LOST # 2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Oh man I'm so friggin excited over this..I'm bouncing off the walls. It's been a long few months without it.

H&Me I'm not 100% sure about your spoiler bu that was my thought. Man the previews has me so confused now. I hope we get some answers with this season.

For those who are not in the US, does ABC play it online the next day so you can watch it? I'm pretty sure you can go there to watch Greys Anatomy. I'm glad CBS has started playing them online for everyone to see. I feel terrible for those who don't get it, especially now that I've had to go without it for months.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

My brother has Seasons 1 and 2, and i watched it all in 1 week. So is there a 3 and a 4 now? I'm kinda slow with the times. Just got these comments.

-Jack is hot. Like, hot.
-Sawyer is annoying, yet sometimes really cool. (Not hot tho)
-Sun's husband is crazy in Season 1, but gets funnier in #2.
-I hate Micheal. Walt is cool though.
-I HATE how at the end of season 2 that really handsome guy turns the key and blows himself up! He was really good looking! Especially that 3 years ago in the show!
-Jack and Kate only make out ONCE?? C'mon Kate! You know you want it... :devil: :lol:

That's all i got right now, but tell me. Is there a seson 3 and 4?
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

And today is THAT wednesday night! *squee* This is like the best week ever. New CSI Miami on Mon, new House on Tues, and now new Lost today! Yay!
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Ok that blows my theory that Juliet was running the show and not Ben.

And do you really think that she is going to go home? Yeah right these people are sadistic at best.

And I am not happy about the new timeslot as it has CSI NY and Medium on at the same time. Why do they always do that?
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

And I am not happy about the new timeslot as it has CSI NY and Medium on at the same time. Why do they always do that?
Don't you just hate that??

But i saw the episode, Oh my word!.

I didn't see much of Season 3, so i thought Desmond was dead! Like i was so ticked when he turned that key!! He was such a handsome young lad!


I think next episode is a Desmond and Jack episode. I didn't catch much on the preview, but Locke, Hugo, and Desmond head out into the jungle to find Kate, Jack, and Sawyer. When all of a sudden Desmond stops and runs back into the beach, hurtling himself into the ocean. He pulls out Claire who was drowning. And then Hurley says "Dude. He can see the future." It was so exciting! Maybe the electro-magnatic force thing did something to Desmond! And i just hope that Jack gets off the island, and hooks up with Kate again! And Desmon reads taht book sometime. :lol: But it looks like a fantastic eppie! But Monday's episode pissed me off a bit. Jack actually stitches him up! Like c'mon! I would of killed the guy. Make his liver into a chop suey.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I quite enjoyed last night’s episode. :)

Okay, so Alexx's father is one of the others? And she's Danielle's daughter, right? Mmmm... Interesting :eek: My first thought was that it's Ben, but thinking about it I'm a little unsure as in the previous season Danielle was the one who caught Ben in the self-made trap. :eek:

Two things freaked me out in this episode, the first one was when Ben woke up on the operating table! WTF? :lol: The second was when Juliet's ex husband was hit by a bus, I so didn’t see that coming. It reminded me a little of Final Destination. :lol:

All in all I thought it was a great episode. :)
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

To me it was an okay episode. I think Jack needs to stop yelling so much. It has more affect if you don't do it ALL the time :rolleyes:. Still, I liked that we got a look more into Juliet's life.

I think the thing with Alex is that, since Danielle said that she 'lost her' as a baby, that Ben may've taken/found her and raised her as his own and not told her of Danielle. I dont know. I want a Danielle flashback.

And concerning the Valentine's episode I can't wait for it. The promos are amazing and I've actually come to really love Desmond. Sawyer just doesn't seem himself this season (could be the Kate thing or something) and, well, Jack I could never take to. So really looking foward to it.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Yes, today Lost is airing! *makes popcorn*

So Ben is the father of Alexx, and Daniel is the mother. That's messed up. Of course the others just stole Alexx and Ben became to 'father'.

And yes, how in God's name did Ben wake up on the table?!

How Jack wanted Kate to tell him the story over the radio, that was a good moment. Kinda romantic. You can see Jack and Kate together....if it wasn't for Sawyer. :lol:

I can't wait till this evening.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Well last weeks episode bored me. I like Desmond and all but not much of his story made sense (Big Surprise there). So Charlie is next to die, I take it?
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I was so happy to hear that! The only character I seriously dislike is Charlie. My favourite character was Shannon, and the killed her off. I liked Boone and Ana-Lucia and they got killed too (well, for Michelle Rodriquez it was her own choice). And all those times Charlie survived :mad:
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

It was all a little 'Final Destination' wasn't it? :lol:

Just when you think the show has finally reached some sort of normality, they throw this in the mix. I really like Desmond, and I enjoyed the story even though it involved time travel. I started to get what was going on about halfway through. So now he can see into the future? Great. This means his probably going to have to save Charlie a few hundred times before anything does happen to him, thus prolonging Lost's conclusion. So to sum up:

- Jack still being held by Ben and his crew
- Kate & Sawyer on a boat somewhere with Alex's boyfriend
- Jin & Sun I have no idea what has happened to them?
- Locke & Sayid on a hero mission to save Jack, Kate and Sawyer from Ben and his crew.
- Charlie now has the grim reaper after him.

Sorry, I need to write it all down as I forget how many multiple stories are going on. :lol:
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

A guy who can see into the future? Are they trying to rip off Heroes? Jin will be able to jump around time, Jack will be ble to cure the injured with a wave of his hand, Kate will see her evil twin in the reflection in the sea, Charlie will fly (even without drugs)...
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I think Desmond has fast become my fav character on the show. Sawyer used to be but I think he has changed a good bit from the way he was.

Anyway, a nice article concerning Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond) & Dominic Monaghan (Charlie). It's mainly Cusick oriented:

The LOST King of Scotland

I had no idea that they had a fangirl petetion online for his return. And out of curiousity who is everyone elses fav character?
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

*sneaks in conversation*

I love Lost, I think Desmond and Charlie would have to be my faves,

I gave up trying to work out what exactly is going on because as soon as I do my theory is proved wrong.