Let's Talk Gay

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I made this icon a while ago, I'd like to make a button out of it :D


Pride buttons do have a bit of a childish vibe I guess, but they're fun to have anyways. And they make it easier to detect fellow dykes, especially the ones who don't blink on the gaydar :p
hahaha I love the button and the picture and Hargitay, Jorja_Rain. I don't care how Mariska's hair looks either way she's smokin :D (I'm watching SVU right now:lol:)

I would wear pride cothes, but honestly, I probably wouldn't wear something that labeled me as gay.
Haha, the button makes me laugh. I want the button, I would stick it on my purse! Hahah.

I actually do not have anything that have anything to do with being gay. I was going to go get a ribbon, but kinda lost the idea somewhere, although I should get one :p. One time I wore a rainbow sticker on my forehead, but people just thought I was really weird, not gay :lol:

Oh! And one time I wore one of those stupid stickers that say "Hello my name is:" and you like, write your name, well, I edited it so beautfully so that it said "Hello I am gay" people thought I was soo weird. Aha. It was fun.

I soo wanna shirt or a pin or something now :lol:

Oh and agreed MiaCharlize rainbows do rock!
I looovve Mariska, she rocks <3 But I suppose I do have a huge weakness for women with guns anyways :rolleyes: :lol:

Anyways, my uncle was going to do something really mean to this real okey white guy who lives in their neighborhood involving a huge 'Gay Pride' bumper-sticker :lol: He actually tried to run over their cat on purpose, so he was going to stick it on the back of his beloved truck :p

He's done it before :lol: I'm all for it :devil:
I have one t-shirt in my closest that is pink (of all colors!) and with white letters it says "No one knows I'm a lesbian"

I'm the kind of girl that likes to wear shirs with symbols or texts! I had once with the heads of a pig and a dog and below it said "Types of men.. pick one" I loved that one! :devil:
that website is wondermous, Mia! i have a weakness for older women and chicks with guns. :D

so i'm a little weird...oh well. my thing for older women freaks alot of people out because i think martha stewart is like really hot and i'm pretty sure i'm the only one on the planet that thinks this. well, except for suzanne westenhoefer. anyone heard of her? she's a really awesome comedian and every lesbian on the planet should check her out. she cracks me up.
What's weird about liking older women? They're hot! Okay, so I freak myself out at times when I watch a movie and go like "Wow, Helen Mirren is beautiful." Then I realize, "Wait. Helen Mirren is 62!"
Same goes for Diane Keaton. I love women who age gracefully, there's definitely something beautiful about wrinkled eyes, gives them so much more expression.
I saw a woman who looked like Louise Lombard today. She was hot.

Shame she wasn't carrying a gun though...that would have just made my day :D
Oh, no, the bumper-sticker, Mia :lol: Sorry, I must've been tired when I posted that last night, I didn't realize I wasn't specific enough and I even preview all my posts :rolleyes:
*steals girls with guns list* ;)
Diane Keaton! omg i love her! she was gorgeous back in her Annie Hall days and even more gorgeous now. I saw Because I Said So a while back with my best friend and halfway through i turned to him and said "yeah, i'd hit it" and he spewed his drink...the other movie goers didn't appreciate that very much. oh well, its true! and I Meryl Streep is just freakin sexy. i was extremely excited that she played a lesbian in The Hours. thats just a good movie all around, her, Julianne Moore and Nicole Kidman (gorgeous! even with the prosthetic nose). good lord do i love that movie...now i'ma have to go home and watch it. :D
I never liked Meryl Streep very much but I do love Julianne Moore. She's gorgeous! The Hours was a great movie indeed, I watched it back and forth. :D

I espeacially loved the fact that the actresses were all natural (with the exception of Kidman's nose :p) I think there should be more movies appreciating the beauty of women instead of celebrating the make-believe world of 'eternal youth'. Going a little off topic here but in my opinion, botox makes most women look much older and less beautiful than natural aging does.
I would agree with that. There is something to be said for natural beauty and Diane Keaton is ammmazing!!

A bit late with this but; I have a shirt that says, "What are you going to do to end the silence?" on the back, and Day Of Silence on the front. It was for our high school GSA group. It was silently protesting hate crimes, discrimination and the like.

I also have two rainbow tie-dye tees that I got for being Grand Champion in showmanship with my dogs. I wear those a lot, to me it symbolizes pride but no one else thinks that as it has Showmanship Champion on the back lol. I also have a bracelet made out of beads in rainbow colors that I where SLL THE TIME. No one ever gets it though, or if they do they don't mention it lol!
Hehe, I had a rainbow bracelet too a while ago, I used to wear it everyday to school but it was so inconspicious I doubt anyone noticed it. To most people it was just a colorful bracelet... oh the ignorance :p

Then again, I didn't wear it as a symbol of pride, I just happened to find those beads in the attic one day and I was so bored that I put them all on a string. Of course I did choose the colors on purpose but still I didn't intend it to be a secret sign or something... The things one remembers when digging in their past... :lol:
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