Let's Talk Gay

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i used to get the 'youre going to hell' speech from my stepdad a lot. he's a preacher and he's pretty sure he is the only one who can speak for god. my mom never told me such things but it was obvious where her loyalties stood since she never took up for me. but he's stopped...mainly because i moved 2 hours away :lol: but it worked! i hate hearing that from people, now it makes me feel sorry for the person so blind that they actually believe such things rather than angry.

i don't know if i believe in god or not but i do know for sure that if there is a god then he isn't the vengeful and damning god that so many people represent when they act in such an ignorant and hateful way. haven't those people ever heard of the golden rule?? there just isn't any sense in acting like that.
I do not believe in God. I consider myself to be an atheist. I don't believe in stories full of make belief and people tell you how to live and who to love. That is what makes religion bad to me. You loose your freedom. Freedom of will, speech, mind, love and thought.

I have had discussions with religious people cus I found it funny they said they don't judge but they condamn me and judge me for being gay. I just asked how judging me was right in their eyes when they say they don't judge..

I am still waiting for an answer....
I don't know what I really believe in. I am really unsure if there is a god, so I basically just believe in some power, (which is the universe in my eyes) because well, that's just what I believe in.

But I've been condemed to hell so many times. I eventually stopped listening at all, because if I'm going to hell, then I'm going to hell. I refuse to change who I love to impress some church. I just am who I am.

Speaking of churches, the mormon church which I used to go to (before I knew I was gay, and I don't even know why they care about me so much, I did so many bad things) is constantly calling me and asking me to come back so they can "fix me" it gets a little irritating, cause there is nothing to fix about me. Some of my friends go to that church still and they have meetings about trying to get me back and "fix me" all the time, it's really weird, because you'd think they would just give up...cause I'm obviously not coming back. I quit the stupid church because gay people were not accepted, oh and the fact that I liked caffiene, and don't mind alcohol, and like to wear tank-tops, and don't want to live my life by those rules.
Look what my girlfriend did :D


Yeah, I'd like a shirt like that too (that's why I made it :p)preferably one with Jorja in it, though. ;)

Since you all seem to find it cool I was wondering, do any of you actually own clothes with pride-motives on them? And if so, do you wear them in public?

I only have a little rainbow flag on one of my bags, I don't feel the need to flaunt my sexuality, although it does make me proud to wear it so people can see it ;) But I think I'm "gay enough" as it is, my appearance doesn't exactly scream 'dyke', but I doubt many people would be surprised either if I told them.

Although, I kinda always wanted a shirt with a cool gay quote. I like shirts with writings on them.

Now, coming to think of it, I also have a labrys chain pendant that I even wore to school and when going out. How could I forget about that? I was so proud of it because it looks so cool. :D
i have a bag thats completely rainbow but i hardly ever take it anywhere, but the last time i did 2 lesbians just came up to me in the mall. that bag is a great ice breaker lol.

and i have a tshirt that says "I (heart) Hot Moms" i totally love that shirt and i wear it everywhere. it gets the message across :lol: and the weird thing is that my dad got it for me.
LOL, "I (heart) Hot Moms" definitely something I would wear.

And parents can be funny, my mother got me the labrys. I told her I wanted it, so it wasn't technically her idea, but still, she didn't even blink when she bought it. :D
haha my friends and I went downtown to the pride parade last year, and we made a couple t-shirts with slogans like "Embrace The Rainbow" and other things. Plus we wear rainbow ribbons most of the time.

I would wear that shirt, it would be the simplest way to come out :lol:
:lol: That's hysterical Mia, I wouldn't mind having a shirt like that either ;)

I just had another talk with my sister last night about the whole lesbian thing and she was asking me questions like, "You're not going to shave off all your hair, all you?" :rolleyes: But The Devil Wears Prada was on TV in her room, and she said, "So you don't even like the guy in this movie?" (the boyfriend) and I said, "I think he's good looking, but he does nothing for me." And so she replies, "I think he's good looking..." Me: He is, but I'd choose Anne Hathaway over him any day." Sister: Wow. :lol:
Rainbows rock :D

I went to the pride parade this year for the first time (wanted to go last year but thought it wouldn't be as much fun all by myself) I've seen lots of funny pride articles there. I particularly liked a sweater that had "Lesbian on duty" written on it. :lol:

Little rainbows are the most common though... they're handy, you can attach them to every article of clothing, bags and stuff like that. Plus, they're decent and you can easily hide them/take them off incase you run into someone you don't want to be out to. ;)
^ hahah quoth, that's great. I've done the same thing to my sister, except with Olivia (I can't spell the actress' name) from Law and Order:SVU so many times. She just shakes her head and goes back to TV.
Mariska Hargitay rocks! I love her in SVU, especially with the really short dykish hair :D. And the clothes...*faints* That woman is freaking hot. :eek:And just because I feel like it :D

So anyways, I do not wear any pride stuff whatsoever, I used to have a little rainbow button onmy bag, but that was two years ago and I only wore it for a couple months. I've actually always wanted this button:
. :lol:

Oh, and Hot Moms are definitely on my list, too *thinks of Louise*...*faints* :lol:
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