LOST # 2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Well it could be this Jacob guy too. That is interesting.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Oh yeah... I hadn't considered Jacob. Good call. Hopefully he will be revealed more next season. I'm thinking he's some sort of interdimensional dude, a la the Bermuda Triangle or something.

Man, I watch way too much sci-fi! :lol:
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I know what you mean about watching too much sci-fi. I was thinking some time travel sort of deal they have been doing too.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Hey guys! I'm not new to the CSI forum, but new to this thread! I'm a huge fan of LOST and, after the finale, had to talk about what happened with some other avid LOST fans!

My take on the finale:

No 1: I think the guy in the coffin could be Locke, and the newspaper reads 'John Locke' out of respect (coz theyre not just gonna put Locke when he has died). And, i have a theory to back this up - everyone wanted to get off the island, and John killed Naomi coz he said they should stay, everyone turns against Locke coz they wanted to get off the island, so no-one goes to his funeral!

No. 2: If you listen carefully when Jack is in his car right before he attempted to commit suicide, he phones Kate, and says "Kate, its me..." or something along those lines, but he definately says Kate - so, I kinda figured they wern't flashbacks, but couldn't be sure until the end. But, this phonecall was regarding the funeral, so why would Jack phone Kate to tell her about Locke? (This has me doubting my theory!)

No 3: If it isn't (James) Sawyer that is dead then the 'him' she refered to in the final scene has deffo got to be Sawyer!

I'm sure that Season 4 will show all of the events of getting off the island, and the last ever episode might show the final scene from season 3 again, or they might carry on the story after this scene, but I think ending it again with the final season 3 scene would be good, making sure that they answered all questions in the middle period!

I have a present for the thread aswell - as Jack and Sawyer are my faves:

Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I was thinking the whole getting off the island might be just in case it doesn't get picked up next season, it could, sort of, end now. Just a thought, I have no clue about anything though, lol. Anyone know if it has?

How on earth are they going to carry on next season? I was thinking that maybe Desmond and Locke weren't rescued, so could still be on the island. I mean, Desmond might not even be alive, cyclops dude (lol) might even kill him. :eek: And Locke didn't want to get rescued, so he could still be on the island. Or maybe we will go more in depth into the lives of the others, with parellel stories on Jack and Kate, and any other rescued peeps?

As for Penny not being on that boat, it could be that they haven't been rescued at all, well it's a possibility for a twist.

Oh, maybe they have been rescued, but it's like none of it even happened for the rest of the world, which would explain Jack's reference to his dad, but that could have just been a drunk rambling.

Talking of rambling. :lol: I'll shut up. :rolleyes:

Oh, how can I forget, Juliet and Jack friggin' kissed! :eek: :D
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

eggbe4thechicken said:
Anyone know if it has?
Lost has been renewed for the next three years for 16 episodes each season. The episodes will start about early February 2008 so that they can be aired in a row without reruns in between.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

^the next three years! :eek: Wow, well I can sleep happy now. :lol: Although I'm still rather interested in how they will keep it going for that long. :confused:
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Just announced yesterday, Lost has been nominated for the Television Critics Association award for OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN DRAMA. Winners will be announced on July 21st. Full list at tvcritics.org.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I think Sawyer was in the coffin. Just think:
No one came to the funeral, no one likes Sawyer, he has no family. Jack said to Kate "I thought you, of all people, would have been here". I gathered that Kate would have gone to sawyers funeral, but no one else would.
I think Locke is a good idea tho, as I guess no one would have gone to his as he has no family.
I realised only half way through that it was a flash forward. So I guess in the end they do actually get off the island..
I think Ben is right about them staying on the island, I think they need to stay there, especially Locke..he has some weird thing with the island..
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Okay people, when is Lost back on the air! I'm starting to lose my mind.

Any word in the US? :)
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I think it is in January 2008. They will only be filming 16 episodes per year for the next three years. They want to try to run the episodes in order without repeats during each season.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Thanks for the info Dynamo. :)

I feel like I've been waiting ages for the next season. :eek:
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Since Lost is airing again, thought I'd revive this thread :cool:
So who saw it, and what'd you think?

I thought this epi brought us more questions then answers (again). I'm not quite sure yet that those people are the good guys, even with what Hurley said at the end.
What the hell was he doing showing up there? I mean, I know Hurley's a little nuts, but... when he slapped him, I sure thought he was real. But so... he's dead.. but then..not? Total confusion on that one... (by the way, am I the only one who thought he looked extremely hot dead? :D)

Does anyone actually know what the **** is going on on that island, anyway? :p
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Hush you are definitely not alone in thinking that. I only just managed not to squeal out loud when I saw him.

As per usual with Lost, they get me thinking one thing... and then another. This whole debacle with the rescuers. I'm not convinced that they're the good guys either. But with what Hurley said...

Hmm... I guess that's one of those things that we'll just have to wait and see.

Did anyone else recognise Ana Lucia's patrol partner until he said that he had known her? I didn't at all... which is fairly surprising because I remember I watched that episode over and over again. (I really liked the music they played at the end). Also, have we heard about 'The Oceanic 6' before? I don't remember it being in Jack's flash-forwards in the finale. Does this mean that only six of them end up getting rescued? So far there's Jack, Kate and Hurley... I don't think any one else has been mentioned so far, right?

Ugh. So many new questions, so few answers. But at least Locke mentioned that he would be explaining himself. Thank you Mr Locke.

The best part of the episode for me were the bits about Charlie. Yes, he was my favourite character, and PB&J were my all-time favourite ship of any TV show... but it was more than that. The emotion that was shown by everyone... Jin looked so shocked, and I was reminded of how he had been with Charlie when Kate was delivering Claire's baby. And when Jack and Kate were talking at the end... I just... remember how in 'The Pilot' they were just not taking any notice of him particulary? And now...

But I especially loved Hurley's reaction. He and Charlie have grown to be really close friends, and it was a friendship that I had always adored. I was so happy that they paid tribute to that in this episode. It really made my day.

...was the scene between Sun, Claire and Rose. How amazing was that? It was almost like 'the calm before the storm'. I don't remember seeing Claire so care-free since the Imaginary Peanut Butter incident. :) It was just such a nice moment, when she pushed Sun saying "rub it in why don't you". And then Rose's suggestion... it cracked me up. It really did.