Life before Vegas- GSR fic

Chapter 23

Grissom and Sara entered Ecklie's office before he did and sat on the visitor's chairs.

Ecklie arrived seconds later and slammed the door. He stormed to his desk and threw himself on the seat:

"I thought the rules of this lab clearing stated that employees relationships, especially supervisor/surbordinate are disallowed, forbiddon!"

"Uhh, excuse me Conrad, they are frowned apon, not forbiddon. And, I don't think you can do anything to stop us now, my GIRLFRIEND, Sara Sidle is pregnant with our child."

"I can still give you severe punishmant."

"Sorry, you can't, only the sheriff can on these such...rule breakings?" Grissom told him then looked at Sara, who nodded as if to say 'Oh yes, definetely'

"Well yes, the sheriff must be notified. Fine, I'll call him."

Ecklie picked up reciever and Grissom and Sara eavesdropped. The conversation wa clearly heard:

"Sheriff, yes Conrad Ecklie here. I have some serious news. Gil Grissom and Sara Sidle have violated some lab rules."

"Gil Grissom? And Sara Sidle? You're joking."

"No sir, no joke."

"What rules?" asked the sheriff.

"Employee relations."

"Gil and Sara are together? Well congratulations are in order. So the rumors are true, Sara must be pregnant."

"But, sir..."

"No, no Conrad. Congrats to the pair. I'm sure they can keep it professional at work, I have the upmost faith in them."


The sheriff hung up and by thr time Ecklie turned around, Grissom and Sara were at the door:

"I guess he told you Conrad."

Grissom took Sara's hand and twirled her, "Come on Sara, let's leave dear Mr Ecklie alone to think about what he accused us of."

Sara smiled wickedly and stepped forward, pulling on Grissom's hands for him to follow her, and that he did.

Ecklie was fuming. He punched his desk in a hell bent fury.

Chapter 24

Grissom and his pregnent girlfriend walked along the corridor laughing. He pulled her into his office and closed the door:

Sara broke free from him and giggled, "Did you see his face?... he was so...angry."

"I know, oh I have prayed for a day to get him back and that was it."

Grissom caught her hand and placed it on his chest. She placed the other on his chest too:

"So, what are we going to do? You are a month pregnant, what are you going to do about work?"

"I could always work for awhile, say another 2 months, then take maternity leave."

"Yeah that could work." Grissom backed her up against a wall, "I always told myself I would be married before my child is born. Will you marry me Sara Sidle?"

Sara gasped. Tears immediately filled her eyes. She nodded and flung her arms around his neck, "Yes, yes I will marry you. Of course I will."

Grissom hugged her back. He then broke away and walked to his desk. He opened a drawer and pulled out a small velvet box. It was the box that held the 'fake' rings, but this time, the ring was an engagement one. It had a black diamond in the centre and pink diamonds around it.

He opened it and placed it on Sara's left ring finger. Tears were falling now, she grabbed the sides of his face and crashed her lips to his.

The kiss ended then, so did shift.

Weeks passed. Grissom and his new fiancee had been planning a wedding with any spare second they got. The passing weeks had been busy. Las Vegas has been having a crime spree.

TBC :devil: :lol: :D :D :D