Let's Talk Gay

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I'd just like to say how great is to read in here about people who are so open and proud about who they are. It also brings a smile to my face when i read about how against homophobia you all are.
The reason i bring this up is because i am thinking about coming out to my friends. I have a group of 5 close friends, who i am pretty sure will be cool with it, but i just don't know how to start the conversation.
Any advice would be great!!
some of my friends came up with some really interesting ways to for me to come out to my brother (the last person who didn't know), my favorite by far was the "goodmorning charles, i'm gay, would you like some toast?"
it really is a big step and an important one to let those around you know who you are. every situation is different but one thing is always the same, if you trust them and they care about you then it won't matter how you say it, they'll still be there for you and support you.
good luck. :)
One time a kid told his friend that if he went near me he was going to turn into a lesbian, so I went up and coughed on him

omg that made me laugh so hard. Wait, this was a dude who was afraid of turning into a lesbian? :rolleyes:. I would have been like "Careful dude, wouldn't want to start liking girls now would we?" thats brilliant. Homophobia is so funny. I realize that for the long term I deal with people badly so they just hate us more but I can't bite back the comments when they come to me.
^^Haha, I know, I was like "umm, wtf, you idiot" :lol: but agreed, homophobia is kinda funny, but weird. It was it's interesting/hilarous moments :lol:
Fool4love said:
I'd just like to say how great is to read in here about people who are so open and proud about who they are. It also brings a smile to my face when i read about how against homophobia you all are.
The reason i bring this up is because i am thinking about coming out to my friends. I have a group of 5 close friends, who i am pretty sure will be cool with it, but i just don't know how to start the conversation.
Any advice would be great!!

Hi Fool4love! :) First of all, congratulations on making the decision to come out ;) That takes a lot of courage! Second of all, I would just be straight-forward about it when you tell them. Just get them alone somewhere as a group and let them know, I'm sure they will support you! :)

My mom told me to remain open-minded about it even though I came out to her (actually I've done it about five times now because I thought she was in denial :lol: :p). She told me not to tell my grandmothers and grandparents, because..well... I don't think they'd understand ;) And I don't want them giving me heck over it, so I'll let them know when I get a girlfriend and bring her over for dinner and say, "Everyone, this is her!!"

And if 9-1-1 doesn't need to be called it'll be a good night :lol: :p
Glad to see this thread being up and active again :D We all know how important it can be to talk about it.

ilh214 said:
some of my friends came up with some really interesting ways to for me to come out to my brother (the last person who didn't know)
My brother was the last to know as well, it was the toughest moment. His reaction: "at least you can say you have a girlfriend" :lol:
Hmm. I still have yet to come out to like, a bunch of people :lol: including; cousins, aunts, uncles, parents, grandmas, grandpas, great grandmas, great grandpas, and still some friends :lol:

I told my cousin, and well, I thought she was going to hit me. She was like "what. you're kidding right? this is a joke right?" and I was like "uhh, no" and I thought she was actually going to hit me but she hugged me :lol:

When I told my little sister she started laughing. And was like "I so knew it, haha, I was soo right." :lol: and my friends we're all like "what?" but eventually got used to the idea.

I have yet to tell my homophobic friend, because well, I have a strong feeling she'll hate me. And she's one of my best friends, that's the problem, I don't want her to hate me.
Pff all the moments of coming out.. I think I always started with saying very abruptly and out of the blue: "there's something I need to tell" so then I couldn't avoid the subject anymore. All my friends know and were all like: "I'm not surprised", some of my colleagues know and they never expected it though. My parents and brother know, the only ones not knowing are one of my uncles and one aunt and three cousins. My family in the Czech Republic knows (mum told them) and were all like: "Ohhh show us pictures!!" (of my then-gf) It was so cool, my grandma accepting it, because she's very discriminating towards black people (one of my best friends is from Ethiopia (sp?) and the way she refers to him :mad:), so I thought she might be discriminating towards me as well.. but she wasn't.

Last Wednesday I did a course in ICT and me and two of my female colleagues had to share a computer because I was the only one who could log in into the PC (me and my perfect memory for passwords), so I had a woman on either side of me and one of my them was like: "this must be your lucky day" :lol:
:lol: Jayne! :lol: Lucky you ;) :p

I went out with some friends I hadn't seen or talked to in like a year yesterday and one of them was stalking all these guys in the pizza place, going, "Don't go!..." when they where walking out. Of course he didn't here her, but ;) She was asking me, "Did you see him!? Wasn't he cute!?" and I just simply nodded and smiled. When in doubt, nod and smile :lol: :p

My grandma has recently been watching reruns of Will & Grace :p She says she thinks it's a funny show but she doesn't like the subject manner?? :confused: :lol: And she also says she doesn't care whose gay or not but they shouldn't be promoting the whole 'gay thing'. Thanks Grandma! :rolleyes: I won't be coming out to you anytime soon! :lol:
I was terrified to tell my grandmother and actually ended up not telling her by choice. My gf had given me an anniversary card and it was with my stuff while I was staying with her and she went through it while I wasn't there. I was too scared to face her for about a month, then I had to go over there and before I left that day she asked me how my girlfriend was. It was smooth after that, she would even invite her over for dinner with me. And when I broke up with her my grandmother told me that I could do better, that she wasn't very pretty anyway lol.

JayneEmilysRealm said:
one of my them was like: "this must be your lucky day"
:lol: that cracked me up
That's great, ilh214! :D

I've finally decided to give up on the girl at the bowling alley... she's just been sitting there text-messaging all the time and she didn't even say 'excuse me' when she almost bumped into me as I was getting out of our car. She just stares at me, that's the only interaction we ever have :lol: She kind of gives off that 'I'm a bitch' vibe. Ever get that? ;)

But I can still stare at her, so I'm good :lol:
Blah. I have run myself into a emotional love problem...yet again!

Okay so:
I like this one girl, but I don't know how to tell them (typical problem) but the problem is, I would just tell her, but I'm worried it will hurt her. See, I've felt this way to her before, but I was too scared to tell her, and eventually I did, but then I basically took her heart and dropped it 10000 feet off the ground and it shattered all over the place. And I feel the same way again, but I'm worried if I tell her, it'll hurt her. And agh, it sucks.
^^Well, the problem is she's my best friend. And I pretty much have her trust.

But anyway, I told her. Yepp, that was werid, and scary, but it feels better now that she knows...to bad she's striaght though :lol: but whatever, can't help the way you feel.
I'm in a pickle :p I still like that girl at the bowling alley but my mom basically told me to not even try anything, because she said she doesn't think she's a good start for me. The other day I noticed her watching me when I went up to bowl, and we always exchange these glances with eachother periodically. The thing is, I can't ever have a relationship with someone if I don't take risks but I'm scared!! :lol:
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