Locker Room #13 - **Muffled Thud** - We're Busy!

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Oh, the Danny/Flack smutfest channel. Once the TV is set to that channel, there's no reason to even have a zapper. :devil: ;)
Yeah, Danny/Flack Smutfest is ALWAYS on at my place. It has everything a girl needs. Danny, Flack, and smut. All in one convenient location. Why, at this point, there really isn't much reason to leave the house. :devil:
^ don't forget dirty company :p :lol:

gutterville block party! yaaay! :D and the danny/flack smutfest channel looks like its got the most viewers!! :lol:
Mmmm! I love that pic. He looks all tough and mean! :D Excellent choice.

Danny/Flack smut channel? Amazing! :D Where can I get that?
csi_fanatic87 said:
Danny/Flack smut channel? Amazing! :D Where can I get that?

OMGZ there's a Danny/Flack smut channel!!! That means I can watch D/F porn 24/7. Oh my ass would probably be glued to the couch :lol:. Seriously though it would be a best seller at all adult video stores. Screw the whips& robospanker...we need porn!!!!
^^Where have you been jorja?? :eek: We're all down here in the gutter glued to the Danny/Flack smutfest channel. You must join us. D/F porn, 24/7...can you handle that?? :p

Can you guess what channel it is?? :rolleyes:

ETA: Maybe we should have made this "The Locker Room #13- **Muffled Thud**- They're Busy! :D
1CSIMfan said:
^^Where have you been jorja?? :eek: We're all down here in the gutter glued to the Danny/Flack smutfest channel. You must join us. D/F porn, 24/7...can you handle that?? :p

Can you guess what channel it is?? :rolleyes:

I was busy writing angry letters to the writers & out buying baseball bats :mad:.

As for the porn I sez bring it on! I was born to watch porn. Instead of being born smart & funny I was born with a love for good D/F porn. As for the channel I'm guessing 69. Am I right :devil:?
^^Of course you have the right channel. :devil: What else could it be? :p

Stealing Home is on right now and I think I'm gonna gag **and not in the good way :rolleyes:**. I hadn't seen this episode before and when I heard Hammerback (I'd read it here somewhere) and the look on Lindsay's face....puke. :mad:

I'm ready when you are. When are you handing out the bats? I hope you brought enough. :p
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