Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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hehe....it depends on what shes thinking about :p But...... *pulls out aviators and puts on head like Sofia does* I think she looks cute in that pic :D
She does shoot people some pretty dirty and scary looks. I would cower in the corner if she looked at me like that. ;)

And not only the shirt but the whole suit outfit was hot. Very business-like. Add the high heels and the gun to that and you have a seething hot detective.
Didn't she have on high heeled boots when she rubbed her shoe on the guy's thigh to wake him up in the previous episode? I also remember her having high heeled boots/shoes in Secrets & Flies when she came to the crime scene to get Grissom. That's a girl who likes her high heels.

A gun, aviator shades, and high heels = one HOT, rockin' chick!
Me too!
A gun, aviator shades, and high heels = one HOT, rockin' chick!
That she is! She's one hot detective. I can't tell you guys how happy I am she's AT LAST a regular!!! (Even though we've gone through half a season already. :lol:)
wow, and Drumchik.....I have a reason to live again! :lol: CSI is starting up again here :D

EDIT: Some time this week, too! *squeal!*
ooooh....that's cool, I have to admit I have never seen that episode :p

NY is first, then LV, then MIAMI on the timetable. I am just so excited to see 'fia in the premiere..... :D
I think the only episode in which she doesn't wear heels is ABRTI 2, at least as a detective. Makes her look a good deal shorter. ;) It's unbelievable how she can walk on those all day when they are shooting. I wouldn't even be able to walk straight ahead and she manages to do her sexy swagger. ;)

And even if I'm risking multiple heart attacks of you lot, here's a heels pics from Law of Gravity:
I'm probably going to mod-slapped, but since this shipper thread seems to have disappeared into the ether... I'm hoping I can be forgiven just this once. ;)

If anyone is interested, I wrote a Sofia/Catherine story (I use that term loosely :devil:). It is my 1st atempt at PWP, so if you'd like to read it please PM me.

Back on topic: I don't know if I ever posted these pics up, but considering who it is... does it really matter? :D I'm thinking any picture of Louise is a good picture.

Harper's Magazine #1

Harper's Magazine #2

Harper's Magazine #3
I hadn't seen those yet, gorgeous pics, thanks for sharing. Look at those blue eyes...and I never realised she sort of had jug ears. *chuckles* ;)
(btw..hello folks, I've stopped lurking so beware :devil: )
The ears are cute *grins*
And the suit&heels..and..well, a lot ;)

Nice to be here, with fellow Sofia/Louise addicts. Have to get the hang of this forum and post some pics, my first attemps were fruitless. Oh well, plenty of time to get around to that! Let's toss in a link instead..since it refuses to be between image tags ;)

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