LOST # 2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

crazy_steph said:
I gave up trying to work out what exactly is going on because as soon as I do my theory is proved wrong.
I also gave up after I exhausted every theory I can think of. My friend reckons there all dead, they just don't know it yet. :lol:

Great question Hummer. :)

I would have to say Sawyer and Desmond. I love them both. I find them great to watch and I also find their backgrounds very interesting. It doesn't hurt that they are both gorgeous. :lol:

I do also like Jack, I would say he is quite high on my character love list. :D
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I love Lost, I think Desmond and Charlie would have to be my faves,

I love Desmond too, it's just too bad that

he's gonna die. I mean, in that episode whith Desmond knowing the future, Charlie's gonna die. :( Unless he somehow defies fate and the universe.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I’d have to agree with Tink and say it’s split between Des and Sawyer for me. Their flashbacks are the ones I look forward to the most out of all the castaways (though I do find all of the back-stories rather provoking in their own right). In addition, I AGREE, they are definitely some nice pieces of eye candy! :devil:

And thanks Hummer for the article. I did not know that there had been an online petition to keep Desmond on the show. An interesting bit of information. Also, I have to admit, that if I ever did run into the actor I’d probably ask him to say ‘brother,’ too. :lol:
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I wasn't too impressed with this episode. I found it a little boring. :lol: Jacks back story was a little uninteresting and there wasn't much of Sawyer and Kate. I don't understand why Jack wants to help out Juliet and god knows what all those people from the flight were doing staring at Jack in his cell. Want annoyed me about this episode was that Jack didn't ask what they were doing and why they there and were have they been all this time, he just shouted them. No one wants to ask the obvious questions, like "what the hell is going on?” I hope next weeks episode will be better and soon as the others are moving back home, I suppose the episode will be centered around that, which will be good. :)
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I actually enjoyed the episode. It's nice for them to have a bit of lightheartedness once in a while. sawyer was cracking me up! :lol:

On a side note, does anyone know that old song that was playing on the 8-track in the VW van? It's on the tip of my thongue and it's driving me crazy...

Anybody catch the preview for next week? Looks intriguing.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

BabaOReilly said:
On a side note, does anyone know that old song that was playing on the 8-track in the VW van? It's on the tip of my thongue and it's driving me crazy...
"Shambala" by Three Dog Night

Dynamo1 at the Reference Desk

P.S. Good to see Cheech again. Haven't seen him since Nash Bridges ended.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

^^^ Thanks!

Yeah it was cool to see Cheech but it was a little odd how they tried to make he and his wife look young at the start... It was like old faces with young hair. Looked a bit freaky! :lol: Still, he did a good job.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Trying to keep this as spoiler-free as possible (the part outside of spoiler tag).

I just got to watch the latest episode (Claire-centric) and I thought it was excellent. Emilie De Ravin played it perfectly and I wasn't really that suprised when it was revealed that
Claire and Jack are siblings by way of Christian.
since it had been hinted at in the Ana Lucia episode last season.

Anyway Dominic,Emilie, and Henry Ian (Charlie, Claire, & Desmond) are on the latest TV Guide cover. Some spoilery wording on the front if you haven't seen s3.

Tv Guide cover

Doesn't Henry Ian Cusick look scrumptious? :devil:
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Happy birthday today to Jorge Garcia (a.k.a. Hugo 'Hurley' Reyes). Hope you have a great day. If you are lurking out there, please log in and say hello.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I got the new tv guide and I'm not happy with what all I read in it about Lost..

One it says that once this season wraps up viewers probably won't see Lost again until January 2008 when it comes back for a rerun-free season. OK rerun - free sounds nice but holy crap January 2008..not good.

may 16th ep will be charlie-centric and address the will -he-or-won't-he-die question.

it says there will be casualties. People you've gotten use to. And it's not even a short list. Some reports set the number of the doomed at 5, but we've heard even higher.

May 9th ep will be Ben centric and you'll learn everything about Ben, everything from his birth to now .
Re: LOST#2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Lost drama to carry on until 2010

There will be three more series of Emmy-winning TV show Lost before it finally ends in 2010.
A "highly-anticipated and shocking finale" is being planned by TV network ABC, which acknowledged viewers may drift away unless the drama concludes.

Each series will be 16 episodes with no mid-season break, following complaints the last series was divided in two.

The desert-island programme, which stars Evangeline Lilly and Matthew Fox, follows the survivors of a plane crash.

They are stranded in a mysterious location and must come to terms with the other inhabitants of the island as well as the isolation of their new home.

'Deserved' ending

"Due to the unique nature of the series, we knew it would require an end date to keep the integrity and strength of the show consistent throughout and to give the audience the pay-off they deserve," said Stephen McPherson, the president of ABC Entertainment.

Two of the people responsible for the programme - executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse - have agreed to remain until the end of the run.
Re: LOST#2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Ok I am so NOT happy that they killed Locke. I liked his character. And I honestly thought he would be the one to figure out all the mysteries of the island. And Ben can go bye bye now. That guy is evil. And Jacob, is he even real? Or maybe he is the big black cloud that goes around? And for this show to go on until 2010, not seeing a good outlook for that. I think most of anyone still watching is gonna give up pretty soon as I almost did this season. Why don't they just do them all in a row (a new episode every week) instead of trying to drag it out and make it a slow death.
Re: LOST#2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Missing said:
Why don't they just do them all in a row (a new episode every week) instead of trying to drag it out and make it a slow death.
That is how the next three years will be aired. Each season will start in January and try to go straight through without reruns, but only for 16 episodes a season. That is, if ABC doesn't cancel it before the three year agreement is up.
Re: LOST#2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

We don't know for sure that Locke is dead! Also, TPTB indicated there'd be a Jack/Locke struggle for leadership of the Losties in the season Finale... we'll see if that's the case on Wednesday evening!
Re: LOST#2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Yeah we really don't know if Locke is dead. In one part he looked dead but then in the end they showed him and he looked alive. I bet the island or Jacob heals him. I can't wait for the finale the previews look great. For some reason I can't always find this thread...