Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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Drumchik said:
You know, I was just looking at your icon, and those sunglasses that Sofia is wearing - she's worn them before, right?

Yes, she wears the aviators now and then. Very hot, if you ask me.

UrielFalcon said:
I found it funny in "Meet market" when she woke the fellow up... She sounded southern when she was hiding her accent. ^_^

Best scene of the whole episode. "Roooss...wake up, sugar." Add the boot on his thigh and you have me smitten. ;)
I honestly want to see her beat the crap out of someone. Just once, with a great amount of humour. Do you all agree? I want to see her grab some stupid punk by the head and toss him through a couple rounds of takedown. ^_^
I remember you Bullet_Girl

Now, remember all you guys who get first run CSI tonight - we want to know what kind of Sofia coverage we're getting!

*pause* That sounded dirty somehow.
I do enjoy WTF looks from Sofia. And Sofia snark. Always good.

Pity she was in it so little. I heard Brass was hardly in it either. They must be up to something together ;)
Along with Greg and Sara, who were almost non-existant in The Keppler Show, too. ;)

But yes, she did give Keppler a rather suspicious look.

ROFL! *runs from scary Sofia*

That is NOT a look I'd want to be the recipient of.

BTW - Love the shirt. Very hot.
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