Life before Vegas- GSR fic

Wow loving the story .. can't wait for another update. brb doggie won't shut up .. okay back anyway .. ya can't wait for the next cahpter.. although i am a little disapointed that there was no sex scene....
Chapter 20

After shift, Sara met up with Grissom. They smiled to each other and quickly pecked each other's lips:

"It's working." Sara said excited.

"I know." Grissom gazed at her. He noticed her face turn a deathly white. "Sara, are you ok?"

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Sara ran down the halls to the female restrooms.

"Sara!" Grissom chased after her. He knocked the restroom door, "Are you ok?" He heard her retching.

A few minutes later, she walked out of the bathroom. She had tears in her eyes. She walked past him and out the front doors.

Grissom didn't understand. What was wrong with her? He was going to find out. So, he followed her.

He spotted her sitting on the steps. He sat next to her:

"Gris...I think...I think part of this trick is true."

"What part?" Grissom knew exactly what part she meant.

"The...the pregnancy."

"I thought so."

"What do you mean?"

"Sara, you, I. No birth control."


"That means you are a week pregnant. Showing the signs early. Perhaps, it's because this is your first."


"Yippee, your mood swings."

"Shut up." Sara slapped his arm.


"What are we gonna do? Do you want..." Sara began to sob.

"Hey...hey don't cry." Grissom wrapped his arms around her. "Of course I want to raise this child with you. It is mine, and my dream girl is the mother."

Sara giggled. She lay her head on his shoulder.

Catherine watched them, Trick huh? Who's laughing now? She walked along the hall and told the guys:

"What are you talking about?" Nick asked.

"Gil and Sara aren't married. But, she is pregnant. The marriage was all a trick."

"Those sly..."

"Nicky, Sara IS pregnant. So, we now fire the questions. They had a lot of fun on that trip, let's fine out how this baby came to be."

"Isn't that obvious?"

"Nick! I mean what made them fall into bed, you idiot."


"Let's go."

TBC :D :devil:
Awww bless! GSr is sooo chute! You've done it again MissM! LOVE your writing! You make me have those horrible fangirl symptoms - I NEED MORE! lol.

Oooh, so Cath and the others know - hmm, I'm guessing their trick really is backfiring on em lol. In a good way :D

Nicky is soo chute too! I just wanna huggle him! *cough*and more*cough* lol.

Xx Mia-Sara xX