Let's Talk Gay

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My mom beggged me for me not to be a lesbian when I told her I didn't like this guy that was like, in love with me. I didn't tell her I was gay, I was just like "can't make any promises" then giggled to make it seem like a joke :p Haha, wasn't really a joke though. Ohh well, once I tell her she'll have to accept it anyways. Because I'm not going to pretend I like guys for the rest of my natural living life :p

On a random note: quoth I love your icon!
Aww, thanks Levon :D (I hope you don't mind me calling you that ;))

But you know, pretending to like guys is awesome if you want to get into acting. :rolleyes: When I saw my old friends they were drooling all over the guys in the pizza place and I just had to nod and smile. I wonder if they knew it was because I was thinking of Jorja :p
I love your icon too Quoth :)

I hate how my friend still bugs me about being with a girl for eight months. I keep telling her that I'm straight (at least I think so) and she won't believe me. She thinks me liking a guy is a fake and I just want to pretend I'm 'normal'. I hate that! Gay people can be 'normal' too. and hell, I'm the farthest from 'normal' anyone can be. But I hate that she doesn't believe me! I don't have anything against gay people, but if I'm not I should stand up for it shouldn't I?

Anyways... It was really funny last week i ran into a guy who was in one of my classes and countinually bugged me the other day. So he makes some disrespectfulcomment about me going out with a girl. He makes a note on how I 'always' made out with her. So I stopped and turned to him and said 'So, you haven't ever made out with a girl before?' He looked stunned for a couple seconds then tells about all the girls he's made out with, I just rolled my eyes and walked away. But it was funny just to see the look on his face :lol:
I wonder if they knew it was because I was thinking of Jorja :p

That hatppens to you too a lot, huh? ;) It happens to me all the time...

You know, I wonder... what the hell is 'normal'? I mean, I keep seeing the word pop up here but what the hell IS 'normal'? When you ask the people who say being gay isn't 'normal' they'll say that being straight is. Ask a gay person what isn't normal, its likely you get an answer that is something like "people judging isn't normal"

I mean.. I am so not normal if I look at the standards of society. I am gay, not very tall, a little overweight, I smoke, I drink, I don't go out much though, I am wacked out when it comes to animal cruelty or child abuse since these things drive me insane, I fight for gay rights and I am considered by some to be extremly liberal.. (I just think I'm liberal..)

But am I normal? No. No one is :D
CSI_Sidle2399 I agree with you totally!

People sometimes just don't look any further.. That's a real shame. We should learn more from each other :)
Normal is non existant I'm pretty sure. Even people who claim to be so normal are weird in their own way.

But yeah, people don't bother to look further. Half the people as soon as you say "I'm gay" they run away screaming. Okay not literally, but they might as well :lol:
Ugh, venting! Today in my history, we were talking about Hitler. We were listing all his dislikes, and I said he was a homophobiac and this kid in front of me turns around and goes "like me!", like all proud, and I responded with some profanities, but my basic message was "Your so cool. You hate people you don't even know because of who they love." and because of all the profanities, I have a week of detention, but I could care less, it was worth it.
I love the word 'normal'
To me the definition is esay: I'm normal, everybody else isn't. That's not to say 'normal' is good and everything else is bad, I just measure things from my point of view.
If you ask for a general definition of normal though, something that equals 'average', I'd say I'm far from normal... but then 'avrage-normal' is boring :p

@ Ashley: Did that other kid get detention too?
Awe, AshleyWillows, good job for standing up for what you believe in. Stupid that you got detention, detentions stupid...too bad about those profanities. But good for you!!

One time I was in a class and I started freaking out on a person who said they hated gay people. The teacher was like "Uhh". Cause I was lecturing the kid for 10 minutes :lol: I didn't get a DT though, despite all the swearing I did, because the teacher liked me and knew what I believed in.
CW I always start lecturing too whenever people judge gays all wrong. I nevet got DT for it either :D Teachers love me (usually.... )
Im not even a lesbian or anything but im like you too if anyone says anything mean about people who are gay im like "umm excuse me?" and i start getting all mad.

The other day in one of my classes there was a giy talking to some others guys and he was like "Thinking about guys with guys makes me wanna puke" so i stood up and yelled "Then dont think about it dum***" and then he was like but there are so many of them contaminatiing our world" And i was like are you talking about gays, bacteria or a**holes like yourself?!" Boy does it feel good to make jerks speechless. :lol:
My teacher's hate me, because grades aren't really my main priority :lol:
Today in my detention, the kid was in there with a ton of his friends and he's like "Oh look at little ms. gay rights." I was just like oh screw you and got moved out of the detention room.

People are so lame. I hate people with negative opinions!
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