Locker Room #13 - **Muffled Thud** - We're Busy!

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Heheh. Thanks! Hell Danny can act ANYWAY he wants. :devil: As long as his acting includes wifebeaters/tank tops. heh heh.
yeah..I remember that has that "Talk" ringtone and he picked up the phone and said to that it was a girlfriend..then in the girl in the train...then what do they what to tell us?...
goreshi said:
yeah..I remember that has that "Talk" ringtone and he picked up the phone and said to that it was a girlfriend..then in the girl in the train...then what do they what to tell us?...

That Danny has trouble forming long-term commitment? Shocking, I know! Maybe he's a serial monogamist - if that's the case, send him my way. I can deal with some serial, er, monogamy... behind closed doors, all you'd hear was a muffled thud, 'cause we'd be busy! :lol:
^^ That he hasn't been in a good sexual relationship for a long time. Leave him with me and I promise he'll want to get married :devil:. The poor man needs some sexual healing & I'll give it to him :devil:.
^^no, no! No marriage for our Italian sausage - it makes it trickier to pass him around between us all. Of course, we could just all get into a polygamous marriage. Who wants to be wife #1?
*dies of laughter* Italian sausage? I'm sure you meant that in clean terms but my mind immediatly went to the gutter. Yeah I'd like to get a footlong, Carmine style :devil:.
Springmoon said:
^^no, no! No marriage for our Italian sausage - it makes it trickier to pass him around between us all. Of course, we could just all get into a polygamous marriage. Who wants to be wife #1?
i wanna be wife #1.
jorja_fan86 said:
*dies of laughter* Italian sausage? I'm sure you meant that in clean terms but my mind immediatly went to the gutter. Yeah I'd like to get a footlong, Carmine style :devil:.

:lol: Footlong sausage might be a mouthful for some.. It's a dirty job but I volunteer. For the good of mankind and all that :devil:
jorja_fan86 said:
*dies of laughter* Italian sausage? I'm sure you meant that in clean terms but my mind immediatly went to the gutter. Yeah I'd like to get a footlong, Carmine style :devil:.

Cara mia, you know that you were meant to go straight to the gutter with that comment. Again, wishing TPTB for the board had some sort of angel smiley. :devil:
no, no! No marriage for our Italian sausage

OK, I literally fell out of my chair when I read that one! All I can say is, "Absolutely no freakin' comment!" :devil:

BTW, I think you made me sprain something. :lol: Let's just hope Carmine doesn't sprain anything! :eek:
jorja_fan86 said:
*dies of laughter* Italian sausage? I'm sure you meant that in clean terms but my mind immediatly went to the gutter. Yeah I'd like to get a footlong, Carmine style :devil:.

LMAO. The day you don't take something like that to the gutter, is the day I'm gonna be worried.
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