Let's Talk Gay

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My first crush was on this girl in my communication skills class in the 7th grade, I was 13 and had a boyfriend. It was super confussing because I didn't know how to react but I just figured it was normal, but than I started thinking "Holy crap, Am I gay?". I'm not disgusted by doing stuff with a guy but I haven't done much with a girl.

I've tried going back to my Catholic faith recently, but I walked out of youth group because it was crazy how they speak. I don't belong with religious people.
AshleyWillows said:

I've tried going back to my Catholic faith recently, but I walked out of youth group because it was crazy how they speak. I don't belong with religious people.

I know what you're saying, I've lived in Arkansas for half a year when I was 16, and my host family was Christian, my host father even was a pastor and we lived right next to the church. At first I found it pretty interesting to see firsthand what "religious Americans" are like, but once I started attending youth group I grew disgusted with it. I mean, they were so completely blinded by their beliefs, and the way they prayed and sometimes even spoke in tongues made the hair on my neck stand up. It was absolutely horrible.

But anyways, back then I hadn't been aware of my being gay, and I'm still thankful for that. I had a hard time as it was, I don't want to know what it would have felt like to live amongst so many religious people had I been consiously ;) gay.
I'm a baptized Christian, but there's several things within my own faith I don't agree with. My dad's family is all Catholic, my mom's mom is Southern Baptist, and so I have a lot of religious diversity in my family :lol:

Unfortunately, my family (both sides) can be discriminatory without even realizing it. Basically, I can't marry a black man, because that would "complicate" things :rolleyes: Those darn mexicans are just up to no good (I wonder if they remember that I'm part mexican :rolleyes:). Please. If that's their mentality, I'm glad I'm not like them.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family dearly, but I don't think like that. I don't care who I fall in love with, as long as they treat me well and love me unconditionally for who I am. I just want that feeling of being swept off your feet; I could care less what the person who does the sweeping looks like ;)
^^First off, I love your icon. She looks so gay in that picture :D.

I liked my host family, too, they were really nice and I had a great time staying with them, that's why I didn't transfer to another family. But their religious beliefs were (in my eyes) completely insane. There was this one girl in my school who'd sometimes come to youth service; she smoked pot, was heavily overweight and I think one of her parents was in jail for murder. Anyways, I never really knew why she bothered to go to church anyways, as she made it pretty clear that she didn't conform with their beliefs.
Needless to say, my 'mom' loved her and wanted her to accept JC as her savior and all that crap. So one day we were driving her home and she told us about one of her guy friends who happened to be gay. My 'mom' actually asked her what she believed had turned him gay. I was going ballistic on the backseat, I truly couldn't believe anyone could be so blind and stupid (that was 7 years ago, since then I've learned that there are indeed people crazy enough to believe that stuff ;) ), but I was afraid I would cross the line if I started telling her how stupid that question was and all. The girl told her that there was nothing that could have made him gay, he'd been like that forever; when they were both 2 years old he would play with her dolls and dress them up and everything. But my 'mom' was not satisfied, she actually asked her to bring him to church, too, so they could help him live a better live. I almost lost my lunch.

I absolutely cannot stand religious people, especially Americans, as they tend to be way more fundamentalist than in Europe, although even in Germany I've started noticing the Christian Movement. I'm not afraid of them over here, but the situation in the US is frightening in my opinion.

This was not intended to be bashing of any sorts of religion etc., I believe that everyone is entitled to live the way they choose, but I will not let religious people (of whatever faith) impose their views of the world on me.
Well, I've met Catholics who accept gay people, Catholics who are against it, and those who don't understand it. I really would like to consider myself a religious person, but I don't agree with most churches views on things. I told my friends about my religious problems and they've invited me to their churches. So my search for an understanding religion continues :)

My family was never highly religious, but I always was when I was younger. I loved church, sunday school, youth group, and helping at church. But as I got older my opinions developed and I couldn't stand sitting through a two hour service. But I would love to have my faith back, if that makes sense.
It does make sense, Ashley. I sort of believe in God, too, only I don't agree with any religion or the bible in general. So I guess that makes me more spiritual than religious. I used to think I was kinda like Dana Scully on the later seasons of the X files (minus the catholic upbringing and all ;) ), as in I turn to science for answers, but I'm not completely opposed to the idea of paranormal or spiritual phenomena. :D
AshleyWillows said:
But I would love to have my faith back, if that makes sense

i completely understand that. when i was a kid i went to church 3 times a week, i got saved, i was baptized, went to sunday school every week and vacation bible school every summer. i memorized the 10 commandments and all the books of the bible and was proud to do so...and i never questioned it. the older i got the less secure my faith became until there was no faith left at all. i don't understand it anymore and i don't think i'll ever agree with the beliefs i was raised on. but i do wish i could have that safe, secure feeling again. i wish i could believe without doubt.

this is a quote from Dogma (and probably not exactly what was said but close) and i thought it made a lot of sense:

"faith is like a glass of water, when youre a kid the glass is small and easy to fill up but when you get older the glass gets bigger and the same amount of water doesn't fill it anymore. "
^great quote, and definitely true. :)

And I agree, some part of me thinks faith is something people came up with in order to make sense of life.
I love the quote :)

Well, I think faith is just something I need to have, like when I was little, my mom had to get surgery, it wasn't major but when your 7 it seemed major. But I prayed constantly, at school, in bed, church, everywhere. I don't know exactly what I'm saying but my faith just helped me to know my mom was going to be okay.
^I was the same way; I would pray whenever I was afraid of something, and to this day I still do it. Although I remember adding a "if you truly exist" to all my prayers when I was younger ;). I always wanted to make sure that I wouldn't embarrass myself by praying to someone who doesn't exist (child logic, hehe :D).
its amazing how much faith a child can put into something. i used to sleep with a bible under my bed because i thought that would make my nightmares go away. i think of that now and feel incredibly silly but it made sense to me at the time.
I used to pray to god every morning, every night and every time I was worried about something. I now don't pray that often, and it's not really to god. I actually pray to the universe (no I'm not crazy, I swear) because I don't know if god exists or not, and my aunt and I believe that just praying to something, whatever it is, helps you out.

Speaking of praying, when I went on a gondola the other day, I prayed all the way up and down the stupid thing :lol:

I know many religious people who accept gay people. I know some who don't too. My one religious friend thinks that someone screwed up writing the bible when they said that you could only be straight. (Kay, so I'm pretty sure it doesn't say that in those words, but I've never read a bible, when I went to church I used to sleep during scripture :lol:) but I also have a Catholic friend that thinks all gay people will go to hell and deserve to be killed where they stand (obviously she does not know I'm gay :lol:)
I've never been religious. I was a little rebellious when I was a kid, always had to make a show of being an atheist actually. I despised church and religion before I even knew that a lot of religious people are against homosexuality. (Not that it would have mattered, I didn't know I was gay back then, either)

I find it disturbing that religion is being abused in such a way, because ever since I've grown a little more mature I've been fascinated by the way religion works. Even to the point where I started studying theology. I'm still an atheist though, and proud.

It surprises me how many gay people still claim to be religious, mostly christian, in a way that is narrowing their freedom so much. It is one thing to believe in a higher instance (e.g. God) but it is another to go to churches that preach "straight is the only way to be" (among other things). I've heard of many christian homosexuals who say they feel like they don't really belong with the parish, they feel the need to hide their sexuality from people who are supposed to be a community. How does that work when not every member is accepted equally? And why do they still want to be part of a group like that in the first place?

I definitely have trouble with that kind of religion. If you believe in the message of Jesus, then you should treat everyone as equal and accept people for who they are.

If God really created each and every single person, he created them just the way he wanted them, gay, straight, ugly, pretty, stupid or bright. All of them. Just look at the other great things they say God created, all the animals, landscapes, plants and stuff... can't they see he likes diversity? For that reason he probably made people different, too. There is no "one and only" color a flower can have or an "one and only" way an animal has to look, then why should there be an "one and only" way a human being is supposed to live their live.

Okay, this is a stupid way to argue, I know, but it's what christians do, too. (No offense, I know not all christian/religious people are like that.)

/rant over (sorry had a hard day, needed to vent :p
I only pray when I need help with something or when I'm in a thankful mood. Like, when I'm worried, just praying about it allows me to think about whatever I'm worried about and make me more confident about it. I pray occasionaly in the morning. I don't know so much if I pray to god, or if I just pray to spirits.
Haha, thanks Jorja_Rain :D

I may be Christian, but I've never been an overly-religious or spiritual person. It's just not who I am. I don't go to church every Sunday. I don't pray every night. I believe in freedom of sexuality and gay marriage, and I believe in God and I love God, and He loves me. Really, that's all that really matters to me, and it's sad how so many religions have tried to scare people into believing what they want them to believe.

It's like the old "if you don't do this you'll burn in Hell for eternity" trick. That's ridiculous, and I find it even more ridiculous when people of strong religious communities try and use that philosophy over the gay population :rolleyes: I don't think kissing a girl is going to make me burn in Hell ;)
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