Let's Talk Gay

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Berylla Nienna said:
We have a nasty word in dutch that people use, but only when they are disgusted by a lesbian. And it always hurts me i've people say it to me or about someone. Because they mean it so negative. Being gay isn't negative damn in what time do we life lately.. :mad:

Yeah really. What kind of time do we live in? Like the government says two people of the same sex can't get married? I have the theory about gay marriage which many people don't understand, so I don't talk about it. It's a lame comparison.

I don't understand what some people find so repulsive about two girls/guys being together?
Alien_from_mars said:
I think dyke is a rude word, its not a very nice word.. its like calling a gay guy a puff..

Well, it might in the UK, but it certainly is not in the US. I thought it was so funny when Linda Perry once said in an interview "I'm not a lesbian, I'm a dyke!" :lol: Loved it :D
Hey everyone..
Its been awhile since I was here. Yesterday I returned from the UK. I got to spent a few days with Kerry and met the inlaws. Which was totally great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was wondering.. did anyone ever experience troubles with inlaws? like maybe they weren't happy or they did not like you? or you not liking them?

I did have troubles with the family of my ex girlfriend but they were wierd and they did not accept me for who I am. Kerry's family does.
I'm so glad everything's going well with Kerry :D

WEll, I've never had inlaws, so I have no idea ;).


Okay, so I came up with this while emailing Mia, basically it applies to all women (okay, only the really annoying ones :p; but it's so much funnier when you twist these into gay rules :lol:) So anyway, here we go:

The 11 Rules to having stable relationships with Femmes

"When femme in question moans about not being equally good at sth, tell her that you love her. Then proceed to tell her that she's just as good as you are, if not maybe a little bit better.<-- This applies even when you think her skills suck. Remember: A femme is ALWAYS your no1 piority and the best thing there is in your life. Tell her this every day, multiple times even.

"When Femme in question moans about her weight, DO NOT

-tell her she looks fine to you
(she will twist that into "so just F I N E???*insert whiney voice*)

-tell her she is beautiful
(or be prepared for " You just say that to make me feel better" *insert VERY whiney voice paired with a sob*)

DO NOT, under any circumstances, tell her

-I love you no matter what
(she will bitchslap you and run out screaming "Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy have I gotten sooooooooooooo

DO the following:

-wrap her in your arms, kiss her breathless and then, ONLY then tell her that she looks amazing and that you wanna *** on her right now

When Femme in question comes home and asks you with her
whiney-only-reserved-for-special-occasions-like-EVERYDAY voice whether you love her, DO NOT

-wonder what in the world might have prompted her question
(as Femmes just HAVE phases that prompt them to doubt anything, from their current clothes size ("I don't trust these pants, they say it's a size 6, but I'm positive it's at least a 10 *breaks down in hysterical tears*) to the color of their car ("Why did I buy that black car? WTF was I thinking? It does NOT match my blue dress *insert, as always, hysterical femmy whine*) and the reason for someone loving them ("How can you love me? I'm fat and ugly and you're so much more..." <--which does NOT mean you're so much fatter and uglier;

remember, a femme got through high school with her looks, NOT her


-proceed to tell her that you love her by listing all of the reasons you can come up with for loving someone (even if not all of them apply to your Femme, look at it more in terms of damage control than lying :p

"When Femme in question ask you something, ANYTHING, remember:

A grunt is never an acceptable answer to any question. "

None of your ex-girlfriends were ever nicer, prettier, or better in bed. EVER!
(be prepared to tell her so every other week. Scratch that, tell her that whenever she asks, even if it is several times a day or whenever she walks past a mirror!)

Her cooking is ALWAYS excellent.
(That isn't an excuse for you to avoid cooking. Remember, though:
-let her pick the dish, as there is a 50/50 chance of making an otherwise perfect evening go bad by either

-cooking something healthy
("Do you think I'M fat? DO you think I need
to diet?")

-cooking something unhealthy ("I can't eat this, do you wanna make me

Answering "Who was that on the phone?" with "Nobody" is never going to end that conversation.

Ditto for "Whose lipstick is this?"

The following applies to EVERY situation your Femme and you disagree. It is essential to learn this by heart:

You're wrong.


You're sorry.

^Do NOT question this rule, ever :D.

-No means No.
-Yes means Yes.
-Silence could mean anything she feels like at that particular moment
in time, and it could change without notice.

Now, this only applies to the butchy dykes or the ones who got REALLY lucky:

The rules are never fair. Accept this without question. The fact that she has to go through labor while you sit in the waiting room on your ass smoking cigars isn't fair either, and it balances everything. :lol:
Well, they are true to some degree for me, too, hence I came up with them in the first place :D. But I won't say which ones pertain to me :p
SaraSidle_girl said:
did anyone ever experience troubles with inlaws? like maybe they weren't happy or they did not like you? or you not liking them?

not really inlaws i guess but my first gf, who i was with for 3 years, her mother loved me. she still loves me and when i'm in town i always go visit her :) but i couldn't stand my last ex's parents. i didn't like to be near them, family dinners were uncomfortable (and she dragged me to them all the friggin time). they were polite for the most part but they were arrogant and snobbish with absolutely no reason to be. i'm sooooo glad i don't have to deal with them anymore, thats almost better than not having to deal with the ex anymore :D

it can be super awkward for you if your partners parents aren't comfortable with the fact they are gay b/c they resent you for...idk, making it worse or whatever goes through the straight people's heads. its great that you and her family get along, it makes life a lot easier.
I've never had inlaws! So I really don't know. Because I've had like, one girlfriend, and her mom was okay with me because she thought we were just very close friends. (That held hands under blankets :lol:) but when my ex kinda sorta told her mom, (she told her that we kissed once, and only once, which is such a lie anyways :p) her mom hated me. Then my ex told her we were drunk, and she's liked me ever since. But I've never actually had inlaws. Ehe.
I have kind of "inlaws" we are only togheter more not.. But they didnt liked my laugh at all, its to loud, i think there are more things they dont like about me..

Today I had a really good talk with my sister about me and my Girlfriend & we both thought its not that "on" like i was thinking. What i mean is that i dont have the feeling she is the "one". I found out that we are more good/best friends than girlfriends and it sucks.. Most of all to tell this her.. But i dont think its going to be something.. I am very very afraid to talk about it with her. Dont know what i really feel for her and what to do.. I am a bit confussed on teh moment.. Are my feelings real or not.. I just wish i could answer it, shall i take a other change on it and look where it ends or do i end it? Difficult question.. :eek: I am in total shock by my own feelings..Does anyone else ever had a thing like this before? I really like to hear what i could do, just some clue's or so.. :(

Chris great to hear from you again. I hope you had a good time with Kerry. I am so happy for you, didn't say congrats either before so here they come..

Congrats to you and Kerry & your incagment..(write it wrong, sorry)..
Chris, I'm glad everything is good with Kerry. I was wondering where you had been lately :D

Well I had this boyfriend, who's parents loved me. I'd go over to his house on the weekends to hang out with his parents, not him. They loved me :lol: Even now, I still keep in touch with them.

Well I've met my girlfriend's mother. She suspects the extent of our relationship. She's known me for a long time though and she likes me. Her mother likes us, but sometimes she's talks about how gay my girlfriend is. It's funny. :lol: But I shift awkwardly. I like her mom though. It's not really weird.
BeryllaNienna I sent you a pm in case you wanna talk cus I do recognise it! Just let me know, ok? Even if I am on "away" on msn you can try.. I am usually there.

My ex'parents I didn't relaly like. I did a lot of pretending around them cus there were many things I did not what them to know about me. With Kerry's family I don't pretend at all so that feels way more comfortable.
Ahh, my girlfriend's going to be hear in 45 minutes. She's being quite spontaneous because we had plans to spend the weekend together, starting tomorrow. But instead she's on her way now. Too late to tell her to turn around. I have plans with all my friends tonight. Who don't know about my girlfriend :eek:

This weekend should be fun though! I can't wait! It's a 3 day party now. She's staying with me, at my house. My mom just thinks we're friends :devil: So this should be an interesting weekend. :lol:
^^Ehe, hope that goes well for you. Haha, you're mom just thinks you two are friends, reminds me of me and my ex soo much. Haha.

Hmm, the other day I was watching a show called South of Nowhere, and it's about these two gay girls, and anyways, I was watching it, and my dad walked in (I have to watch it on the computer, I get it sent to me) and my dad was like "are you gay?" and I was like "A TV show is supposed to interpert my sexuality now?" and well, it was a rather annoying conversation. I didn't tell him I was gay, but my was it irritating.
I hate those conversations. My brother always jokes about me being gay and then the other day he asked if I actually was gay. I'm not ready to tell people yet.

Haha, and once my mother walked in while I was watching The L Word on the computer. It wasn't a particularly gay scene though so I don't think she suspected anything.
Wow, I haven't been in here since like forever! Okay, so actually just a couple days, but anyway...

I've always tried to avoid contact with parents. I say hi and that's it. Never had any trouble as I obviated it from the start.

My current girlfriend's parents I've seen a couple times now, I even went to family gatherings which was a little strange for me, I don't even do much family stuff with my own folks, but it was nice. I have no idea whether they like me or accept me or just don't care, but they are nice to me everytime we meet so I'm guessing they don't find me all too horrible.
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