Let's Talk Gay #3

there's a reason you're in this thread
That's not bisexual discrimination I hear is it? Is it? *pokes* lol I don't know why someone would like Johnny Depp anyway, beats me. :lol: Billy Petersen on the other hand... :rolleyes:
I lurve Elizabeth Mitchell. She's gorgeous, so cute too, she's got the most perfect smile. *sigh* Then there's Kate Walsh, Jorja Fox, Sara Ramirez, err, and a hundred more. :lol: I'm far more picky with guys, there's no one hotter than Billy, end of. :p
eggbe4thechicken said:
there's a reason you're in this thread
That's not bisexual discrimination I hear is it? Is it? *pokes*

Oh of course not hon, you know what I meant :lol:

I have many crushes, but to name off a few :p-- Jorja Fox (surprise surprise :rolleyes:), Marg Helgenberger (another big surprise :rolleyes:), Emily Deschanel, Rachel Weisz, Kate Beckinsale.. hmm strange all I can think of right now :lol:
Haha, I know girls who are like "ohh my god! lets talk about Johnny Depp for hours" I personally think he's really ugly :lol: Maybe it's because I'm gay...or maybe, it's just because he's ugly :lol; (In my opinion, Johnny Depp obsessed girls, please don't hunt me down and kill me!)

Haha, uhh, well, I don't know! I am always going on about girls are think are so hot *hits head* Uhh, okay so all I can remember at the moment is: Mandy Musgrave, Jorja Fox (I mean, come on, it's Jorja fox!)

And that is really all I can remember! I wish there was a magazine around me :p.
^ *high fives* Yeah, Jorja's getting a lot of votes with us, isn't she? :lol: I used to think Johnny Depp was the sexiest man alive (I know, I know :rolleyes:) but now that I realize that I don't exactly swing that way, he does absolutely nothing for me :lol: I think he's a brilliant actor, but that's about it :p

I used to put pictures of people like Josh Hartnett up on my bulletin board when I was sharing a room with my older sister because that was who she liked, and I did it just to appease her. I would've much rather preferred to have had Jorja on it if I had discovered her when I was 7 years old :lol: :p
I'm in no way, shape, or form attracted to Johnny Depp :rolleyes: I just don't see it.

Let's see. Jorja Fox, for obvious reasons. Mariska Hargitay, all time favorite :p I think she's a babe! Jill Hennessy, Tina Fey, Diane Neal, Stephanie March, Emily Procter, Chelsea Handler, Melina Kan--- (I'm not going to butcher her name :lol:).

I could go on for hours, literally. :D

EDIT: I meant to fill you guys in on my date, but went on a lovely ramble :lol:

So it was great. We went out to dinner at this little resturant and it was pretty fabulous. She's really smart, but I can hold my own. Plus she has amazing opinions, I love it! She's really great, so far. I definatly feel a connection and I think she did too. No action tonight, she's not a kiss on the first date kind of person. ;)
Congarts on your date going well, Ashley. And Happy Birthday to you.

As for the topic of crushes, I'd say I've a had a whole lot. The longest/most important ones include

Louise Lombard

Jodie Foster

Julianne Moore

Jorja Fox

and then some more... a lot more, actually. What can I do, women are just so very hot :p
I always end up falling for the character rather than the person, like on Bones or Torchwood. But the celebrities I like are:

Jorja Fox (well of course)
Amber Benson (she was doing a sign in near where I live, but I couldn't go because I would have had to taken a train to get there, and it was a school night. :()
Mariska Hargitay
Kate Walsh


And I kind of fancy James Marsters, but kinda not, since he's a guy. (Well, duh!)

Lol, I managed to embarrass my friend today, when there's this guy she likes (I know... how straight!) and me being miss blabber mouth when I'm with people I don't know goes: Oh, your the guy Helen talks about ... um ... a lot. :p Anyways, that was a snippet from my day.
Lol, I managed to embarrass my friend today, when there's this guy she likes (I know... how straight!)
ahaha never_again that made me laugh soooo hard!

well my little gay thing today was happy. i got to hang out for the whole day with the girl i like after staying up all night watching movies that were hilarious when they were supposed to be scary. it was a lot of fun just to be with her.
My date from Friday called me today. I was having a party with my friends, which was lame, but she just called to see what was going on. Later on, she wants to go get ice cream.

At the party though, I changed someone's opinion about gay people. It was pretty fun. She's like 'I think being a lesbian is disgusting.' and I just like argued with her and she was like 'Whatever, they aren't the worst people.' She was probably just stopping it from escalating but I like to think I made a difference :rolleyes:
^^Haha, that's funny about convincing the girl :p. But that's awesome that you two are going to go get ice cream! I like ice cream :p

So, I have this friend, who I think, forgot I was gay. I was like "ooo, rainbow, I like rainbow, me want rainbow" (it was a rainbow belt, which I end in the end, did not buy, fore I don't wear belts :p) And she was like "rainbows are for gay people" so, well, I don't know what she's doing, but I am gay (and did tell her :p). Haha, it was weird though. And that was really random and very pointless :p
Jeez, I haven't been in here in a while. Guess real life caught up with me :p.

Anyways, as to what women I like/have crushes on, let's see:

Right now I really am in love with SVU's Olivia Benson, not the femmy season 7/8 Liv, but the butchy season 3/4 Liv :D. She is soooooooo hot *dies*.

Apart from that, well, I like Jorja, of course, and Louise Lombard. Both beautiful women and I adore Sofia's butch energy.

My entire list of women I like would be way too long, but here are a few:

-afterellen.com's Jill Bennett and Karman Kregloe
-Michelle Pfeiffer
-Sharon Stone
-Amy Brenneman
-Lauren Graham


So, Mia and I are gonna go to a German gay and lesbian film festival at the end of October, we already picked the movie we wanna see and we're looking forward to the dyke watch :D. Me loves a room packed with lesbians, sometimes I just hate the straight world I'm (or we're) living in.

Congratulations on your date Ashley, I want to know where you live, you seem to have quite a few lesbians around you and they all fancy you :D.
Hey eberyone, look who's back!

Kerry and I are still together and my parents now know and they accepted it. I will go back to Engeland next week, just for a couple of days and I am sooooo looking forward to it.

And just for all of you: Kerry and I picked a date for the parntership registration in England. August 15th 2008 will be our day! :D
Congratulations!! That ^^^^ is so cool. I'm really happy for the both of you.

I just started uni (3 days ago) and i already miss the girl i had a crush on back home, 300 miles away. I kinda wish i had made more of an effort to get to know her then. But i can still keep in touch with her through facebook, so i might try some cyber flirting.