Let's Talk Gay

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Maybe i sound a bit stuppid but i have to ask it, because i never heard the word before and so i cant place it on a good way to myself. I dont know what it exactly is *blushes & feeling so dump on the moment* But what is Dyke?

**runs away for being so stuppid**

ps Mia Congrats to your B-day i hope you have a great day ;)
Berylla Nienna

A "dyke" is usually the not so nice word for a lesbian woman who looks more like a man than a woman. Short hair, the whole steorotype thing. But lately, and especially in Holland, the word has become more integrated.

If you are from Holland the word "pot" might ring a bell. If not, this is useless information
Thanks so much Tuffel21 , know i get it. And yes im from Holland so i get it even more haha.
But i am happy that i dont look like that even when i have short hair am so more female than being a man ;)
And im gay to.
Berylla Nienna said:
Thanks so much Tuffel21 , know i get it. And yes im from Holland so i get it even more haha.
But i am happy that i dont look like that even when i have short hair am so more female than being a man ;)
And im gay to.

I don't look like that either. I am not a girlie girl either but I am definitly not a man! I don't really have short hair.. its a little over my ears and sometimes I even wear skirts! :cool:
I hate that whole "every lesbian is a man looking female" When my friends tell their friends that I'm gay they assume that I'm some man looking lesbian. Which I am not, I am actually quite girly. I like being girly (although it does get in my way at times :lol:) and I have no desire to be a man! I like being a girl. So when I go and meet these people they're like "I expected you to look like an ugly man, not a pretty girl" and I always want to smack them...but don't :lol:
Yeah! I like my girlie parts as well! I mean, I love my breasts... *turns a bit red*
What is it with people they always expect some freaky looking butch when they hear I'm gay?!
A little off topic here...
I watched this movie "Crush" this morning with my friend. and the entire time we sat and bashed this one woman in the movie b/c she was like really rude and b*tchy and it frustrated me. In the end, the woman we bashed the entire time ended up to be gay and I was really mad about it. Ugh, just venting.
I hate that misunderstanding, just because I like women I must look like some sort of man, or want to be one. It gets on my nerves like massively. I love my body and having long hair. Gosh, I hate that sterotype.
CatherineWillows said: I hate that whole "every lesbian is a man looking female" When my friends tell their friends that I'm gay they assume that I'm some man looking lesbian.

^so typical. :eek: of them to think.. stuppid even haha.

And like Christel said its like that i also love my curves. That makes me the woman I am and about what im looking for in a girl is the "girlie"effect they have. The femal thing and not the boyisch thing. I love females for the way the are. So beautiful with there curves, moves and everything that makes us woman. ;)
Yeah I like the girlie parts too.. in other women, I mean. That's way more attracting than the body of a man. It has no curves, its hairy.. I mean.. come on ;)
Better give me a nice looking female body. Jorja will do :D
^^I know what you mean Christel. Man arent that hansom for me. But right now i will stick with my girlfriend but i love blond girls like Marg or Emily. My girlfriend is brown haha but i love her any ways she is pretty and sweet.
haha. I found the best song ever! Dear Mr.President- Pink. That was rndom :p But i was listening to it today and was like ha! I like this song because she talks about gay rights in it :) I support gay rights (obviously:p) I'm leaving now ...
It was on The L Word season finale. Gay rights is one of the topics that she talks about, but it's hardly the focal point of the song.
Yeah, Pink has all kinds of political and controversial songs and viewpoints, but I was excited when I heard the gay part too, its something I have a lot of opinions about, and I loved Pink so much already it just made me love her more... if it was possible :)
I think one of the main reasons my family wanted me to change my image so much (tough tomboyish girl, played in the dirt and chased down the guys in football :rolleyes:) is because they were afraid I was going to grow up and people would think of me as sort of the stereotypical "dyke". I'm surprised I've never been called it before, actually :lol: :p I've never been a really girly-girl before, but I've always loved the fact that I'm female. I wouldn't change it for the world. I love who I am and that's that :cool:

As I've gotten older I've become a little more girly-- I love shoes and sometimes I like going clothes shopping but other than that, not so much :lol:

I went to Barnes & Noble tonight and they have a 'Gay & Lesbian' section of books and I couldn't stop laughing because they had the widest range of "HOT Gay" and "HOT Lesbian" erotica :lol: :rolleyes:
Speaking of gay rights.. on Jorja's site there's also a great statement on that! I read it all and I was like... yeah, that's unfair!

wanna read, go to www.jorjafox.org and select commentary. That you'll find it somewhere

Lately I changed into a more girlie girl type of lesbian. I pay more attention to my looks (but I think that's because I wanna seduce that woman I like)

And Berylla Nienna, I am into the brunettes all the way. Blondes don't really do it for me (except their name is Marg Helgenberger) and to make matters even worse; I have such a weakness for green or brown eyes... I am such a sucker for that.!
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