Let's Talk Gay

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I hope I'm welcome here, too! :D I am very straight but have nothing against someone gay. I remember when a good friend of mine told me she was gay and at first I was a little scared but I remained friends with her because she was still the same person and that didn't make her a bad person. Most of my other friends stayed friends with her too but there were those people who said the nastiest things about her and that made me soooo mad! :mad:

So just a story and hello, again, everyone!
I'm sure that anybody whether gay, straight or bisexual are aloud to post in this thread. Unless of course someone comes along and is like "bah! people who are (insert sexuality here) are disgusting and icky and stupid" then that might not be so aloud...but that's against board rules anyways.

And random memory: The way my two friends figured out I was gay was because "I acted weird" mostly because I'd go on and on about girls :lol: but anyways, so one day they're like "are you gay?" and the first thing I screamed was "don't hate me!" but it turned out they were fine with it...so it's all good :lol:
CatherineWillows said:
I am as well against homophobia...only I am not striaght :lol:

Same here... Only I am a good mix of straightness and 'non-straightness'. Goddess bless bisexuality! :lol:

I was watching a fanvid at YouTube yesterday, about Sara and cath 'bringing sexy back' (which consisted on a very nice view of the ladies' sexy backs), and at some point a text appeared, and it read "btw, Sara's such an uberdyke!"... I went nuts.
That is such a stupid stereotype... Just because a girl wears casual clothes, it does not mean she's a "dyke", and vice versa. I mean, I'm a half dyke (and so proud to be :eek:) and I wear feminine and sexy clothes just like perfectly straight girls, and my girlfriend does too, and she's 100% gay... I can't see why a gay girl (or even a gay boy, as a matter of fact) should be marked with such common places. :rolleyes:

Btw, hi xanessa, nice to see you here!
Oh that stuff pisses me off, Cal. I saw a video on YouTube yesterday bashing Jorja and the tags included 'lesbian, bi and bitch'. That stuff infuriates me. First of all, someone's sexuality is their own business. Second of all, how can you call someone a lesbian or bisexual without even knowing them?

I'm such a tomboy and I always have been. I've even worn some of my brother's clothes before (they were comfy :lol:) and my grandma said I looked nice :rolleyes: Ever since I was a little kid, I was the one playing in the dirt and tackling the guys in football (they were scared of me :p). My mom and grandma both told me to change my image, because the guys thought of me as a guy, so they treated me like one of them. They didn't think they should call me 'Tough as nails' because they would label me that way.

Well, unfortunately for them, guys can think whatever they want about me... :lol: :p I've been called a lesbian many times by stupid kids at my school but I've never taken them seriously. It just proves how immature society is. We are above them in our level of mental, emotional and social maturity :p
It just proves how immature society is. We are above them in our level of mental, emotional and social maturity :p

Hahah, I love that.

I haven't seen too much internet bashing of people, but I usually don't watch much other then TV shows I've missed. But still, super harsh, I love Jorja!
I'm Ashley, I'm bi but not at all out to anyone. This is the first time I've publicly talked about it. Of course, I'm against homophobia.
quoth_the_raven said:
I haven't come out to everyone yet either because my family's a bit... opinionated :lol: :p

Duh, it's quite common, I see... Same here. :rolleyes: Well, I think I'll come out with it if one day I want to shock them really heavily. I hate living in such a narrow-minded Catholic family.

I remember on Valentine's Day, when my girlfriend introduced me to her mother... It was so damn cute! She hugged me and said it was so nice to meet me. My heart cracked. All my mother would have said is "Why are you doing this to me?" :rolleyes:
It's so depressing, sometimes, to know your family wouldn't accept your choices (they can't, I've put them to the test a couple of times already, and it was so disappointing).
But whatever, I can live with this.

And very welcome, Ashley! If you need to talk to some people, you got the right place. ;)


quoth_the_raven said:
Oh that stuff pisses me off, Cal. I saw a video on YouTube yesterday bashing Jorja and the tags included 'lesbian, bi and bitch'.

I've just reviewed that stupid thing, and flagged it as inappropriate. I swear, such stupid kids should be earsed from the face of the planet.
Some kids in my school are so stupid. Someone says something about something (can't remember what they said) and someone replied by saying "Thats so gay." and it drives me nuts when people don't use it the way it is suppose to be used.

I'm also against homophobia. I just wish that everyone could get alone regardless of someones sexuality.
It's the same with words like fag, dike etc. My little sister told me that little girls in her grade say them, and my even littler cousin says little kids in like ECS and gr. 1 say them. It's turned into a slang, and obviously little kids don't have a clue what they mean (at least I hope they don't) but it's basically turned into a slang.
^^ I know, I can't stand it when people do that. I know so many amazing gay and bi people and it people go and use it as an insult...:mad: it's horrible. And as soon as the littlest thing happens that people don't like...they say it's gay. :mad: Stupid people, they are.
I hate that. Thanks everyone for the support.
Mmmhm, my mom is extremly catholic. Along with a lot of my friends, I went to a catholic school up until this year, so a lot of things were instilled in my mind which I didn't agree with. Now my new school is so much more accepting.

I was at the playground with the kids I watch the other day,and they were playing with these other kids and than the little 4yearold they were with was like "oh my god! Your sucha dyke!" to the kid I was watching. I was like excuse me! and we went home. I didn't learn what "dyke" meant until like the 8th grade.
Kids are crazy these days.
CSI_Sidle2399 said:
"Thats so gay."

I hate it now that that's an everday adjective. And it's not just an adjective now, it's become a stereotype and verb.

_Calleigh_ said:
I remember on Valentine's Day, when my girlfriend introduced me to her mother... It was so damn cute! She hugged me and said it was so nice to meet me. My heart cracked. All my mother would have said is "Why are you doing this to me?" :rolleyes:

Aww, Cal that was so sweet and adorable and sweet and...! :D *sighs* :p See, my sis- when I told her- told me not to tell my grandparents or everyone yet because of what they'd say. My dad's family is all Catholic and my mom's side of the family is Christian and Southern Baptist :lol: :p My grandmother on my mom's side is very strongly opinionated...

She said she likes watching Will & Grace sometimes because it's funny but she doesn't get why they're promoting the whole 'gay' thing :rolleyes: And she doesn't understand gay marriage, either.

What's there to understand, I ask you!?? :lol:
My mom understands it, but she doesn't accept it. I think she somewhat knows. I mean by the way I talk and act, sometimes she'll come into a room where my friends and I are and just hear us and go "Are you guys gay?" and we just laugh. None of my friends are gay though, my mom is just crazy sometimes.

I've never had a real relationship with the same sex. I doubt I will anytime soon, just because I'm not out yet.
wow i haven't been here in um...a while. the 'thats so gay' thing used to get on my nerves and now i don't even notice it...thats horrible but thats how common its become. people come up with some of the craziest insults but things like that usually just go in one ear and out the other. getting called 'sir' used to offend me really badly but not anymore, mostly because i get called sir, boy, son, etc. at least twice a day. and then i open my mouth and they immediately realize their mistake. i usually just laugh, it's not a big deal anymore. if it was unjustified it would be different but my hair is really short and i haven't shopped in the womens dept in quite some time lol. my mom asks me all the time if i'm going to have a sex change. in response to that i sent her pictures from my last drag show. god i'm mean lol.
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