Locker Room #13 - **Muffled Thud** - We're Busy!

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Of course you love me. ;) :lol: Now just add that mental image right there to what I said about Flack 'having Danny's back' in the "Dynamic Duo" thread (to which you replied: :eek:) and you'll be on the right track to D/F land. :devil:
Kimmychu said:
iluvroadrunner said:
omg. you said that and i had this mental image of carmine handcuffed to something and me tickling him with the feather. :devil:


*jots that down*


Flack would so do that to Danny! :lol: :devil:

Carmine definitely has some embarrassing pictures out there. And in the day and age of the internet, there's no chance of those babies going away. :lol:
Hey, the gutter is a fun place to be. I've built myself a very comfortable condo down here. I've got this great home entertainment system, with surround sound and big screen TV. And a cable provider that provides me with the All Danny, All The Time channel. And the Carmine 24/7 channel. And my favorite channel, Danny/Flack Smutfest. :devil:
iluvroadrunner said:
omg. you said that and i had this mental image of carmine handcuffed to something and me tickling him with the feather. :devil:

zero to gutter in not even a second.

that has to be a record.

:lol: I prefer to tickle him with something besides a feather :devil:.

My record is that my mind goes to the gutter even before I read the post. Why? Well, because my mind is full of impure thoughts and anything I read is considered dirty. Oh man, I am so dreading going to confession. It should take a while :lol:.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

There's a reason why our thread is named such, and thank you, for reminding me ;) :devil: Ahhh, home ownership in the gutter is great! Apart from fantastic shows on cable - GLW, Danny/Flack Smutfest is my favourite channel too! - the community is fantastic. Like mentioned somewhere in the Flack thread before, the Gutterville block party is really something! :D
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