Let's Talk Gay

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Berylla Nienna said:
The only time i just the word Gay as a bad word was to my roommate because he is gay. I never say it to others but sometimes i call someone gay by the way the walk or act. But thats more because i see it a lot around me and than put it on a straight guy or girl. Stupid me!!;)

But i live in Holland to truffel21 and yes you can hear to words very much as a bad thing when people are angry and that makes me angry to. We arent bad people at all. And I love Gay people.. hihi *Hides herself for what she just said* **blushes**

I feel loved :lol:
The bottom of my pants are soaking wet...but anyways.
Today, I was talking to my friend Chris, who always bugs me about being gay, but also jokes around about me sleeping with guys. It's interesting :lol: but he basically told me I was pretty, in an odd way, which is nice, because he's usually always insulting me :lol:

Today some kid sat beside me in one of my classes, and someone was talking about someone being gay, and he was like "gay...ahah funny, that's so gross" i like, had to tell him to shut his face 5 times. Then eventually...screamed that I was gay and didn't really appreicate it infront of my whole class :lol: Yeah, got looked at funny for the rest of that class :p
haha I remember in the fourth grade, (random) when I first heard the word gay, out of the literal meaning. So we all started saying it because our older siblings said it and all of my friends still say it. I say it from time to time still, but I don't say "dyke", "homo", "fag", etc., those bother me but gay doesnt so much...
People saying things like 'That's so gay' don't bother me as much as they used to, especially because people in my family say them. My sister says them sometimes, but she's always using the word in a joking manner. I hate the words 'dyke', 'fag', 'homo', etc for obvious reasons. What if people started thinking up nasty words to call straight people?? :lol: :rolleyes:
A few months back my sister came to me and told me that sometimes, when her classmates at the university make bad jokes about gays or use the words badly, she'll speak up to them. She doesn;t like those negative words being used for her older sister.
AH! So, today I was on the phone with my guy friend, who's really funny and nice to me. And well, I found out he has a huge crush on me. And he wants me to be straight so badly, which I can't be. It's funny actually, I just proved pretty much everybody I told wrong. They told me as soon as a guy liked me I'd be straight again, which I'm not. He's being sweet, and making me want to cry though, because I feel so bad. He just told me I'm the only one he trusts, and that if it was my life or his, it would be mine 100% of the way, because he loves me. I was like "wow" because this is a guy always joking around, being so serious and sweet.
*walking in to make random comment on the matter*

My girlfriend and I are sometimes using the word dyke in a not so nice fashion, calling women who are extremely butch "dykes" I never know whether I should feel bad about that, I mean, it's what they are, right? It's just funny cause we usually just look at each other and say it at the same time, that is, we think it at the same time, start laughing and then, 3 minutes later we say "yet another dyke"
But then, we also call Sara & Sofia dykes, and that is so not meant in a bad way :devil:
I actually like the word dyke, I think it sound much cooler than lesbian. I very rarely use that term, it sounds strange to me.

As for "gay" I say that too. A lot. To everyone, male and female, who I think might be gay...or is homophobic and therefore offended by it ;) like all those macho guys who think it's cool to dress "metrosexual"

Okay, I don't feel like I'm helping the conversation but I felt like writing something... so there... I'm leaving again...
Sara and Sofia are most definitely "dykes" in a very hot way, possibly THE hottest way. BUt we do use the term "straight sex" in a derogative manner quite frequently, not to put straight people down but to voice our disgust for it, because, obviously it inolves men ;). And I sometimes use the term "straight" to refer to really girly behaviour, like excessive tanning, wearing hooker-like high heels in broad daylight, spendind more time in front of the mirror than any sane person should ;) and so on. And I do mean it in a bad way, granted not bad as "fag" is usually meant to be, but still to underline my mild disgust for habits like that.
Well, "straight" can most definitely be an insult, especially if one is gay and disgusted by straightness :p
But well, to each their own, I'm totally against discrimination and, although I've been called a straightophobe, I'm not bashing people for their sexuality, they can't help it if they're born straight, happens...

edited to correct typo
I don't say things like "that's gay" constantly and stuff. But I do use the term dyke when I'm talking about myself with friends. I just always have, but only with friends. I have never called anybody else a dyke because I'm assuming they wouldn't like it too much. (Except my gay friend, but that's because he calls me a fag...we're always calling eachother things like that) But I have never actually called anybody a dyke besides my one friend and when I'm talking about myself with friends.

On a random note: Happy birthday MiaCharlize!!
haha. I usually don't use the words 'fag' 'dyke' 'gay' etc. in a discriminatory way. Except for when I 'm with this one friend. neither of us are gay (but she thinks i am and i know it) any way but well she started calling me a 'Homie fag' so I called her a 'homie dyke' because one day when we were walking we saw a big muscle car and it was blasting loud 'gangsta music' as my friend calls it. So we pretended to be 'gangsta' an cool with our loud music. then she was like 'you're my Homie Fag now' and I was like 'Okay then you're my Homie Dyke'. The funny part was that she didn't know the term for dyke in referance to people. She still thought it ment a hole in the ground to catch flood water and was all confused. hahaha. good times.

But other then with her (and levon sometimes, but she knows i'm kidding) I don't use those terms. It actually really offends me when those terms are used.

and Happy birthday MiaCharlize!!!!!!
Well, "straight" can most definitely be an insult, especially if one is gay and disgusted by straightness
But well, to each their own, I'm totally against discrimination and, although I've been called a straightobe, I'm not bashing people for their sexuality, they can't help it if they're born straight, happens...

LOL, I totally love that.

I'm straight. Maybe not 100% straight, as there are certain girls I would most definitely go gay for (Jorja being one) but all my life I have been called a dyke because of the way I dress and act, and I actually took it as a compliment because I never did "straight" things (still don't) and didn't like being put in the same category as the "straight" girls so well described above, lol.
Happy birthday Mia! :D Welcome back to the thread ;)

I actually hate the word 'lesbian'. I don't exactly know why. I guess it's just because the fact that there's a status now for being a gay female :rolleyes: I also just don't like the word in general because of the way it sounds and the ring it has :lol: But I'm weird like that.

Oh I say things to my homophobic cousin all the time just to tick him off :rolleyes: I call everything he says gay, and sometimes he does certain things and I'll say, "Wow, for someone who hates gay people you sure are acting gay." :rolleyes: The thing is, my comments are the lamest in the world but they totally set him off :lol:

I think I eventually knew I was more of a girl-lover than a guy-lover when I was younger and started going to school. I just don't get guys (no offense) :rolleyes: :lol: :p
just reading that someone uses the word "dyke" for Sara and Sofia.. sounds familair, so do I :) And I use it in a good way. I even use it on myself every now and than :D
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