Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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Hey, don't run too far, E! Thanks for the pics. I loved her in the red turtleneck in this episode. You don't see her wearing stand-out colors very much. most of the time it's been black, white or pale blue. She looks good in red. It's nice to see that she can dress a little differently. All you see the male detectives wear are suits. Gets kind of boring.
She looked utterly gorgeous this episode. I adored the turtlenaeck. The colour was reminiscient of the shirt she wore in Toe Tags.
Hello all, I haven’t been here for a while, losing the internet really sucks.

And Hello to all the new people. :)

Ok, now am I the only one who didn’t like the turtleneck? I’m not sure if it was the pink (or red?) color or the fact that although it’s a jumper she was wearing it like a shirt, tucked in and with the sleeves rolled up, which just looks odd. I don’t know I just didn’t really like it.

Hopefully next week it’s back to shirts...she wears them well, verrrrrry well. Why change something that works, and hopefully we’ll also get some good significant screen time, does anybody over there know if anything good is coming up for Sofia?
I have to admit I do like her in a shirt. Very sexy.

I'm looking forward to some more significant screentime for Sofia. She rocks so much and it's a pity to see her barely onscreen.

I wonder if they'll ever do a Sofia episode the way they've done Brass episodes? I live in hope!
She had a decent amount of screentime in Meet Market, that was nice. And totally unrelated, Drumchik, is it your birthday? There's a birthday cake next to your username. ;)

Welcome back, 88Blackbirds, good to see you. I think it's nice that they have Sofia wear different things but I'm definitely with you on the green part. I can totally picture her in green.
Hehe, yes atfm, it's my birthday. 5th Feb :)

Ooh, Sofia in green. I look forward to seeing that one, it could be really nice :D
LOL Thank you.

You know, I was just looking at your icon, and those sunglasses that Sofia is wearing - she's worn them before, right?
I know ya'll have seen her in "Hidalgo" right? If you haven't, get in your car, travel to your nearest Blockbuster or Movie Gallery and get it now! She is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!!! I actually wanted her and the main guy to get together. If you haven't seen it I'll let you watch it for yourself.;)
She was good in Hidalgo. I took wanted her to get together with the main guy - that was actually what I thought would be the result in the movie until I started watching it.

It was great to see Louise play a semi-bad guy :D
I found it funny in "Meet market" when she woke the fellow up... She sounded southern when she was hiding her accent. ^_^
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