Let's Talk Gay

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As long as I remember I've liked girls more than boys. It was 4 years ago when I started to think everyone else doesn't do the same. :lol:
I told my friends and they all said they had known.
It was quite weird moment...

Since then I haven't really thought about it.
It's part of me, like the color of my eyes or something.
Except when my mom keeps talking about how being gay is the biggest sin in the world and all gays will go to hell.
Every now and then I think I should tell her...
But then I decide I don't want to be responsible for her getting a heart attack.

The same summer when I told my friends, I met this one boy, I told him I like girls, but he still wanted to date me.
We were together for 3 years.
It was great.
Like when we went to see a movie we kept whispering how sexy the women actresses looked.
Gave points and all that. :lol:
We had so much fun together!
It was freak, but it was fun.
But I guess eventually we had nothing more in common...

No reason to tell this.
But told anyway.
I kind of gave in one day. :lol:
Only a few months ago really.
I remember when I was maybe 10? I would fantasise about female teachers, not fantasising fantasising lol, I was 10, but yeah. That kind of fizzled out, until when I was 13 ish, but because going to an all girls school, and it being 'wrong' :mad: I would think to myself 'what am I doing?' and stop myself. I'm not sure what happened in between, but I have just realised from getting older, etc that it is fine, and I have accepted it.

It feels good to have 'given in' :lol:, very freeing. ;)

So, yeah gregslabmouse I so know what your thinking, you'll work it out, give it time. :D
CatherineWillows said:
Yes, it is pretty much the same as liking guys. Just for some stupid reason society thinks of it a lot differently. Which if you ask me, is really stupid.

yea it really is . don't know where I found this out (some book) but in spartan times if you were gay it was thouht that if your partner was in the same group, you would fight harder. so i guess they accepted men being gay.
CSI_Sidle2399 said:
CatherineWillows said:
Yes, it is pretty much the same as liking guys. Just for some stupid reason society thinks of it a lot differently. Which if you ask me, is really stupid.

yea it really is . don't know where I found this out (some book) but in spartan times if you were gay it was thouht that if your partner was in the same group, you would fight harder. so i guess they accepted men being gay.

Society seems to think that all that is different from what is considered ´normal´ is wrong or wierd. But when does society realise there is no such thing as normal..People are all wierd in their own way and ´normal´ was just created by some brainless idiot
So I guess normal would be only what that brainless idiot is then :lol: I have an odd friend (she's very "the worlds going to end and im going to jump off a bridge") who told me that it would be stupid if the world wasn't homophobic...then there would be nothing for gay/bi people to face. I disagree with her to be honest, because gay/bi people still have to face every day problems straight people have to face. But just some random thing I remember :lol:
Ugh, I'm so confussed. Everything is confussing. I've never been so "confussed" about my sexuality, not confussed but I don't know how to say it. I told my best guy friend, who is also my ex, that I think I may be gay, and he was like "Oh I kind of always thought we'd get back together.." and I started crying and than he sat and hugged me for like 20 minutes and we ended up like kissing and I have no clue, I'm just confussed. Like I don't know what to do about it :(
I was cycling home with my colleague today (who has the same age as my dad) and we talked about homosexuality. People at work are really open-minded and I really like that. My boss's son is gay and he talks about it while working and we girls talk with him about nice guys and stuff. And everyone at work is just so open about it! My other colleague had stories about her kissing a girl. I really enjoy being among those people. My colleague also told a story about her daughter, that she was gay and she didn't have any problems with it at all.
Thanks guys :)
I'm glad I can talk here about it... I'm afraid to tell any of my friends... I think my best friend of 12 years would disown me...
I think if they are real friends they will understand and respect your choices. i think you have to figure out what you want for yourself first....then...and only when you figured out what you really want....it might be easier to tell your friends if you are comfortable with your choices...

good luck!
gregslabmouse said:
I'm glad I can talk here about it... I'm afraid to tell any of my friends... I think my best friend of 12 years would disown me...

It's a sad realization, but the truth is friends change all the time :( My "friends" are completely homophobic, but it's because they're stupid and immature. They don't understand the way the world is, and they don't understand that just because they don't like gay people doesn't mean people are going to magically stop being gay overnight :lol: ;)

I had a friend since kindergarten and when I realized she was turning into a completely different person than the friend I knew, it really hurt me. But she's not a real friend, I know that now. If friends don't accept you for who you are and don't treat you right, gay or straight, they're not your friends.

Believe me, I've found way better friends :)
Hello, I've never been to this part of the site before and I don't really know how to introduce myself, because as you can tell, I'm the most socially awkward person in the world. :lol: So, yeah. My name's Karri. I just wanted to introduce myself and talk here. So, thanks. :D
Hi Karri! We're pretty open here, as you can tell. Feel free to ad to the conversation in any way you like - whether you're gay, straight, or bi, you're welcome here. :)
:D Hi I'm Jenny. I don't talk much here, because I'm kinda overwhelmed it's like "aaaaah too many threads! how can I read them all?" :p

I'm gay and I know that, I'm kinda OK with it, but then I think maybe I'm not and it's so confusing at times, but what in live isn't? :D I've told my two best friends which went well, although neither of them ever want to mention it which makes things awkward sometimes.

I've also told someone who was a friend but she isn't now, because she seamed to think that it made me like her and she could treat me differently and look down on me. Because she's "gay" but it's really that she's attention seeking so she does STUPID things like grabbing someones ass. Which really hurts me because if I ever come out at school (kinda unlikely*) I will just be stereotyped.

I think some people would think its weird that I'm a GSR fan, but I'm just like Grissom is cool and Sara's happy so what's bad? :D (but I mean obviously she's so much more suited to Sofia, lol)

* I go to an all girls school, so I don't really want to come out.
Hi I'm Jenny. I don't talk much here, because I'm kinda overwhelmed it's like "aaaaah too many threads! how can I read them all?" :p
Hey Jenny! What you got to do is spend 10 hours a day on here, and in that time you can get through them all. :lol:
I understand about the stereotyping, there is a girl in our 6th form who's gay, and it's talked about like this dirty secret, it's horrible. :( I stay away from those kinds of people, they're so negative.
Oh, don't forget that you told me too, Jenny. Do I count? We probably have seen each other at school haven't we, lol, just didn't know it. :lol:
Why is it that people look at me rather strangely when I wear a dress or skirt?!

Since Im gay its wierd to see me wear them or something?!
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