Life before Vegas- GSR fic

Chapter 13

The kiss ended and the pair gazed at each other. They smiled and kissed again, except this time more passionately. Once that ended, they pulled apart:

"So...what do you want to do in Florida?" asked Sara.

"I don't know...go to the beach, relax, you know do normal holiday stuff."

"See I wouldn't know, I don't usually go on hoildays."

Grissom laughed. She was so right, for the both of them:

"That is so very true. About the two of us."

"So, it's about 3:15pm. What do you want to do just now?"

"To be honest Sara, I'd rather sleep. I've not slept in over 17 hours."

"Yeah, agreed."

So, Grissom and Sara lay down on the bed. Sara snuggled up to his chest and cuddled into him. Grissom wrapped an arm around her shoulder and they fell into a peaceful slumber.

They slept for most of the night. Until they woke at roughly around 2am.

They sat and read. Sara felt her eyes get heavy again and fell asleep on Grissom's shoulder. He looked at her and smiled. He placed his book on the bedside table and decided to join her in the land of nod.

Again, they woke at the same time. At around 9:00am. They left the bed and went down to breakfast. They arrived at the reataurant and sat at a table. They ordered pancakes and orange juice, ate and left for the beach.

Sara already had her bathing costume on, so she stripped down to it and lay on a sun lounger. Grissom's eyes wouldn't leave her. He had never imagined Sara Sidle in a bikini, a plain black, nothing extremely revealing bikini:

"Gris, sit, or lie down. Relax for god's sake."

"Yeah...o...ok." He stuttered. He lay down on a lounger beside her.

Sara put on some sun lotion and passed it to Grissom:

"Do you want some?"


"Well can you put some on my back?"


"C'mon Gris, it's not like I'm asking anything too...too personal, am I?"

"Guess not." He gulped, Uh-oh, he thought.

He smeared the lotion on her back and massaged it in. Sara groaned, he felt the knots in her back. She was stressed:

"That feels good...don't stop."

Grissom worked on the knots, easing and relaxing them, eventually removing them. He liked helping her:

"C'mon Gris, let's go for a swim."

TBC :D :devil: :lol:
Chapter 14

"C'mon Gris, let's go." Sara grabbed his arm and started pulling him towards the ocean.

"Sara, you go."

"I'm not going into the OCEAN by myself, I'll drown."

"Don't lie Miss Sidle, you will not drown."

"Yes I will, if you stay here, who will save me when I start flapping about?"

"The lifeguard." Grissom chuckled and lay back on the sun lounger.

Fine, if you wanna play hard ball, I'm game Mr Grissom. she thought. She ran to the ocean, grabbed a bucket and filled it with sea water. She then ran back to Grissom.

She poured the water all over him. He sat up so fast, Sara burst into laughter:

"SARA SIDLE!" He screamed.

"It's me." She giggled.

Grissom wiped his face with his hands and glared at her. He was drenched from head to toe. She was in for trouble now:

"If you want to kill me..." Sara took two steps backward, "You gotta catch me." Sara shot off down the sand.

"Sara." Grissom ran after her.

Sara was like a bullet from a gun running down the sand, and Grissom knew she was going to tire herself out. So he ran, but took it at a leisurely pace, waiting for her to slow down. Once she did that, he would speed up.

As he expected, Sara was slowing down. She stopped for a moment to catch her breath and then began to jog:

"C'mon Grissom, you have to catch me!" She called.

Don't worry my little sweetheart, you'll be caught. "I'll take my time, thank you."

"You won't catch me."

"Oh yes I will Miss Sidle, count on that."

Sara ran on, adding another burst of speed, but soon enough she was too tired to run. She began to walk, and didn't expect Grissom to add the burst of speed that he did.

He caught her around the waist, "Gotcha."

"No!" She tried to free herself, but Grissom had his deathgrip on her.

They tumbled to the sand. With Sara underneath Grissom. They laughed, but soon stopped, as their main focus was on the other's eyes.

Grissom raised a hand and caressed Sara's cheek. She leaned into palm:

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" He said softly.

"No, I'm perfectly fine." She answered, her tone the same as Grissom's.

"Good because I don't want to hurt you ever again."

Sara remained silent, but gazed into his eyes and noticed te raw emotion in them. He was as serious as Gil Grissom could get.

"Gris I..."

She couldn't finish her sentence. All because Grissom had silenced her with a kiss, which soon turned passionate and full of need.

TBC :lol: :devil: :D
Awww, what I would have given to be a random sunbather on that beach!!! I'd have started squealing and jumping up and down, thanking Kazz and worshipping her :D

Chapter 15

After the kiss, they walked hand in hand along the beach. They came up to the hotel doors and entered.

They found out only one thing was true about the scheme Catherine, Nick, Warrick and Greg had planned, there was a formal dance. The dance was on the next night.

They had only been in Florida for a day and a half, they didn't realize they could be having so much fun in that short space of time.

They went up to their hotel room, which was still under the name of Mr and Mrs Grissom. Suddenly, they didn't mind that anymore, it might be fun playing a married couple, even if it wasn't true:

"Do you want to try and get Catherine back for the little scheme they came up with. Even though I'm glad they did, I still want to teach Cath a lesson." said Sara.

"Hmmm, play a trick on Catherine...yeah ok." Grissom answered. "Let's make it something that will make her heart stop."

"Like what?"

"I don't know...pretend to be...something."

"I know...we pretend to be married...we get the rings and everything, plus the photos. Maybe go even further."

"Further?" asked Grissom.

"I pretend to be pregnant, with only your child of course."

"That's...a bit much."

"So, they scamed us, so we scam them."

"Oh alright, I'm in."

They sealed the deal with a peck of the lips and got ready to go down to dinner. The rest of the week was going to be very busy.

TBC :D :devil: