Let's Talk Gay #3

Welcome Mitsy!

Last night was pretty fabulous! I had fun.

Tonight, I'm going to my first gay party with my girlfriend. It's going to be awesome! I don't even know what to expect :D
I wished there were gay parties in my city too. It's so hard to recognize other gay people, I really don't know a single gay girl near I live. So, yeh, I don't really have something gay'ish to tell you. :p
I'm so glad that there are gay parties around my city. It's not like I go there all the time, I generally don't go out to clubs that much, but it's nice to know that there are places for queer people to go. I also go to regular clubs with straight friends sometimes and I don't mind it all that much, but every time I'm at a gay party I'm relieved again that there are no straight guys.

It's comfortable to know people don't judge you when you dance with your girlfriend or kiss and stuff, and more importantly, that nobody questions it. I hate how guys always think that girls just kiss in public to get the attention of guys. It's a nice change to be surrounded by homosexuals.
Yeh, I think it's real nice too. I've never had a girlfriend before, though I've never had a boyfriend either, but I can imagine it's very comfortable not being judged by other people.

That is my biggest fear; being judged. That's the reason why I haven't told my parents/friends yet that I'm gay, or bisexual for that matter.
bedroomdancing said:That is my biggest fear; being judged. That's the reason why I haven't told my parents/friends yet that I'm gay, or bisexual for that matter.

I know what your saying! I haven't completly told my friends or family but it's kind of a known fact that no one talks about :rolleyes:

Last night was fun! But I had to leave early because I got sick. I'm sick again! What a fabulous time! Everyone was really understanding though, but anyways, I've never seen so many gay people in one place. :eek:
Welcome Mitsy!!

Hmm, I have never been to a gay party :lol:. I think I need a life or something. All I do is work, homework, then hang out with those losers I call my friends :lol:. I also hang out with that loser I call my girlfriend :lol:. But I love her :p

I still haven't told everyone. Mostly family, and my crazy Catholic friend. I mean, eventually I'll have to tell her, but we can wait for that eventually to come in a later period of time :p.

So last night I slept over at my friends house. She has like, her brother with her too, and her brothers two friends spent the night. And all they did was call eachother fags and gays. All night. Then of course, everytime they would say that (which was like, every 10 seconds) my friend would look at me, go, "haha, so are you" and laugh. Yeahh, it got annoying after a while...but I still had fun :lol:

I didn't do anything with the gf though, she had to go to some realatives house to do something or something. I don't know :lol:.
Sounds like fun! My weekend was fun too, some colleagues [spell check? xD] and I went out to the town and I got too drunk. But hey, I had fun.

Today we painted some of her walls in the living room, they're so...colorful right now. Don't know if she's still happy with them if she's sober tomorrow. xD
YOu all give me a little smile back on my face.. Nice to read that with some of you things are going well.

To all the new ones Welcome here, sorry i've it isnt personal at all.. That will come soon..

For me its has been for the first time that i have been looking and blushing at a man, i even flirt with him.. Damn he was cute but there where more nice woman to.. After that i heard bad news and i was done with flirting and feeling great..
Welcome Mitsy!!!!

awwwe Berylla Nienna what happened??

well i had a completely non-gay weekend :p. i had to go visit my aunt and we baked :lol: but it was fun :D.

anyways ... soo, my friends donn't even know i'm gay/ bi ... yet. i don't think they'd really believe me if i told them anyways :p. cause well my one friend is all like 'you never were gay, you just wanted to be like levon'. and some of my other friends get uncomfortable around that subject. my only friend that keeps asking refers to gay as 'the Levon side' and straight as 'the Sam side' :lol:. hehe i haven't given her a 'straight' answer :p.

also on a negative: i do not know how to tell my one friend cause he is like in love with me (still)... he gets up at like 6 to bake me cookies and muffins :rolleyes:. and i feel so bad case everyone can tell he likes me and it seems rude to just say 'i'm gay, you have no chance'. cause when i told him i was 'figuring stuff out' (as said above) he said he didn't care and that he could never be mad at me or anything cause he will always like me no matter what.

well i think this weekend (in 5 days :p) will be pretty awesome because my boss gave me the whole weekend off and i haven't spent any time with my girlfriend lately ... :devil:
I've been in a similar situation once, with a guy from my class who was really into me. Everybody knew and I was very uncomfortable with it. I liked him as a person but I would have never wanted to be with him, even if I had been straight.

I was actually glad though that I could turn him down by telling him I'm gay (although he knew it beforehand). I still thought it was less hurtful for him than it would have been to say "you're ugly" or "I'm not attracted to you at all"

He was all happy when I told him I liked him. He kept trying to be close to me on a friendly level and I knew for a while that he still had a crush on me but he never pressured me to try anything because he knew my decision was final. I was very glad he got that message.
Oh wow. I didn't know we had a gay thread.
How very cool =D

It never really occurred to me that there would be many gay people on these forums... duh :p
Haha, we are every where aren't we :lol:.

I still have that problem :lol:. A guy (whom I'm supposed to hate, it's not working that well :p) is still constantly like "omg I love you" :rolleyes:. It's been like this for now a year...and the pathetic part is...he knows I'm gay :p.

I had a boring, ungay day. Nothing interesting happened to do with being gay at all. Infact, nothing really happened. *Sighh* I hate Mondays.