Let's Talk Gay #3

Sounds like one giant party. Awesome!

If we weren't so sick my girlfriend and I would be going to the gay party tonight, seeing as we have a lot of things to celebrate. But sadly we're both down with a terrible cold so there will just be cuddling and coughing tonight... not all that bad, spending the whole weekend in bed though :devil:
Chris congrats on the wedding date..I am happy for you.

Mia and Jorja Rain i hope you both get better soon, and have fun on the cough ;)

Today i was at therapy and my ex girlfriend was sitting next to me and for the first time after we broke up i felt really weird and irated by her. I just wish on that moment she wasnt sitting next to me. She has a more personalty disorder and she just switched very much between persons and that made me so scared that i didnt know what to do about it today.. I am glad its over and i only have to see her at therapy..So sorry to say this..

O yeah i am back.. after moving...
Berylla haven't seen you online for quite awhile. How are you holding up? From your message I get the feeling that things aren't well between you and your girlfriend.

Kerry and I were drooling over Jorja tonight, watching videos and pictures online. Aint that fun.. together with your girlfriend.
SaraSidle_girl said:
Berylla haven't seen you online for quite awhile. How are you holding up? From your message I get the feeling that things aren't well between you and your girlfriend.

Kerry and I were drooling over Jorja tonight, watching videos and pictures online. Aint that fun.. together with your girlfriend.

^^ I broke up with my girlfriend a couple of weeks ago. Its okay, i am okay with it, am even happy with it..
Besides that i havent been online because i was moving out of my home, so i didnt had any time or the web to be here..

Cool that you two like Jorja, and watched togheter, that is something i miss.. Me is a bit jealous on you and on Mia and Jorja rain..*blush*
Congrats, Chris! Dates mean business. What exactly does a hen night imply? Is it like a regular bachlor/bachlorette [sp?] party?

Mia and Jorja, I'm sorry your sick. I have food poisoning. I can't keep ANYTHING down. It's gross.
AshleyFirst223 said:
Congrats, Chris! Dates mean business. What exactly does a hen night imply? Is it like a regular bachlor/bachlorette [sp?] party?

Mia and Jorja, I'm sorry your sick. I have food poisoning. I can't keep ANYTHING down. It's gross.

Happy you ask what i wanted to ask about that party.. And poor girl, i hope you get better of it soon. that is a terible thing.. *hugs every sick or needed person around here*
Sorry I haven't been here in a while. New thread! Yay! (I'm a bit late)

Sorry to hear about sick people *hugs all round*
Yeah guys, sorry to hear you all got sick on the weekend! Man, I missed so much :lol:. I went on Vacation for the weekend with no internet connection :p. But back on topic:

Does he start shouting and call said toaster a faggot for burning his toast?? :lol:

He's never done that, although it wouldn't surprise me :lol:. His car is a dyke though :lol:. And one of the pots is a faggot :p.

Chris that is so awesome! I'm sure that it's going to be amazing :)

And now, something that happened today (Haha, yes, here we go again :p):

So, I was sitting in a class, and we were all bored right out of our minds, professor wasn't paying attention so one of my friends walked over to where I was sitting. I sit beside this guy. And well, this is pretty much what happened:

Samantha (my friend): Ian (the guy) why do you touch girls?
Ian: Why do you sit on girls? (She sat on one of my other friends one class :lol:)
Me: Well, I do a lot more with girls :lol:

And then later on I was expaining this to Allie:

Allie: Oh yes, and who do you do a lot with?
*We went on about take a guess, haha, laugh, guess for like, 2 minutes*
Me: My magazines.... :lol:

It was a rather odd interesting day, I didn't get enough sleep last night, so, well, I was being weird today :lol:

(No, I do not actually do things with my magazines PS :lol:)
I am fairly better.

My little date buddy took me to a super early breakfast, it was so nice :) We FINALLY kissed. It was fun. I definatly know she likes me now. But I'm pretty excited :) New girlfriend? Possibly!
Today my girlfriend and I made out in the university library., feeling very naughty now, hehe :devil:

Apart from that, congrats Ashley.
Ahahaha Mia I can honestly say i've never done that :p

congrats too Ashley

well my girlfriend and i spent the night together :devil: hehe it was fun, except for our roommate came in and startted yelling about us not locking the door so we missed the last part of CSI :(

but the rest of the night was... fun... :devil:
Sounds like a wonderful night ;)

Your roommate's right though, locking the door is essential when you're not living alone... :p
I just chewed the top of a Sharpie that was already chewed by not me...eww. But okay, that is nothing to do with being gay :lol:

Anyways, agreeing with Allie. It was a great night... :) (Hope people have pieced together that we're together by now ;))

As for making out in the University library Mia, I just have to say this, That is awesome :lol:

Today I went out with my friend Sam. And she was like, just wow, would not stop being like "So, do lesbians do this? this? this?" I was about to tell her that lesbians didn't really live on earth, and that they lived on planet lesbian and we had lesbian spaceships :lol:. She's kind of funny that way, she's not quite used to the idea that I'm gay yet I don't think :lol:.

Well, I don't care if it's only Saturday (well, it is here anyways) anybody do anything fun with their girlfriends/boyfriends/people they like this weekend?
Well today, I had a major tennis tournament. My girlfriend (girlfriend ;)) came and watched me. It was so nice because it was like two hours away from home. Than we drove back home together. It was pretty fantastic. Than tomorrow, I'm going to her dorm to spend the evening :devil:

Mia, that is fabulous! I laughed so hard. and YAY for Allie and Levon, locking the door is always the polite thing to do :lol:
Yay lots of lesbian action going on!

So awesome that we have another on board couple :D

Did I do anything fun with my girlfriend this weekend? Well, we watched a lot of TV and laughed ourselves silly cause we would comment the same things about the same people at the same time. Even phrased it exactly alike! We're scary sometimes...

Other than that we went shopping, sort of. We went to a couple stores but didn't buy anything... wouldn't say it was that much fun though, shopping is boring...

What else? We cooked and ate. Cuddled the cat (who almost killed us with his cuteness)

I think that was about it... but the weekend isn't over yet, there's still time for more fun ;)