Life before Vegas- GSR fic

Chapter 5

"Poems...never imagined Gris as the romantic type."

"Well, he is."

Just then Grissom entered the office, "What are you doing?" he asked.

Catherine jumped and hid everything behind her back, "Umm, nothing."

"Yeah boss, calm down. We came in here to ask you something."

Catherine turned around as Grissom walked to his desk. Grissom knew something weird was going on, but he couldn't put his finger on it:

"Well, ask away Nick." he said.

"Uhh, are there any cases yet? We're getting bored."

"Sorry, not yet. I'll keep you posted though."

"Ok, we'll just go then." Nick pushed Catherine out of the room.

Grissom sat back in his chair. He then bent down to put some files in the drawer, when he noticed a strip of 3 photographs on the floor:

"Catherine." he growled. He was now furious.

He ran an index finger down the photos, oh how he wanted those days back again. He placed them in the drawer and left the room with a fury filled step.

Catherine and Nick shot down to the breakroom, they needed to avoid Grissom at all costs, they were sure it wouldn't be long before he realized what was missing:

"We are in trouble if he finds out Cath. WHY DID YOU TAKE IT!" Nick shouted. He wasn't angry, just scared of Grissom's wrath.

"Do you think I meant it? I couldn't put it back with him standing there, could I?"

"Couldn't put what back Catherine?" Grissom was standing in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe.


"Yeah 'Uh-oh' HOW DARE YOU RUMMAGE THROUGH MY PERSONAL ITEMS!" Grissom's anger was obvious.



"Gris, we just wanted to find out why you were so ghost-like at Christmas." Nick replied.

"You didn't need to search my office behind my back. I would have showed you if I could have trusted you to keep quiet. Now I don't know if I can trust you at all."


"No Catherine! I'm serious, there was no need for that." Grissom barked.

At that moment, Sara walked in. She picked up the tension immediately, she had no idea what was going on.

Grissom gazed into her eyes. He then pushed past her, embarrassed:

"Gris?" Sara was confused. She followed him. Looking back at Catherine and Nick, she saw they looked guilt ridden

Please update soon!! :D :D :D
I really love this fic.. :D :D
Chapter 6

Sara followed Grissom all the way back to his office. She knew that was typical for him, to go hide in his office when he is embarassed or angry.

Sara opened the door, she noticed Grissom searching his desk:

"Grissom, you ok?" she asked.

"Yeah, fine." His head shot up, gazing at her.

"You seem tense, what is really wrong? You were yelling at Catherine and Nick."

"Oh, they just did something that ticked me off. I have work to do, could we talk later."

"No, we talk now."

Grissom sighed, she wasn't going to leave without answers. "They found something I didn't want them to see, ok?"

"What did they find?"

"Photographs. Pictures of you and me in a compromising position, get it?"

"Oh, right."

"If they blab..."

"Gris, calm down. It was years ago, it is all over now. You made sure of that." Sara's tone hinted a slight sadness.

Grissom couldn't look at her. He was so depressed, he wanted those days back again. But, he was still uncertain:

"Sara..." he let out a long breath, "Let's umm..."

Suddenly the door opened and Greg stepped into the room, "Hey, oh...sorry if I interrupted."

"You didn't Greg, what is it?"

"I don't want to be a taddle tale but, Nick and Warrick just hung mistletoe on your door."

"GREG SANDERS WE DID NOT!" shouted Nick and Warrick.

"Don't worry, I'll humor you, now leave."

Greg left, and Sara was about too when Grissom called her back:

"Yes?" She stood by the closed door, mistletoe above her head.

Grissom walked over, caught her neck with one hand and placed a soft, but meaningful kiss on her lips. "See you later." He then left.

Sara stood there, stunned into complete shock by Grissom unexpected kiss. She felt giddy inside, like a 15 year old just having her first kiss. Even though she had kissed Grissom in the past, that one had been different.

did I say already that this fic is just to cute.. :p
Please continue!! FAst!! :D :D This fic is just so awesome!! :D :D
Chapter 7

Sara looked above her, she saw the mistletoe. She smiled, Grissom played along, yet nobody knew.

She left the room, and didn't realize a flush had crept up on her cheeks. Catherine walked past and noticed, she was confused, Sara Sidle never blushed:


"Yeah Catherine?"

"Nothing, it doesn't matter." Catherine turned the other way and grinned.

"Ok, whatever." Sara began to walk again, when she crashed into Grissom. She lost her footing and went tumbling to the ground.

Grissom managed to catch her. He grabbed her around the waist and returned her to her upright position:

"You ok?"

"Yeah, fine thank you."

"It's ok."

"I'm surprised you caught me."

"So am I. Guess it was instinct."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Nick, Warrick, Greg and Catherine watched the incident. They were trying so hard not to laugh at each of their expressions. They glanced at each other and then back to Grissom and Sara.

Sara gazed at Grissom, "I didn't hurt you, did I?" she asked.

"No, no you never. Did I hurt you? You are clutching your ribs."

"No I'm fine. I swear."

"Ok, I'll believe you."

They seperated and walked in the opposite direction of each other.

Catherine just stared at the boys, "Ok, it seems like your little mistletoe trick worked, Sara was blushing. Now what?"

"Uhh, I have no idea." Warrick answered

"We have to do something. We clearly know they were together before Sara came to Vegas. Now we just have to get them back together." said Nick.

"Listen guys, especially you Greg, if Gil finds out you know, he will go ballistic. So, don't blab." added Catherine.

"Lips are sealed m'lady." replied Greg.

"Ok. then. Let's get brain storming."

Ooooh, more!!!!! I need MORE!!! I totally love this story! Esp. the idea of them being together before she came to Vegas and then everyone trying to push them back together!!!! Genuis.

Oh I love this!! :D great!! I need more!! SO PLEASE UPDATE SOON!! :D :D
Chapter 8

Catherine and the boys were brain storming for hours until they finally came up with the perfect idea. They were determined to make this scheme work:

"Right, 'Operation Reform' is go!" Greg said excited, he liked to scheme. Especially Grissom and Sara.

"Calm down Greg. Remember if they even get a suspicion that we're up to something, we're in the biggest trouble we could ever be in." Catherine ordered.

"You mean we will be chopped up to little pieces and fed to the scent dogs." Nick corrected.

"What Nick said." Warrick added.

"Ok whatever, we'll die a horrible, painful death."

"Don't worry, I told you, my lips are sealed." Greg reassured. "I promise."

"Ok, ok, ok. Let's all settle down. Greg, you are in charge of part one."

"Gotcha." Greg skipped away.

"Once that is successful, Nick, you are next."

"Yes ma'am."

Catherine, Nick and Warrick then left the breakroom.

Grissom walked along the corridor, headed to the layout room. He had a case with Sara and he thought that would be the best place to look for her.

He opened the door and found out he was right. Sara was leaning over the table looking at crime scene photos:

"Hey, found anything?"

"You know, it is rude to walk in uninvited Mr Grissom."

"I'm terribly sorry Miss Sidle. I'll leave and knock the door."

"No point now." Sara smiled warmly, "You might as well stay."

"Well, is my question going to recieve an answer?"

"Yes, I've found zilch."

"Usual for a Christmas case."

"The vic was suffocated right?"

"Yeah, anything unusual?"

"Not really."


"He was lying down right? She was sitting on him, holding a pillow over his mouth."

"Yeah that's right."

"The voids were the suspect's knees. Lie down."

Greg was walking along the hallway and spotted Sara in the layout room. He opened the door, his breath caught in his throat at the sight:

"Uhhhh, I'm sorry. Sorry, so sorry."

"Greg it's not what it looks like, we are reinacting a crime scene." Grissom said sitting up.

"Yeah, uhhh ok, sure." Greg bolted from the room.

"Great." Sara whispered.
