Let's Talk Gay

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^I don't know why they would do that. It's rather odd. I don't really wear skirts or dresses a lot except at like funerals and special occasions. Maybe they're just jealous! :lol:

Has anyone else noticed that the word 'funerals' has 'fun' in it? That's kinda weird, considering funerals are mostly depressing. :confused:

Anyway, thanks for all the niceness (is that even a WORD?!). I will surely come back. :D
You keep wearing a skirt Tuffel ignore them. It's your life, your body, your decision. Being gay shouldn't affect what you can and can't wear. If we went by stereotype we would be wearing men's suits. :rolleyes:

Saying that, I'm not exactly a flowery girl, lol, I would like to be, I just don't feel comfortable in that sort of clothing. I wear skirts and things, but no frills, if you see what I mean. :)
Tuffel21 said:
Why is it that people look at me rather strangely when I wear a dress or skirt?!

People look at me weird when I do that too :lol: But it's not because they know I'm gay (only a handful of people actually do), it's because I never wear that kind of stuff :rolleyes: I'm a t-shirt and jeans type of gal. I hate dresses and skirts but that's just me. I guess that sort of fits the whole 'dyke' image :lol: :p
I'm the type of girl that when I turn down a guy with "I'm gay" they'll be like "I couldn't tell, you look normal" I will freak out on them, it bothers me that everybody thinks every gay girl has to look like a man. It's not true. And aghhh! But you know what Tuffel? If I was you I'd wear dresess and skirts often, just to confuse everybody :lol: because obviously, people are stupid.
That they are. The stereotype is terrible, there are tons of gay girls who are girly and there are tons of straight girls who are casual and tomboyish. I get 'are you a boy' and 'are you gay' all the time because I wear casual clothes and loose jeans, and I'm straight (although I think I've discovered the reason no guy has ever asked me out... :lol:) One of my really good friends is gay and she's one of the most gorgeous, girly girls I know. People are indeed stupid. *sigh* Sorry, Tuffel. :)
Thanks Quoth :)
I'll try to figure stuff out I guess, but I'm in no hurry...

People assume you can't be gay if you wear skirts just like people assumed I couldn't be straight for wearing baggy pants and combat boots :lol: society needs to be backhanded.
That strange thing about closet and being gay. Its so weird how people think of it. But i live with a gay boy and he is and you cant and can see it on him. But he doesnt dress himself like a tipical gay just like himself. He is a bit like : can i wear this, or do i have to button my blouse or leave it open. He is busy with how he looks but i know enough straight man who are more in the badroom and before the mirror than him.

About myself. I dont wear tipical close. I am a bit girly but also boyish, its a mix up between both of those styles. I am just me=myself. And i wear what i like on that moment.
So i think people cant ask or say to me on my close you are gay. Its just a strange thing. :eek: :p
I just keep wearing the skirts every now and than. I like wearing them. Makes me feel sexy. Not girly but sexy :D I don't really have nice legs so its take a while before I found the guts to put them on again but once I do, I feel like the world is mine :D

Lately, my reputation has changed from being the "dark, strange, out of this world, freaky girl" into "open, sexy and strong girl". I make no secret of my sexuality. Pretty much everyone knows. Its their problem if they are not OK with it, not mine..
^^ Tuffel, that's really cool and inspiring. :D

That's one of the reasons I like Sara, because she doesn't wear skirts that much and her clothes aren't that girlie. I know people online say because of that, she's gay; but we know for a fact she's not, so it's dispelling the stereotype, which is good. :D Sorry if anyone minds me brining Sara into this.

Egg, I did tell you didn't I. :D
AHH! Tuffel that is sooo beyond awesome. I love the "Its their problem if they are not OK with it, not mine.." because it's sooo true!

Well, now that my mother and I are kind of getting a long (haven't in a long time) I find out she doesn't think being gay is cool...she thinks it's gross. Yup, I'm pretty much screwed, we've been not on the best of terms since I was 14, and finally things are getting better, then eventually I'll have to tell her I'm gay, and we'll be at eachothers throats again. As much as I hate the situation, it's kinda funny, because no matter how hard I try I really can't be who she wants me to be. Which for some weird reason I find funny, because I'm trying so hard to be who she wants (for some weird reason) lied to myself for a little while too, but in the end, I can't be who she wants. And I'm almost glad of it, I love who I am, whether people love me the way I do or not, I am who I am, and I'm happy
Good for you, CW :) But I hope everything works itself out!

I was in the car with my sister tonight and she said, "If you end up being a lesbian, please tell me you're not going to dress like a man and shave off all your hair..." :rolleyes: Hey, I may not be a frilly girly-girl, but I'm not going to dress like a man. I'm damn proud to be female, thank you very much :lol: :p

And then we got into a conversation about Justin Timberlake, and I told her I've never liked him. And she said, "What, do lesbians not like Justin?" She was totally kidding but if she hadn't been my sister I would've smacked her :lol: :p
Aww, Levon (CatherineWillows) I have never beenso proud of you in all my life. Im so glad that you figured everything out, and you didnt even have to call me :) lol.

Im really worried about one of my friends, he is just about to graduate grade 12 and go to his grad dance, btu hes taking a boy (his boyfriend) and he is soo scared that eveyrone will stare at him just because he is gay. So i just told him..."If those people at your dance really feel the need to waste there special night staring at you, then its there problem, they can look back on that night and say gee, i wish i hadnt of wasted my night being and a** and so you have fun with your boyfriends, and dont care what they think they dont matter anyways." but it seeems no matter what i say he stil really scared, i just hope eveyrthing works out for him.
Awwe, Thanks Katlynn! (Depth-of-love)

And about your friend, if anybody bugs him, he should just ignore them...or beat them up! Okay, don't beat them up at prom, that would be a little extreme. But I'm sure he'll be fine, I wish him luck also!!
Depth-Of-Love said:
Im really worried about one of my friends, he is just about to graduate grade 12 and go to his grad dance, btu hes taking a boy (his boyfriend) and he is soo scared that eveyrone will stare at him just because he is gay. So i just told him..."If those people at your dance really feel the need to waste there special night staring at you, then its there problem, they can look back on that night and say gee, i wish i hadnt of wasted my night being and a** and so you have fun with your boyfriends, and dont care what they think they dont matter anyways." but it seeems no matter what i say he stil really scared, i just hope eveyrthing works out for him.

He shouldn't care what they think because he'll probably never see a lot of them again after he graduates.
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