LOST # 2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Re: LOST#2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Yeah I do not think Locke is dead yet. He was only shot and left in that grave but he was still alive when we last saw him.

This Jacob character is interesting. I am eager to see more about him.
Re: LOST#2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I agree, I don't think Locke is dead. I think the Island will repair him in someway. :lol: He seems to have some strange communication with the Island.

Does anyone else think that Jacob is the thing or black smoke that lives on the Island?
Re: LOST#2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Yeah I think jacob is or has something to do with the smoke or whatever it is. This whole show has me very intrigued and hanging on to every scene. In the end this better be good and not something that's going to leave me going wtf..no way this sucks.
Re: LOST#2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Oh I had not thought about Jacob being connected to the black smoke thing. That is a good point. He very well could be.
Re: LOST#2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Twiztid4Togo said:
In the end this better be good and not something that's going to leave me going wtf..no way this sucks.
Oh man, could you imagine if, after watching all these seasons and going through all of this, the conclusion is a total let down. I'd be so annoyed. :eek:

I'm pleased to know I'm not the only one who thinks the black smoke is connected to Jacob in some way.
Re: LOST#2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I am not looking forward to one thing in tonight's episode...whoever is going to get killed off. I have a bad feeling of who it is and I will be very upset.

I am even more LOST after the twist at the end of the finale tonight.

And I am very upset about the death. :(
Re: LOST#2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Aw man. I am so confused after that finale? What the hell does it all mean?!!!! :mad:


Yeah, I have always thought Jacob was a part of the smoke creatures dealio, even before we had a name for him. I recall thinking back when Ben made a comment about him not being their leader, "Hmmm... I wonder if this is the guy who runs the Island defenses/weird creatures stuff?" And then after that meeting with Jacob, I was positive. But I'm sure I'll turn out to be wrong! :lol: This show always messes with me.
Re: LOST#2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Maybe Jacob is the son of Mr. Roarke and he took over control of Fantasy Island.
Re: LOST#2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Ok yeah I'm even more confused now then I was ...ever watching this show. OK once thing I don't get is that the whole Jack w/ the beard was the future but when he was arguing with that head cheif guy he said "go upstairs and if I'm more drunk then my dad then I'll leave" or something onlong that line...his dad is dead..well was dead before the crash so how could he still be alive...

NOw let me go OMG OMG OMG I can't believe the shocker killings..all of them and the one I am very very upset over. There goes my only ship I really care about..it drowned. WTF is the TPTB problem...errrrrr. OH and I so called the Hurley saving the day thing..but it was awesome.

I really enjoyed the finale I think it was great even though no answers were really answered..oh who friggin died too? Man that pissed me off that they didn't tell us who was in the coffin..My guess was Sawyer, after I figured out the whole future flash forwards. OH and I'm mad Jacob wasn't mentioned anymore or anything about the mystery smoke. It's going to be a very long wait for next season if they don't start until Jan 2008.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I'm almost 100% sure Sawyer wasn't in the coffin. Kate told Jack: "I have to get back to him." Who else than Sawyer can she talking about? My guess; Sawyer and Kate got married. I'm really curious what exactly happened though. Also about who died, what Naomi's plan was and what th deal with Jack's father is, and... Ah well, so many questions, yet so little answers :eek:
I loved the episode though. Full of deaths :p. I counted 15!! 7 others initially, Tom and the two others later, Mikhail, Charlie, Naomi, Greta and Molly.
I was shocked when you could hear the three shocks over the radio. I really thought they killed Jin, Sayid and Bernard.
Loved how Hurley drove over that guy btw.
Did you guys have a felling that it were flash-forwards? I didn't, but the flashbacks felt a little strange, I knew there was something odd about them, since other flashbackls featured Jack being a doctor until right before he left for Australia.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

My first thought was that it was sawyer in the coffin since no one came but like RBC said that Kate said she had to get back to him..and he was the him I figured she was talking about so that killed that thought. My hubby said he thought maybe it was Ben and I was like ..why the hell would jack think about jumping off a bridge for Ben and he said that he thinks...( he is a man so I dont totally agree but here it is) He thinks that the survivors are going to end up teaming up with the "others" to fight whoever is on the boat and possibly become closer because of it...IDK but this is Lost so I think he could be right. Either way I'm pissed they didn't tell us who died..

At the end I thought that the scene with bearded jack were flashwards or something. It had to be the future cause he said they weren't suppose to leave the island..IDK

I'm still very sadden over Charlie..bleh.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I was thinking about who was in that coffin. Did they refer to the person as he, she or didn't they refer to that person in such a way at all? I had a thought just now that it could be Juliette.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I did hear that Dom who plays Charlie actually wanted to leave, mostly because he felt his character was being under-utilized on the show. Yeah but I loved Claire and Charlie and now that is a bust.

Yeah I am wondering who was in that coffin. I am thinking Locke or Ben or was it this Jacob person. Who the heck knows? :lol:
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I was listening to the Preston & Steve show here in Philadelphia, every year they have Lost finale parties and at the end someone got a screen shot of the obituary that Jack had. It said that the person's name began with a "J" and they were from New York and killed in LA. The site is prestonandsteve.com. Here is a link to the shot: http://www.prestonandsteve.com/pictures/6536.jpg
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Well, that last name doesn't look like "Locke". So James...? What was Sawyer's real last name?