Let's Talk Gay

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Yeah, sometimes I really wanna slap people who say those things. They are such a hipocracy to the teachings of their religion (as far as I know, I'm athiest), and it really bothers me that they think it's okay to say rude things about gay/bi/transgendered people.

Do people really think gay people are cute? I'm sorry, but that is really kinda disturbing. :lol:
I don't think its so much gay people in general, more just the relationships. I find tonnes of my friends relationships cute, be it different gendered or same gendered.
They do that yeah. But I've actually heard people be like "awe, you're gay? that's so cute, you are soo cute, a little lesbian, awwe" and their like, actually not kidding around. And I'm like "I'm a human being, not a puppy" :lol:
hey CW that never happened to me yet :) If it ever does I''ll probably laugh sooooo hard :D

Usually when I make a statement like "Jorja Fox is sooo damn sexy" or "Mariska Hargitay looked good in SVU last night" my friends go like "you are soooo gay"

But whenever they say a guy looked good in a movie or something I don't go like "you are soooo straight" Maybe I should try that some time ;)

Can you imagine what my friends call me when I tell them I wrote another femslash Cath/Sara story :D
AshleyWillows I actually said it yesterday and my best friend didn't know what hit her :D

We were watching CSI (duh!) and when Sara appeared I stated: "Check out that cute smile.." And my friend turned me "You are soooo gay"

Later we saw Nick without his shirt and she went all nuts. "Damn! He's sexy"

And I looked at her. "You are sooo straight.."

And we laughed :D
Haha, yeah SaraSidle_Girl that's hilarous.

I sometimes say "that's straight" but that was kind of a joke :lol: I've never actually used it as often as people say "that's so gay" I actually usually say that's so stupid :lol:
My friends know what to expect from me and usually, its something like this. Me sense of humor is just the way it is.. (I noticed I sometimes use it here too..)

Do any of you have the gaydar thing? I have and usually I am right when I look at a woman/girl... I guess that's why the alarm is going of everytime I see Sara or Sofia :p
Owww my poor roommate just lost his Boyfriend, it was his second gay relation. But he react very calm underneed it. But i wish i could do something for him.

About seeing ive people are gay, yes sometimes i have it good with seeing it of on people. But most friends who are gay arent realy the are more both ways. Ive you all get what i mean. I mean it nice. They like both and i dont care because i do to sometimes. then i mean. HIHI okay never mind me..Just walking in and saying strange things.. :rolleyes:
Awwww Berylla sorry about your friend :(

I have absolutly no gaydar. I can't tell, I mean there's the sterotypes which I don't buy into but I have no sense of who's gay or straight.
Well, I don't think I have a gay dar...I usually say everybody I see is gay (because I'm that annoying) so, I'm not too sure. Pretty sure I don't though :lol:
I have trouble interacting with people on a basic level, e.g. Light conversations, etc, so determining whether someone is straight/gay/bi, etc is completely beyond me. :(

My dad is totally Homophobic. Especially gay men. If there is a gay couple on the tv he makes a huge deal about it. On Big Brother he goes on about the fact that there is always a gay guy on every year. He's says the programme is supposed to be showing 'normal' people, and gay people aren't 'normal'. I don't need to say how much I hate that word do I? :mad: Little does he know that his daughter isn't 'normal.' :lol: When you call my Dad on his homophobia he completely denies it. :confused:
eggbe4thechicken said:
'normal' people

See, my mom isn't homophobic at all but she says a few things from time to time that send me mixed messages :p She has a nice way of saying 'not normal people'. She says they're just 'that way' :lol: :p

I'm pretty sure I don't have a gaydar... never have :lol: If I'm out somewhere and I see two guys together getting a little friendly there's always the assumption but I don't even think twice about it. Unless they're somewhere out with their bf/gf I can't tell :p
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