Locker Room #13 - **Muffled Thud** - We're Busy!

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My fan fic for the hat would be like...

"Carmine wore a purple sailor hat! It was ugly. It must burn in a fire with all those other dreaded hats."

See, I can write a story in three sentences and get my point across. If only I could do that with my essay's...

Those girls in the photo are crazy. If I were one of them I would grab the surfboard, jump Carmine and yell, "Take me now!!" With me there we'd never get the photo shoot down :devil:.
This would be funny for a caption contest...(surf board pic) look at the dude to his right lol looks like he's touching something down there :D and Danny's thinking like *woah*
afrikana said:
^...and again. who's great idea was that? we need see-through surfboards! :p

the suit pic is okay too...kinda sexy, even. but the feather is really off-putting! :lol:
yes we need see-through surfboards.
... I love you all.

You horndogs, you. :D

By the way, I think there's a Shasta screencap in the Carmine thread that might just beat the Purple Hat pic in scariness. :lol:
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