Let's Talk Gay

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I agree fully with CSI_Sidle2399. If these people wanna spend their night staring at him, than they are just sad. I think he'll make great statement by taking his boyfriend. Because he has the guts to show the rest of the world who he really is and that deserves admiration!
Agreed. If everybody wastes their night staring at him they obivously need to learn how to get a life.

Today someone told me I was straightaphobic. I was like "uhhh, okay buddy" then they told me they were gayaphobic and I was like "you really don't know the right terms for things do you" it was kind of really stupid of them. So now I'm straightahpobic :p
Haha Levon people really dont know the right terms, i dont know how many times ive been asked who you were gay with, i just find it funny. Its like "well i dont know who shes gay with but would you like you know who shes dating?" :lol:

And thanks you guys, I'll tell my friend that even people he doesnt know wish him luck :)
Levon, people call me straightaphobic too sometimes. Never knew that was an actual word!

I was wondering, do any of you go out to gay clubs and stuff.. I hardly ever do
No, I do not usually go out to gay bars and clubs. I like to hang out with my guy friends, and they don't really want to go to a gay club with me because well...they're not gay :lol: Not to mention I don't go out that often.
Gay clubs are fun...if you're not out to find someone. It sounds condescending but the "women" in those locations aren't really what The L Word wants to make you believe. I'm not saying that I'm pretty and they're not, I'm just feeling very girly when I go there...and I'm not :p
But well...not all of them are like that. Still, going to a gay club/bar on your own can make you a little disappointed. I'm glad I have my girlfriend with me when I go out, that way I can laugh it off. Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing against butch lesbians, but when there is almost nobody else it gets a bit too much.
Anyways, I still prefer gay clubs to most other locations because at least nobody looks at you strangely for making out with a girl...they just look at you strangely when you don't look gay at first sight ;)
Oh, and there are no guys trying to convince you that you just need a good *** to be straight again. *shudders*
SaraSidle_girl said:
CSI_Sidle2399.. what does that mean exactly?

It is a student-led day of action where those who support making anti-LGBT bullying and harassment unacceptable in schools participate in events to recognize and protest the discrimination and harassment—in effect, the silencing—experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students and their allies. People choose to be silent for the whole day or just part.
MiaCharlize said:
Oh, and there are no guys trying to convince you that you just need a good *** to be straight again. *shudders*

Okay, that made me laugh :lol: :lol: What, do they think we just woke up one morning and decided to be gay and that we can turn off our gaydar at anytime? :eek: "Hallelujah I have seen the light, I'm gay no more!!" :lol: :p
quoth_the_raven said:
"Hallelujah I have seen the light, I'm gay no more!!" :lol: :p

:lol: That made me laugh extremly hard.

So many guys tell me that they can turn my straight again. I'm like "okay, you try and do that, but it's going to be a little hard, because I now think you're a complete ass and don't want to speak to you ever again" another thing I hate is when you tell a guy you're gay and their like "can I watch?" That makes me want to like, start beating on them :lol:

Haha, today, some guy was looking up something weird on the computer today, and he was like reading something, then suddenly starts screaming and freaking out. And I was like "why are you freaking out" and he's like "it says here that Ceaser had multiple homosexual partners, ew ew ew ew gross gross, that's so disgusting, I bet he's in hell, god punished him for that, ew, he's not my hero" I was like "uhhh, okay, but what's wrong with homosexuals?" and he just totally flips on me and is like "god made man and woman, and even if you support gay rights you're going to hell" I was like okay then...got up and left :lol:
I hate people like that, CW. They're ignorant, rude, stupid, and just take up space. I think people like that, with no regard for other people and what they feel, those kind of people deserve to go to hell. *sigh* The world would be such a better place if people realized that no one is 'normal' and different kinds of people are what make this world the amazing place it is (though it'd be better if they all fell off the face of the earth)

Like there's this gay girl at my school who you might call stereotypical because she dresses like a guy and has really short hair and people always make fun of her for it. If they'd open their eyes they'd see she's a really nice, funny girl, and they're idiots for even viewing her differently. :rolleyes:
Some people just refuse to see the beauty the world is showing. If people would only open their eyes and try to learn from each other in stead of judging each other or be afraid of thins they refuse to understand..

I hate people who just close their eyes and keep yelling things like "god made a man and a woman and gays should go to hell" And people worry about terrorists these days.. but what about these people, spreading hate as well?
People who say that God hates gays just don't listen good enough. I am not believing in any God who tells me how to live. I am not an atheist either but I believe in a God who accepts and loves every single human soul for who they are. Gay, straight, bi, transgender, black, white, yellow, red, man, woman... The soul of a human is what matters.
yesterday in one of my classes one kid started to sing about gays and it wasn't nice and the teacher told him to stop mutiple times and he wouldn't. I wanted to deck him because it bugged me so much. People are so ignorant about gays, bi, and transgender people. They only seem to go off looks and their sexuality. I just wish there was a way to show people how gays, bi, and transgender that they are the same like them, and how nice and fun they can be.

I agree with SaraSidle_girl about believing in a god who accepts everyone.
I hate stupid idiots like that. They are so annoying. They haven't even met a gay person and assume they all suck and should die. Another thing I can't stand is when someone tells you that they hate you becasue you're gay, then when you're telling someone else that's friends with that person suddenly the person who told you they hated you is like "No, I would never say such a thing, I love gay people!" Another thing I can't stand is when people say that gay people are cute and adorable. It bothers me, it's like being like "look at the puppy! it's so little and cute!" aghh it bothers me :p
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