that's so cute that Alejandro has a playroom in her trailer. I can just imagine her striding off the set like a cop and then Alejandro's in the trailer playing with blocks or something and Louise sits down to play with him!

I love how much she adores him - and the "he's not getting in front of a camera until he's 21". LOL.

*sigh* I love her :D
Thank you for posting the link to the interview, as I just recently started reading it in here, and I haven't seen it before. It was nice to see how much she cares about her son, which is so obvious by her words. She seems to be very happy with her life, and that is shown by her way of talking and acting, I guess.
LOL, yeah, she's so protective of him. It's very endearing. ;) I'm currently typing up a bibliography and one of the authors' name is is Alejandro...made me smile. :)

CSI_Dani, no problem, glad to be of service. :)
I would say that I've warmed up a little bit to Sofia in this last season. Though not necessarily a favorite by any means, Sofia Curtis seems like a decent charachter and as a main charachter, I actually kind of like her now that she's no longer really a love-interest of Grissom.
I've always thought Sofia has more chemistry with Brass than she does with Grissom. I think she and Grissom suit much better as close friends. Not as close as Grissom and Catherine of course, but I think she sees Grissom as someone she can talk to if she's concerned.
Axatullux said:
I actually kind of like her now that she's no longer really a love-interest of Grissom.
You know, I get the feeling that if they didn’t make it look so much like Grissom liked her and that she was some kind of competition for Sara when they first brought her in then maybe a lot of people (especially all the GSR diehards) might not have hated her as much as they did. I mean, I can still remember reading some pretty mean things on forums, and a lot of them were centred on the whole “she’s gonna steal Grissom” thing. I’m so glad TPTB dropped it and that they kept her and Grissom strictly co-workers/friends and nothing more. Oh, and that they also stoped the whole sniping with her and Sara and Catherine, none of these three really got off to a good start with one another when you think about it, did they. Why is it they make all the guys get along fine but all the women are bitches to each other, It’s irritating. :mad:
Yeah, they did that with Sara and Catherine too.

It'd be nice to see Sofia become good friends with the girls. Those poor ladies on CSI need some friends after what they go through!
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