Let's Talk Gay #3

Yep I wear it - my sister just laughs at me everytime I see it, and my poor father... well, my family know I'm a little crazy, and it's all in good humor!

Though seriously, if anyone does want to dip me in chocolate and throw me to the lesbians, I'm ready.

I have no idea if me and my 'girlfriend' are together, or what right now. I think we last spoke 3 weeks ago. =/
What kind of a relationship is that, if I may ask. You don't even know whether you're together or not? :confused:

I personally wouldn't want to be covered in choccolate or thrown to any lebians (unless you cound Sofia and Sara, then I might reconsider) but I'm still very amused by the shirt. :D

ilh, good luck with your girl.
It's... not good relationship. But I don't ever seem to have good ones.

This is only the second I've had, and the first was a disaster over 2 and a half years. She treated me pretty awfully, and I seem to have done a 180 with how I feel now - I used to be be huge on relationships and 'love'and all that, but now, I'd put myself in the 'commitment phobe' side.

*shrug* I don't think I'm cracked up for relationships. I tend to get walked over in them.
Whoow a new thread.. *jumps around*

I have to say sorry for not posting so much.. I read everything but on this moment i dont have words to say or use.. So sorry for that..

Its because i finaly broke up with my girlfriend and i still dont know how to feel or think about it. It just happend on a strange way.. Still feel so weird on the moment..
^^This is where I send virtual hugs. Soo *virtual hugs!* I hope everything works out okay. I'm pretty sure it's normal for it to feel weird.

When I broke up with my ex girlfriend, I avoided the thread for a while actually :lol: Pretty much because every time I saw it, I cried. But eventaully told everyone. The hardest was actually telling my little sister, for some strange reason. But anyways... :p
My ex-girlfriend called me yesterday. She just called to see how I've been but hearing her voice just brought back a rush of feelings that I can't deal with right now.

Anyways, this weekend my two closest friends and I were all hanging out and we were just talking and I said something 'gay' but it was soemthing like that made me come off as extremely gay. So they asked 'OMG! Are you gay?' and I was like 'Umm... I wouldn't say gay.' and they were like 'That's awesome!' and we just talked more about it.

So I guess I'm kind of out-ish :lol: I guess that's good, I didn't even plan it.
So it turns out that the girl I like has known all along...she finally talked to me about it today. Unfortunately for me, she's straight, but thankfully she doesn't see me any differently. I was afraid that since it involves her that it would be uncomfortable, but she said it's not, so I'm thankful for that. At least we can still be friends on the same level we've always been. I'm still not convinced that she's come to terms with herself, because sometimes she can be a little insecure about stuff, so I'm giving it time...maybe things will be different later :D
So I guess I'm kind of out-ish I guess that's good, I didn't even plan it.

Awe, well, I am happy for you :)

EyeHeartH I'm glad that the girl you liked doesn't see you differentley. That messed up a couple of some good friendships I had.

So today, out of nowhere, a professor is calling out names for attendance, and this kid (who rather dislikes me, he actually threw a chair at me today...but that's a different story :p) is like "Her name is Lezzzlie" and I was like "Where the heck did you hear that? That was an inside joke" Well, it turns out, he's just quite creepy and listened to us say it. Haha, that was my odd day.
midnightbellzza said:
So I guess I'm kind of out-ish I guess that's good, I didn't even plan it.

Awe, well, I am happy for you :)

(who rather dislikes me, he actually threw a chair at me today...but that's a different story :p)

What a creep :lol: Thanks!

Anyways, your odd day sounded kind of awkward.

My day was fabulous. We can't go off-campus for lunch, but a lot still do. So I walked to the local Starbucks. I met this cute girl and we started talking and stuff. She's 18, graduated last year. So we're talking, blah blah blah :p, and in walks my extremly cute math teacher. She walks up and starts lecturing me on how I shouldn't go off campus no matter how alluring Starbucks is. But anyways, she ended up drinking coffee with us, which is really weird. But the girl gave me her number :eek:

I can't wait to call! but I can in risk of seeming desperate. It's officially a birthday week!
New thread! Yay! Can't believe I haven't posted in here yet :rolleyes: I come bearing a present I found off LJ...


Not sure who made it, but thought it was too cute to pass up :p

My latest and gayest (haha I made a funny :lol:) news has been the last time I talked to my mom about the possibility of me being gay, I was babysitting my cousin, and I asked my older sister if she could watch her while I went with my mom to pick up my brother from class. She asked me why, and I replied with "personal stuff" even though she knows about me being gay :p and then she leans forward and whispers like she's asking if I'm about to die, "Is it because you're gay?" I couldn't help it, I started laughing :lol:

And, the girl I like at the bowling alley isn't in the league with us this time :rolleyes: *le sigh* Oh well :p I've given up. I still ogle :D
But the girl gave me her number :eek:

Ohh my gosh!! That is soo exciting! I am excited for you! Yay excitment!

Haha, quoth I laughed so hard over that icon! It's sooo beyond awesome!

Awe, but quoth the thing with your mom is cute :)
Hi! i am back and haven't been on for a while. but i am here now :D

well ... so yesterday i was coming out of class with levon and some stupid guy from a grade lower than us walked up to us and was like 'you're lesbos' and we just looked at him weird and were like ' we don't even know you!' and he was like 'but you're gay!' and we're like 'soooo ...' . hehe it was very odd cause we don't even know him :p
I'm a bit excited myself. I invited her out tomorrow night. We're going to go to dinner at this little resturant because we already got coffee :lol:

quoth, love the icon! Your mom's the cutest :D Awww. That's funny.

imperfect, people are stupid. but I just find it all kind of funny :p
Cute, yeah, that's one way to put it :lol: It was actually my sister who asked me that, but I still couldn't help but laugh when she said it :p She was so serious, and then when she saw the look on my face she started laughing.

So to start a new topic-- who do you guys all think are hot? In other words, your crushes :p And ladies, this isn't to swoon over Johnny Depp, there's a reason you're in this thread :lol:
^^ ahaha yess it would be kinda weird if girls on this thread loved johnny depp :p

hmmm well i think Jorja Fox is soooooo hot. it's funny cause over the summer i don't really watch csi so i forget she's so hot, but i watched the finale rerun last night and as soon as she came on i practically screamed 'omg she is so hot!!!' :lol: yeah that happens pretty much every september with me :p