Let's Talk Gay

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Just came in to say AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! (*bursting with excitement*)

Ok, ages ago i decided that i was going to come out to a group of close friends (remember i asked for advice). Well i wimped out of telling all of them as a group BUT i did pull my best friend aside at lunch and told her. It's great because she was totally cool with it. Actually she kinda suspected anyway, whcih gives me the feeling that my other friends may too.

On a seperate note i love Pink too. I'm listening to I'm Not Dead right now. She is so amazing.
I like Pink too. I was really excited to hear her song Dear Mr. President on The L Word Finale...although it had one line to do with it really :lol:

Well, today, I had such an interesting day. Despite the fact that all my friends know I'm gay, they keep bugging me about the guy that likes me, and Allie wrote this story and in part of it it's like "a tangle of skin on skin under blue sheets" only I forgot what she said, so I was like "get tangled in a web of skin" (talking to some of my friends) then later they're like "do you think about chris all the time?" (the guy who likes me) and I was like "yes, yes, i do allll the time,I want to get tangled in a web of skin with him" then allie goes around screaming it throughout the building...even though I am gay...odd day :lol:
I like love Pink. My favorite song is stupid girl. just because it shows how stupid some girls really are.

I'm really mad! My internet busted so I have to sneak onto other peoples computers :(
I was totally under the impression no one at my job knows I;m gay but it turned out its some sort of public secret :) Pretty much everyone knows and I never told them.. They just saw me too often with my ex-girlfriend :D

My entire school knows I'm gay. Students, teachers.. Everyone's fine with it. And they should be or else they'd have a problem... :D I like being gay. Its who I am :D
I was totally under the impression no one at my job knows I;m gay but it turned out its some sort of public secret

That's what I thought about people at school until recently one of my friends told me that pretty much everyone knew...or had a suspicion.

I never know whether people who meet me know that I'm gay or not, it's kinda hard to tell because mostly they don't flat out ask. I don't think I look very gay (read butch) but still nobody ever seemed surprised when they found out...so maybe I'm more obvious than I thought.
It's weird when you constantly ask yourself whether people know or not, I'm not making a secret out of being gay but I don't tell everyone either... so I'm never really sure. But I found it doesn't really matter what other people know or don't know, what matters is that your friends know, and by now I think all of my friends do. That's more of a relief than I would have thought. It feels good to be sure that they know because I never felt like telling anyone face to face, I always wanted everyone to just figure it out. :)
You´re right. Friends and family are the greatest support you can get. Unfortunatly, sometimes they can let you down. I was lucky that my true friends are still friends.. Some people sad bad things when I was still in High School.
But now that Io´m college people are more mature about it. And I was dating one of my classmates so that made it easier for them I guess. We broke up 2,5 month ago.

Does anyone here ever had a crush on a teacher.. Cause I do now and it sucks! I´ll graduate in 6 weeks and I don´t wanna miss her and all...
I go to an all girls school. So everyone there is trying to prove that they aren't gay, if you catch my drift. There are so many homophobic comments all the time. :( I don't spend much time there, no friends there, so I go home at lunch, etc.
I have no idea whether people know I'm bi, I've never told anyone either. :rolleyes:
Also, I never give anyone a reason to think so, I have social phobia, so it prevents me from saying a lot of things I want to say. If someone was to ask me, I don't think I would deny it, although I have no clue really, I can't predict my actions. If anyone else has SP they will understand. :rolleyes:
I did have a crush on a teacher, and it sucked big time. I only had her class for one semester, but when she left I felt like I would die. It was really, really bad. That was a bit over a year ago, and now I'm fine, but I never wanna go through that again.

I don't think people who meet me notice that I'm gay, at least I don't think I look gay, not at all. But I'm also not making a secret out of it, I like kissing my gf in public, even though it feels weird cause I kinda feel like people are looking at us...I don't know really, I'm fine with it, but I'm also always aware that we are different from other people, so when we're in public I constantly feel scrutinized, even though I think it's mostly in my head, other people probably don't care much ;)
I thought I had a crush on a teacher once, but she was a woman, so I always tried to convince myself it wasn't a crush, because I didn't think I was gay. I'm starting to think I might be bi though... I don't know how to tell, but my friend flat out told me I was for having a crush on a girl from my old high school that I STILL didn't think was a crush... *sigh* i'm so confused... :confused:
^^ glm, the best advice I can give you is to not deny your feelings. :) That just makes things way more difficult :lol: :p I've come to accept that I am who I am, whether or not I turn out to be gay or bi. I've always had a suspicion I was but I was a lot younger then and it was just sort of something I swept to the back of my mind and kept there. No one in my family was gay (only one uncle of mine is) so I thought that there was absolutely no way I could be :lol: :p
^^ :)
Ok, not deny my feelings... but I've been confusing them for so long, I'm not sure what they are anymore... I'm pretty sure I have a crush on this girl I went to school with though, and according to some of my friends it was pretty obvious. Her name is Velvet (isn't that a pretty name?) and one day she told me I had a nice ass, and I actually got butterflies :p I think that's the day I actually started getting confused about it, cuz getting butterflies from a girl isn't normal for me, lol.
Tell me about being confused. I don't know what's going on in my head. Cause this one guy I think I might like, but it could be me just being an idiot. Because for like, a year I was totally not attracted to guys at all. Now suddenly I might be, but I know I like girls. So who knows, I'm living my life day by day, taking it as it goes, and to tell you the truth, it makes me happy doing that.

But I wish you so much luck gregslabmouse trying to figure it all out!!
Yea good luck.

I'm beginning more and more to believe that I'm gay or bi because there are these two girls in my grade that are so hot but straight which bugs me. One already has a boyfriend and the other I don't know. They are popular and I'm not (I'm believe I'm in between nerdy and popular). I'll just wait until next year and join gay straight alliance and see if anyone joins that I like.
Thanks guys.
I'm going to see that girl again when she graduates this month, lol, maybe I can figure out something then... I dunno. Maybe it won't really affect me too much if I am. *shrugs* I mean, it's the same as liking guys... right?

Yes, it is pretty much the same as liking guys. Just for some stupid reason society thinks of it a lot differently. Which if you ask me, is really stupid. I wish everybody luck with their figuring their sexuality thing out, it's tough, even harder to face it, but once you're able to figure it out, you'll feel great. :)
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