Let's Talk Gay #3

Haha, Ashley that is so awesome that she's your girlfriend! :)

Hmm, me being polite? I don't know... :lol:. Okay fine, I will remember to be polite next time :lol:.

But Mia sounds like you had a good time! And yes, there still is more time for fun :lol:

Allie went away for Thanksgiving. I'm stuck here with the roommies eating soy turkey :lol:. I was going to go home, but got extremley lazy last minute :p. (Yes, I'm a great daughter). I mean, I would like to spend Thanksgiving with Allie, but it's all good :p.
Ok so I finally decided to introduce myself. I'm Esmee, 13 years old, I live in The Netherlands and I'm gay. :)
I'm in love with someone. I've met her on the internet and we haven't seen each other in real yet. Mayby she comes next Sunday so I'm pretty excited. :)
Welcome to the thread, Smeej. Glad you decided you join us. :)

By the way, rest of the weekend was definitely fun ;)
Nothing extraordinary or spectacular though, just a little adult entertainment on the internet (youtube for grown-ups ;)) and being lazy... now the weekend's over again :(
I'm depressed about finding me a woman. :(

It's so hard to where I live, and besides, I don't really have anyone I could go out with to find someone. I've pretty much put myself now in the 'single' box and I'm oddly depressed about that now.

Every place you go online (facebook/party, gaydar etc) all the girls seem to be into is meeting for a quick roll around. That's not me - I like to actually have a girlfriend. You know, the whole dating deal, but I have a feeling it's just not gonna happen for me again.

Plus I don't know what it is, but I feel really, really strongly for a straight woman I work with. She always calls me honey and is really... I don't know. She's just always so lovely to me, and I both love and hate it. I love it because she'll do things like wink at me (she doesn't with anyone else, lol), and it'll make me go all giddy. But at the same time, I hate that because she lives with her boyfriend and I have no reason whatsoever to think she'd be interested in me. So it's very one sided, and I don't know if it's lust, love or what. But I think about her a lot and wish I didn't.

I am just about to take off for some weekend fun ;) Thanks for all the congrats :) I'm about to head out to my girlfriend's within the hour but I figured I'd come see what everyone else did this weekend.

Smeej, Welcome :) Yayy for meeting your love.

Kylie, there's still hope. Don't give up! Not all girls are just looking for a quick roll in the sack. You just have to stay optimistic :)

Mia, Your hilarious :lol: I've never heard the term 'YouTube for grown-ups'.

I feel bad because I'm sleeping at my girlfriend's tonight but I have to sneak out of her dorm really early because I have a job interview at 8 AM tomorrow. So I feel bad. There's really no polite way to be gone when someone wakes up :lol:
First to all of you sorry for not reacting so much.. I am happy for you Ashley and all the others. Great to read so much positive things here..

To kylie Ashley is right there is still hope, not all the girls are like that..

What to say i am not in a good thing about finding or dating a nice girl.. No one nice around lately and i am still getting over my exgirlfriend.. Dont miss her but sometimes get totaly mad of her.. She is still a friend of mine but she is still the same always talking about herself and not listing to me.. Oww i really hate that, like i dont exsist.. So mad at her and still staying nice and try to be there for her.. But i dont know its good for me to hang on like this. and to be honest i still miss her around me its so still and alone now..
Yay, welcome Esmee! :D Glad to see you here :)

Kylie, I hear that :rolleyes: Sometimes liking girls can be a real pain in the ass, can't it? :p Where I live it's extremely difficult to find anyone because everyone here is so homophobic. Okay, and racist, sexist, and violent :rolleyes: Where I live we have a lot gang problems, etc so it's a little intimidating to even walk outside by yourself let alone come out as gay :rolleyes:

And happy birthday Berylla! :D Have an awesome day, girl.

Levon oh how your dad makes me laugh :rolleyes: Ah, that's just too much :p

Well with me I can't say a lot is going on... I don't get out much :rolleyes: Even if I did, like I said above it'd be difficult to really get... "involved" with anyone. I've never had a girlfriend before, so that would be all shades of awkward :lol: Having a "boyfriend" was awkward enough.

ETA: On a seperate note, I've been flipping through my old issues of Curve and I guess I never realized exactly how much I liked it before :p There's no men to be seen :lol:
It's so hard to where I live, and besides, I don't really have anyone I could go out with to find someone. I've pretty much put myself now in the 'single' box and I'm oddly depressed about that now.

Aww, I know how that feels, been in that state for about 2 years before I met my girlfriend. It wasn't so much being single that bugged me but being so isolated from gay life, if that makes sense. I missed not having anyone who would go to gay parties with me and stuff. I wasn't really desperate for a relationship, more for someone who understands what it means to be gay in a straight world.

I have that now with my girlfriend but I'd still like to have more lesbian friends. I do love my straight friends and they're a lot of fun to hang out with but they just don't get me sometimes.
Glad to see you decided to post and introduce yourself Esmee!

I never was like too, worried about finding a girl to date once I realized I was gay. (well, bi, then gay later, but whatever). I was just so happy with the fact that I had finally accepted it, I didn't care. I guess it was just luck that Allie (Imperfect) came out as bi and liked me, the way I liekd her shortly after.

But I wouldn't give up hope, there's always someone out there. Maybe you might have to travel across the country side to find them, but there's always someone out there.
What the heck? No one having a gay week!? I don't think so.

How was everyone's week? Weekend plans?

My girlfriend is going to come over tonight. I've been really down this week so hopefully she'll help to cheer me up :devil:
hehe good luck with that Ashley :p

Welcome Esmee!!!!!

Well, today was mine and Levon's one month!!! but sadly i have to go away this weekend :(. my mom is all sad and stuff so no cheering up for me :(

Yeah also this week, one of my really close friends told me he likes me (again) and asked me if i liked him ... lets just say it isn't easy letting down a friend and not telling them your dating your (and their) other friend, or even straight for that matter :lol: so, i told him i was 'figureing stuff out' even though i really feel that i've figured it all out. i love Levon and i'm just sorry that i had to break it off before, because for 7 months after that i sat wanting her back. and now it's worked and i'm really happy :D
I'm tired! But not...like ah! But anyways!

Muahah, one month, we hid in a room and hugged eachother while we had 3 other people over. And they will never know... :lol: Or will they? Hmm, that is the question isn't it :p

Okay, I'm feeling so random. I just volunteered to do one of these cute little preteen dances. I volunteered with a friend I was supposed to be mad at...it didn't work :lol:. (Reason I'm random is because I drank, like, 6 cups of pop, because it was free for me :lol:) Anyways, this friend, of course, still likes me, and totally does not get the word, lesbian I don't think, maybe I should get a Sharpie and write it on my forehead or something... :lol:

So, what is everyones weekend plans with their girlfriends/ girls they like? Oh myy gosh, and I think there was at a point one guy in here, so vice versa too :p
Yay, life. :)

My week wasn't gay, neither is my weekend going to be, as far as I can forsee. I'm just gonna hang out with my cat and my girlfriend. She has to finish a paper for Uni, 15 pages about fashion, good thing she's a little femmy :p

I'll have to play housewife and do some chores... laundry, cooking, cleaning... :rolleyes:
Well, let me introduce myself too. I'm Mitsy and I believe I'm the girl Es was talking about. Unfortunately, we don't meet this weekend, because my parents think she lives to far. Anyway, I live in the Netherlands too, obviously. I'm 17 years old and I think I'm gay or maybe bisexual, I don't know for sure, yet. Well, if you want to know more, just ask. :]
Welcome, Mitsy. Esmee already announced you're planning to post ;) glad you're here :)

Btw, my girlfriend just told me I forgot to mention something gay we did: We watched Bionic Woman together, the gayest non-gay show at the moment. ;)