Learning German

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people keep making fun of me (my friends and stuff) cuz i am just randomly learning Deutsch. they think it is weird that i am learning it on my own(with yalls help of course) and not for a class or anything :D

just shows how good of teachers yall are!

**huge hugs and high fives for everyone**
Hey, Liz it's the same with Japanese. I wanted to learn it on my own (stopped it because it's too hard). High fives back, and YOU ARE SOOOOOO GOOD! Proud of you! :D

Jorja_Rain, yea, Ich bin dabei zu Lesen is good. Or what do you think about Ich bin am Lesen dran? That's the Rheinische Verlaufsform, you can find and article about it in wikipedia! :lol: Okay, I think we'll teach Simple Present, there is no real continuous form. That's what I think. Right or not? :D
^Hehe, my friend made fun of me, too, when I started learning Portuguese. I just like languages, and seeing as Portuguese is part of my heritage I just really wanted to be able to read and talk it. My grandparents were excited for me, though, when I went with them to Portugal last September they were constantly amazed at how much I was able to understand from their conversations, even though I had only learned it for 2 months at that point.

So I do understand you, Liz :D

You know what would really be cool? If someone could upload videos on utube that had a native German pronouncing all the sentences we practiced on here :)
yay! new lesson!! super excited :D

**trying to make post real long so wont get mod slaped :p :D**

so i learned my days. not 100% good on them but i am familiar with them :D

Nummern... ha! easy!! i love nummern!! (big nerd :p)

learning money was not easy though!! but i am ~sorta~ ok with it... it is how ever much markschein. and pfennigstück
lizanator112890 said:
yay! new lesson!! super excited :D

**trying to make post real long so wont get mod slaped :p :D**

so i learned my days. not 100% good on them but i am familiar with them :D

Nummern... ha! easy!! i love nummern!! (big nerd :p)

learning money was not easy though!! but i am ~sorta~ ok with it... it is how ever much markschein. and pfennigstück

:lol: You are so damn cute, you know that? :lol:
And I have to say: we have the euro now (this one here: €). And cents. The Mark is gone since 2002.
Yeah, nummern are cool! Hehe, the German words between the English words sound so cute!!!!
And yes, a video would be cool. Liz, do you want to make one? :p
never made a video before :p that would be cool though. help out with all the pronunciations and stuff! i need that practice :D
Yeah, you could make a video and we correct you! OMG, this sounds difficult. I want to come to Germany? Then come and I'll teach you how to pronounce. And by the way I'll show you my city if you want to see it! :lol:

Okay, back to the topic, what do you want to learn? Ask me! My next post will be something to learn, but first tell me WHAT you want to learn!
there is so much to learn... what else to learn?? hmmm

**rubs chin if there was a beard or something there :p**

haha funny idea, PM me the "pig" words we were joking about at the very first of this thread. hehe i HAVE to learn those words! :p ;) :D

any other things to learn cuz i am clueless...
:lol: Haha, the pig words, that's cute. Okay, I'll see what I can do for you. Okay, lets see, what you can:

1) vocabularies

2) word-endings

3) making sentences (Simple Present)

Well, what about some facts/differences between Germany and the USA?

For example this ones:


Celsius / Fahrenheit

-18 / 0
0 / 32
15 / 59 (I think the temperature at the moment here, very cool for a summer)
25 / 77 (that's what I want)
30 / 86

Metric system:

1 pound / 453,592 g
1 inch / 2,54 cm
1 foot / 0,3048 m
1 yard / 0,9144 m (meters)
1 mile / 1,6093 km (kilometers)
that is probably more confusing that learning German!!! haha i am not even going to lie!! AHHH :eek:

US colors: Red, white and blue
Germany: Black, Red, and Gold?(yellow)

Germany: pretty
Texas: Poo :p
Yes, the colors are right. But I don't know why we call it gold, it's just yellow!

Germany: pretty
Texas: poo

You only can say that when you don't live here! :lol: Okay, okay there are many nice places in Germany, places I don't have visited yet. But for me it's boring.
Well, I think, you always want what you don't have! :lol:

Yeah. Our last "lesson" was very confusing. I think I stop posting here for today and will look for some good words that I can post tomorrow for you. It's so funny how much you want to learn my language. :D So, lets get back to our pms.
.... and what about

Tatort ;) ? = crime scene

Hi I'm putting in I hope you don't mind but it was interesting!!!
yay!! i am not a failure! :p

more stuff to learn today?? :rolleyes: :D

yall have a good day. (bed time for me) see ya in the PM(nightish for you Germans ;))
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