Life before Vegas- GSR fic

Chapter 16

After dinner, Grissom and Sara returned to their room. They discussed about where they could get the photos taken and what type of jewel should be encrested into the ring. Sara wanted a sapphire and diamond ring, whereas Grissom couldn't care less:

"Alright, sapphire and diamonds. As sapphires are your birthstone."

"Yay, and diamonds are a girl's best friend. Plus, I have never worn diamonds before, nor do I own any diamonds."

"Ok I get it. Diamonds, you want the damn diamonds. Expensive aren't you?"

"Yes." Sara giggled.

"I'm sure I'll find the money somewhere." Grissom answered her.

"It doesn't have to be an extravagent rock, just good enough to freak Catherine out. To show that you care for me." Sara added a babyish tone to her last sentence. Boy was she going to have fun with this.

"Yeah, ok."

When they noticed the time, they decided to get some sleep. It was past 2am. The formal dance was the next night, and they had some shopping to do.

Chapter 17

They awoke the next morning refreshed and ready to go. They jumped out of bed, dressed and went down to reception.

They hired a car and drove to the nearest jewellery store. Grissom begged god that Sara would be quick in choosing the design she wanted:

A clerk came to them: "How may I help you on this fine Florida day?"

"We...we are shopping for our wedding rings." said Sara nervously.

"Ahh love, such a special thing. Any particular type of jewel you wish to be encrested?"

"Sapphires and diamonds." replied Grissom.

"Ahh, nice choice. Which color?"

"Color, oh that we hadn't thought of." answered Sara.

"No worries my dear." said the elderly jeweller. "For blue diamond can go well. Pink diamond, the jewel of love...can go well with a fiery redish pink sapphire. Then again, I don't think the dear husband would like to where pink diamonds, that is more of a woman's stone."

"I like the blue sapphire and black diamond design. The wedding ring set is perfect for a man and a woman. The design of the woman's ring is perfect and the masculine ring suits it wonderfully." Sara told them. Grissom never imagined her to be so interested in this.

"Darker colors it is then. That type of design is sort of expensive."

"How expensive?" asked Grissom.

"Around $25 000."

"What!" Grissom was shocked.

"Oh well, that's a problem."

"For you, the cheapest I can make it is around $12 000."

"That is the cheapest...oh ok." Grissom pulled out his credit card and paid for them.

They walked out of the store, Sara had a smile from ear to ear. She burst into a fit of giggles:

"You should have seen your face."

"Yeah well, you owe me something big time Sara Sidle."

"Don't worry, I'll owe you." Sara had a mischievious look in her eye. Grissom didn't like it, it scared him.

By the time they returned to the hotel, it was time to get ready for the dance:

"Gil...stay away from me when I get ready. I want you to be surprised."

"Ok, sure."

It took Grissom around half an hour to get ready, Sara on the other hand, took much longer:

"Sara, hurry up."

"I'm almost finished." She shouted.

Minutes later, Sara stepped out of the bathroom in a beautiful, flowing black dress. It was spagetti strapped and had sequence running down the edges of the fabric. It was made of pure silk.

Grissom caught sight of her. His breathing stopped. He had never ever seen a creature on earth as beautiful as Sara was. She had a black sheer scarf around her shoulders. He noticed that the cream color of her silky smooth skin matched perfectly with the dress she was wearing. He loved her even more.

Sara walked up to his side. Grissom thought his face would go purple if he didn't take a breath soon. So, he gained a breath and held out his arm. Sara took it and they walked to the elevator:

"You look absolutly gorgeous Sara, extremely beautiful."

"Thanks, you look good yourself."

Grissom was wearing a black tuxedo and a black bow tie. He removed the white rose from his breast pocket and gave it to Sara.

They soon entered the dance room and saw all the other guests in stunning gowns and smart tuxedos. Although, when they entered, all eyes were on them.

TBC :D :devil: :p
Awww! *le sigh" again! This is such a wonderful story! I NEED UPDATES SOON! I can't wait for Cath and the others to think they're engaged!!!

Awh!! So lovely!! this is going to be sooooo much fun!!!!!!! :p
so please update soon!! :D
Chapter 18

Grissom and Sara looked around them. They heard people say, 'God she's beautiful' and 'They look perfect together' They were stunned.

As they walked on to the dance floor, slow waltz music played. Grissom took Sara's left hand and led her to the middle of the floor.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and laced his fingers with her right hand. Sara placed her other hand on his shoulder. The dance begun.

They moved with the music. They flowed smoothly in rhythm:

"You're a very good dancer Gil."

"Yeah well, I've not danced this close with a woman in years. You're very good on your feet too."

"I'm even better off my feet." She whispered. She didn't mean for Grissom hear her, but he heard every word.

He was smiling on the inside. He now knew her true thoughts and feelings about what she wanted.

Sara lay her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck. Grissom's hands moved to her hips.

The slow dance continued. They didn't notice the spiky haired newbie CSI enter the room. Greg walked in and stood in the doorway, Man, why do I have to do Catherine's dirty work! Greg wasn't pleased.

That was until he saw Grissom and Sara. He saw Grissom tip Sara's head up to his, and place a passionate kiss on her lips.

Greg was ecstatic. He wanted to jump for joy, Catherine's plan had worked. He ran out the room, and caught the next flight to Vegas.

The dance finished after a few hours. Grissom and Sara had danced the tango and another few slow waltz.

They returned to the room at around midnight. Their night was not over.

TBC :D :devil:
Here's your promised update, and sadly, I can't do smut :lol:.

Chapter 19

Sara woke up sore and bodily exhausted. Grissom was still asleep next to her. She snuggled closer and lay her head on his shoulder. Instinctively in his sleep, Grissom wrapped his arm around her.

She felt safe, for once in her life. She remembered the time before Vegas, she could talk to Grissom about anything, no matter how personal.

Grissom stirred, his eyes opened and he groaned. He was definetely feeling the effects of the night before:

"Good morning sleepy head." Sara whispered into his ear and then kissed his throat.

"Good morning." He answered.

"How do you feel?" She continued her attack on his neck.

"Sore, physically exhausted."

"Ahh, so do I."

They left the bed and got dressed into some fresh clothes:

"The dance was good."

"So was the after party." Grisom added. Which earned him a slap on the arm. "Hey! I'm just saying the truth."

"That may be, but we can't tell the team, focus on the plan ahead darling."

"Ok, ok."

The rest of the week was spent gaining the photograghs and rented the wedding dress, among having some fun.

When it was time to return to Las Vegas, the plane jorney was peaceful. Also, there wasn't just a Miss Mile High anymore.

They arrived at the Vegas airport a few hours later. They collected everything and made their way to each of their homes.

They threw their bags into their house and jumped back into the Denali. The drove to the lab, they were going to enjoy this.

They walked into the lab and down to the breakroom when they arrived. The whole team was there:

"Hi everyone." They said in unison, and then moved immediately away from each other.

Uh-Oh, have I made their relationship even worse? Catherine thought.

"Oh, funny trick guys, totally hilarious." Sara sounded furious, all part of the plan.

"We thought it would give you a chance to talk again." Greg instantly cracked.

"Really? Well, we would have done that in our own time. How DARE you book a room under Mr and Mrs Grissom!" Grissom barked.



"We're sorry."

Catherine caught glimpse of the shining rock and Sara's ring finger, "Sara...who bought you the ring?"

"Oh, I've had this for ages. I thought you'd notice Catherine."

"It's nice, what is it...diamond?"

"Yeah, it was my grandmother's wedding ring." Sara sounded so believable.

"It's lovely."

"Thank you."

They all split up, Greg went to his lab and Grissom followed. Sara went to her lab and the rest followed her.

Greg sat at the bench and pulled over some evidence. He then noticed the gold band of gold around his left ring finger:



"What is that?" Greg said pointed to Grissom's left hand.

"Oh that? Greg I'm married."

"WHAT!" Greg jumped off his stool.

"It's not that uncommon, even I can get married."

"Who's the wife?"

"I have a picture, would you like to see?"

"Yeah." Greg sounded like an excited child.

"Ok." Grissom puled out the 'wedding' picture. Greg saw Sara in Grissom's arms, his eyes widened. They stood in a wedding arch, Sara in a lovely wedding gown. It had long sheer sleeves, with ruffles at the end. The pink and red sparkles at the thin corset were easily seen. Sara had a tiara with the veil behind the head, her hair was set long and in waves. She looked stunning.

Grissom had his arms wrapped around her waist, with her's lying on his. They were so close. Her head was lying back against his shoulder and they were smiling...Gil Grissom and Sara Sidle were smiling together:

"You're married Sara?"

"Yep, and very happy."


"Greg I think the ring and the picture prove it."


"We went to a chapel, ordered a minister..."

"I know how you got married." Greg interrupted, Grissom laughed.

"Oh my god, you laughed."

"Is that a problem?"

"'s good, I guess, the new Grissom. With a wife. Ecklie won't be happy."

"I don't care."

Sara sat in her lab staring at her followers. She turned and grabbed her coffee mug, it was empty. But they never knew that. She poured a mixture of sugar, porridge oats and food coloring into it and turned to face them. She took a 'sip' and took the whole mixture into her mouth.

She made a pained expression and ran to the wastebasket. She spat the mixture into it:

"Sara!" Her followers shouted.

"I'm ok." She said.

"Sara, what's wrong?"

"I was sick Catherine."

"Yeah, but why?"

"How would I know?"

"Did you eat something a little funny?" asked Nick.


"Are you ill?"

"I don't think so."

Sara then searched her purse and pulled out a pregnancy test. She had colored it the positive color back in Florida:

"Ok, ok I can't lie to you. Catherine this is the cause." She passed it to Catherine.

Catherine squealed, "Oh my god Sara, you're pregnant."

"Yeah, about a week. I found that in Florida, it detects the early stages of pregnancy."

"Who's the father?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean?"

"Ok, you got me again. It''s..." Sara made tears fall from her eyes, "It's Grissom."


"You know that ring? He's my husband, I'm so happy."

They were stunned into silence. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. Gil Grissom married to Sara Sidle, no it couldn't be:

"You're pulling our chain Sar." said Nick."

"Yeah, Grissom and you married, no I don't believe it." added Warrick.

"It's true, I've even got a picture." Sara let them see the same picture Grissom had shown Greg.

"Oh my lord." Catherine whispered.

Sara then left the room and met Grissom walking along the corridor. They high-fived and got to work.

TBC :devil: :D