Life before Vegas- GSR fic

Chapter 11

Grissom first took Sara to her apartment, she packed and returned to the car. Grissom then drove to his home, packed and came back to the car. Finally, he made his way to the airport.

The ride was full of an uncomfortable silence. He glanced at Sara, she was staring out the window, it had begun to rain. He sighed, she looked so miserable:

"Sara?" He said gently.


"Are you ok?"

"Fine, just fine...bored."

"Ahh, well I can't help that until we get to the airport."

They soon arrived, checked in and went to the waiting room. They sat their for an hour before their flight was called. They boarded the plane and sat on their seats.

The plane engine fired up and Grissom noticed Sara flinch. He gazed at her face and saw the blatant fear written in her eyes:

"Sara, are you alright?"

"I'm terrified of flying, ok?" She answered.

"Miss Mile-High is afraid of flying?" He teased.

"I thought you wouldn't remember that, and yes I am."

Grissom lay out a hand. Sara looked down and then into his eyes, he was serious. She placed her shaky hand in his and clutched it as the plane took off.

Grissom gazed at her, she by now was hugging his arm. He smiled, he liked to think he was protecting her, even if nothing was threatening to harm her.

When the plane was at it's full height of 30 thousand feet, they removed their seat belts and began to relax. Grissom and Sara were reading, until a stewardess came up to them:

"Anything from the trolley?"

"A water for me please." said Grissom.

"And you dear?"


The stewardess gave them their drinks and walked off.

A few hours later the plane began to land. Sara again squeezed Grissom's hand, and once it had touched ground, they left the plane.

The grabbed their luggage and made their way to a cab waiting for them. They were taken to a fancy hotel:

"Whoa, expensive don't you think?" said Sara.

"Yeah, very. Well let's get to the room."

They walked up to the receptionist:

"Hello, how may I help you?"

"Rooms for a Mr Grissom and Miss Sidle." answered Grissom.

"Ok...oh wait, we have a Grissom, but no Sidle."


"We have a Mr and Mrs Grissom checking in, but no Mr Grissom and Miss Sidle."

"Mr and Mrs Grissom? Where are they from if I may ask?"

"Las Vegas, the crime lab."

"Catherine." Grissom growled.

"Are you..."

"Yes, we are." Grissom interrupted.

"O...K...Room 675."

"Thank you."

Grissom and Sara walked to the elevator in a furious step. As soon as the doors closed, they turned to each other:

"I bet there isn't even a conferance." Sara told him.

"Probably not, knowing them. And I bet we can't leave until the week is over."

"One room."

"One bed."

"One bathroom." They said together. They laughed.

"I'm going to kill them when I get back." Sara giggled.

"And I'll back you up."

They walked along to the room, opened it and settled in.

TBC :D :devil: :lol: ;)
Well they took it pretty well really! I would have thought Grissom would blow up and Sara would be hurt, thinking he was that against spending the week at such close range to her. Nice though.

Chapter 12

Sara lay on the bed, she had finished unpacking. Now, she just wanted to relax Well we are stuck out here for a week, might as well enjoy it, she thought.

Grissom walked into the bedroom and saw Sara stretched out on the bed. Her shirt had been pushed up slightly and a patch of bare skin at her stomach was showing. She's gorgeous, he said to himself.

Sara noticed him. She motioned with her finger for him to sit beside her. He followed her silent instruction. When she was comfortable where he was sitting, she shimmied closer on her stomach:

"What's up? You're blushing."

"I am not my dear Miss Sidle, or is it Mrs Grissom here?" He teased her.

"Oh yeah, bet you're thrilled to be married to me." She laughed.

"It will be a challenge." Grissom chuckled.

Sara's jaw dropped, "How dare you..." She grabbed a pillow and smacked him across the face with it.

"Hey not fair, you have a weapon."

"You could easily reach across and grab one too, you idiot." She hit him again.

"That's it Sara." Grissom grabbed a pillow and hit her arm.

"Hey, no fair." Sara jumped to her feet on the bed, but Grissom grabbed her legs and she tumbled on top of him.

They laughed and gazed into each other's eyes. Grissom caressed her cheek with his hand, Sara leaned into it. She then slipped off of him:

"What happened to us?" She asked.

"Work happened to us, I became supervisor." He answered.

"I miss what we had."

"So do I, believe me."

"Is there ever another chance for us?"

"There is always a second chance."

"Really? Would you risk everything for me?"

"Sara, like in the past, I would risk the world for you."

"Then prove it to me this week. It is Christmas time, a time where dreams come true."

She smiled at him and he returned a warm one of his own. She sat up and laced her fingers with his:

"I need to know you'll let me hold you, or you'll hold me."

Grissom sat up and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. She buried her face in his neck and sobbed:

"Oh Sara what is it?"

"Nothing, nothing. It's ok, I'm just...happy."

"Me too, me too."

He kissed her hair and they sat there for what seemed like hours. Until Sara finally lifted her head, and placed a slow, tender kiss on his lips.

TBC :D :devil:
Me too, me too! I'll give you chocolate :) *Fans self* it's hot in here already but you raised it another few degrees :D