Let's Talk Gay #3

Congrats on the wedding date. (I'll call it that even if that's not the proper term)

My day was ungay... just me and my cold... oh, and my gay co-worker being cute, he's so awkward, me likes that :)
And just for all of you: Kerry and I picked a date for the parntership registration in England. August 15th 2008 will be our day! :D

That really just made my day to hear such great news! I'm happy for you both!

Haha, my roommate/bestfriend is soo good at cyber flirting. She made like, 3 people fall in love with her over the summer. The only funny thing was, she wasn't purposley trying to do that. But Fool4Love I wish you luck with your cyber flirting!

So speaking of wedding days, or partnership days, or whatever you call them, I get to go to a wedding of two girls I know next summer! Well, I know the one girl, I barley know the other. I'm soo excited :lol:. My mom was like "I don't know if I want to go..." and I was like "ohh my gosh! I am so excited!"

I actually almost idolize the girl. Despite what her family said, how many friendships she's lost, she has full intention of living her life the way she wants to, even if she has family and friends against her getting married (or whatever you want to call it) People have been constantly bashing her decicion (especially in my family) and she just doesn't care what they have to say about her. I want to be like that, but the words of others still affect me. But I'm quite happy for her and her fiance :).
I admire people who do that. I have to stay that I never really cared about what my family was thinking and now that I am with Kerry I said that if my family does not accept it in some way, its their loss...

I am really happy about the wedding. We call it a wedding too though its officially a partnership but hey, it comes with the same benefits as a marriage. Just because they didn't wanna piss of some religious folks they are not calling it a marriage I think :p
a gay thread, yay! :D how are you guys doing? :)
I miss my girlfriend... even though we just spent the last 5 days together. But we had to live apart for more than two months this summer. It was hell!

Awww, a wedding!! You have to take pics! :D
Jorja_Rain said:
Right now I really am in love with SVU's Olivia Benson, not the femmy season 7/8 Liv, but the butchy season 3/4 Liv :D. She is soooooooo hot *dies*.

She looks really good in season 9. My jaw physically dropped. She cut her hair again, she looks so hot ;)

Ahhh Kerry, super concrats! I'm so happy for you girls!

I live in The States, and the only reason I find so many lesbians who dig me is because I seek them out.

Me and my 'date buddy' have been talking like crazy. She goes to the college around here and she's the sweetest person you'll ever meet. I've really taken a liking to her and I get the vibe she likes me. We haven't kissed...yet.
Welcome to the thread, Abilene :)

And Ashley, how many do you have to seek out to find one who digs you? Or do they all? ;)

*wants to know a place where I can seek out pretty dykes*

(don't get me wrong, I love my girlfriend and I'm not looking for anybody else, but it would just be nice to know some gay girls around that don't look the lesbian stereotype. We got a lot of those around here.)
MiaCharlize said:
but it would just be nice to know some gay girls around that don't look the lesbian stereotype. We got a lot of those around here.)

Speaking of the lesbian stereotype there's this woman at the bowling alley who I think might be a lesbian :p She's not totally stereotypical, but she does dress kind of tomboyish *like me :rolleyes:*. She's even got a boyfriend :lol: Who knows, maybe I'm just too hopeful :eek:

I pissed myself off yesterday because I was at a Borders with my mom looking for the latest issue of Curve and they had it but I was too chicken to ask my mom to get it for me :rolleyes: I'm broke, you see :lol: It was perfect too, because it even had an article entitled "How To Come Out To Your Parents".

God I'm such a loser :lol: *headdesk*
LOL, now that's an idea, coming out to them by making them buy you a magazine that has "How to come out to your parents" written on the cover :lol:

I'm so glad I've never been in the situation of having to come out to my mother, she just knew and never bothered me about it. I couldn't imagine what it would have been like to go to my mother and go like "You know what, I'm gay"
:lol: ^ Exactly what I was thinking, "Hey Mom could you buy this for me? Oh wait, oops..." :rolleyes: My family (immediate family in my house) knows, I've just never officially come out to them. Especially my dad. He's a little intimidating :p
I haven't told my parents. I'm terrifyed too, maybe if my dad wasn't all, scream homophobic words when he's mad, it might be a little easier :lol:. (When he is fixing something, and gets mad, he starts screaming at it and calling it a dyke and weird things like that :p). Not to mention I asked my mother what she would do if I turned out to be a lesbian, she told me she would freak out. Yay...this is going to be an easy task for me later on :p. But I don't live with them, so it's not it's like, presureing me to tell them every day (that would suck :p)

So today, some kid I don't know is like "why are you a lesbian?" and my friend is like "because she likes women" :lol:. I could not stop laughing, the kid was like "uhh..." and walked away, but it pretty much made my day :p.
^ :lol: That's pretty funny, I've never heard someone ask, "Why are you gay?" I think that's pretty self-explanatory :rolleyes: I also have to laugh about your dad calling things homophobic slurs when he's angry-- so let's say the toaster is broken and he's angry and frustrated... :lol: Does he start shouting and call said toaster a faggot for burning his toast?? :lol:
MiaCharlize said:
Ashley, how many do you have to seek out to find one who digs you? Or do they all? ;)

*wants to know a place where I can seek out pretty dykes*

(don't get me wrong, I love my girlfriend and I'm not looking for anybody else, but it would just be nice to know some gay girls around that don't look the lesbian stereotype. We got a lot of those around here.)

Well I've met a lot of lesbians. I don't keep in touch with all of them, but I've meet like 5 chicks were I was like "Hi, YOU'RE GAY?! Let's get married!" Of course all attraction was lost. But I've met two where we've been seriously attracted to eachother.
i am not looking forward to when i have to come out (again). The first time i was driving with my mom and she pointed to a guy in my dance class and said 'so how things between you and your future boyfriend? ' well that lead to 'umm he won't be my future boyfriend ... ever' and you know how that went. so she thought the only way to be gay was to have sex with someone of the same gender ... it was almost hopeless to explain that that wasn't my reason :p. but i admitted i had madeout with another girl and she freaked and stuff. she dropped me off at home and i locked myself in the computer room nd cried for a while. then i phoned her and made up a bunch of bullshit about 'being confused because of rumors'. well she bought it, but i think she found a note in my jeans pocket while doing laundry that levon wrote to me . so i am not looking forward to having to go through it again. i think my dad would be more supportive ... but i haven't seen him in three years. i think my sister knows, but i'm not sure. half the time she's like 'YAY god! gay people are disgusting' and the other half she's like 'gay people are cool'. so i don't know, she read an e-mail once ... but she didn't seem to understand :lol:
I haven't been on here in forever, life and college caught up with me and sucked all my time away....

But anways,

Hi to all the new people and...

That is by far the best news I have heard all month!! I'm excited for you two! I hope everything goes great with the wedding! *stares definatly at the religious people who take offense*
Hey gusy

Kerry and I are making progress with planning the wedding. We have set the date and time. We have made the lists of who to invite and then we realised we are dealing with people from 2 different countries..
So now the plan is to have our hen night (bachelor party for women) in Amsterdam with Kerry's friends and family and mine somewhere in July of next year.
Then the wedding will be the 15th of August. Only a few people will be there. Some from her side, some from mine. The day after there will be a party where all Kerry's friends and family show up. And the week after we have another party in Holland to give all my friends and family who couldn't come to the UK a chance to still party. My mother in law and my 2 sisters in law will come too.