Learning German

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Okay. Ohhh, and I thought you could teach my Italian! :D

Okay, for all my sweeties, here's a German quizzie. I think it's better to add it here than in the other thread. Have fun!

io parlo un pó d'italiano (i'm sure that was wrong! :lol: ) ma io penso che io non sia in grado di parlare proppriamente con un italiano... :rolleyes: wow that was terrible!!! i tried to use the 'concordanza' but it is so wrong...anyways, i got 10/10 on the quiz :D surprise :lol: but that was a cute quiz.
Hehe, I can speak a little bit of Portuguese (as I'm half Protuguese, half German), and the words are very similar to Italian. That's why my mom can understand a lot of Italian when she reads it :lol: Pronounciation is way different, though. And my grandma thinks it's awefully cute when I try to pronounce the Portuguese "r", it's really hard ;)
Not bad, cathwillows. I'm probably on the same level. I would try making sentences but I'd give up everytime... no wonder I had the 2nd worst possible grade back at school. (I had the best at German though... at least for a while)

@Rainy: It's indeed cute when you try that. Almost as cute as when you try the Italian 'r' :D
Ok, this thread needs to slow down a bit, even though it's great you're helping each other out. Also, please try and remember to add as much content to your posts as possible. i.e. not just one or two short lines - you have 24 hours to edit your posts, and spamming to raise your post count in order to get an avatar is a big NO NO. So let's please not do that, Otherwise this thread gets closed. Thanks :)
The vocab words. Excelent!! very helpful!

So i only got 5/10 on the quiz :( i am not so good with the different the's. Der, Die, Das. i pretty much know if it is a girl, it is Die, and a boy it is Der. but other than that i have not got a clue...

maybe that is the next thing to work on, the masculine, feminine thing.

anything else anybody would like to do instead?
lizanator112890 said:
Der, Die, Das. i pretty much know if it is a girl, it is Die, and a boy it is Der. but other than that i have not got a clue...
it's a good idea to work on that. in general you're right, Die is feminine and Der is masculine...i don't want to scare you but there are also some exceptions!

for example

die Freundschaft = the friendship
die Macht = the power

but Die Macht der Freundschaft = the power of friendship

to name only one exception...
cathwillows said:
lizanator112890 said:
Der, Die, Das. i pretty much know if it is a girl, it is Die, and a boy it is Der. but other than that i have not got a clue...
it's a good idea to work on that. in general you're right, Die is feminine and Der is masculine...i don't want to scare you but there are also some exceptions!

for example

die Freundschaft = the friendship
die Macht = the power

but Die Macht der Freundschaft = the power of friendship

to name only one exception...

all i have to say in reply is....

oh lordy! :D
Der, Die, Das. i pretty much know if it is a girl, it is Die, and a boy it is Der. but other than that i have not got a clue...

While that is the general rule there are also some difficulties with that.


The girl is not die Mädchen but das Mädchen.

Very confusing, even to some native speakers.

When I worked at school there was a class for teaching little migration kids German in first grade. We did a game on der,die,das. We cut out various objects and they had to place them into differently colored circles, one for each article. Took a while for them to learn but it was fun to watch them progress.

The only thing that helps is learning the words with their respective articles right from the start.
cathwillows said:

die Freundschaft = the friendship
die Macht = the power

but Die Macht der Freundschaft = the power of friendship

to name only one exception...

What you say is true, but in that case der (Freundschaft) is not meant as a masculine/femine article but rather the genetive form of femine Die. I know it's tricky for English students, as English has lost the different declinations (nominative/genitive/dative/accusative) over the course of time, so the only way to get these right is to learn them by heart.
I made a chart, hope it's understandable.



Important: The dog - male - Der Hund

The cat - female - Die Katze

(The food - neuter - Das Futter, not important in this examples)

Nom: (wer/who) The dog likes the cat's food. - Der Hund mag das Futter der Katze.

Gen: (wessen/whose) The dog likes the cat's food. - Der Hund mag das Futter der Katze.

Dat: (wem/whom) The cat offers the dog her food - Die Katze gibt dem Hund ihr Futter.

Akk: (wen/whom) The dog likes the cat - Der Hund mag die Katze.
Other way around: The cat likes the dog - Die Katze ma den Hund.

Hope you can get through this somehow...I confused myself a little but this should be correct. It'S difficult seeing that the different cases do not exist like that in English.
Nom: (wer/who) The dog likes the cat's food. - Der Hund mag das Futter der Katze.

Gen: (wessen/whose) The dog likes the cat's food. - Der Hund mag das Futter der Katze.

Dat: (wem/whom) The cat offers the dog her food - Die Katze gibt dem Hund ihr Futter.

Akk: (wen/whom) The dog likes the cat - Der Hund mag die Katze.
Other way around: The cat likes the dog - Die Katze ma den Hund.

Another way of putting this might be:

Gen: The cat whose food the dog likes.

Dat: The dog whom the cat offers its food to.

Acc: The cat whom the dog loves.
Oh my god. That's very difficult with Der Die and Das!

Btw. You are right, wibble , I'll slow down with posting! :) It wasn't my intention to post so much to get an avatar, trust me. I always write so much but I'll try to edit my posts if I forget something. Promise! :D

Edit: The whole thing with Dativ, Genitiv,... is something I never really learnt. So, it's a good training for me, too.

Edit again:: cathwillows, do you remember our talk about CSI in German. I read some spoilers about CSI:NY in the Vox-text (page 380). It was in German of course and it sounds very wrong to me. The episodes in German is okay I think, but reading something about CSI in German is terrible. If the page is still there, read it.
hello there. :) I´m native-German, too. I´m sure this is a good thread. Cool idea opening it.

You want to guess my favie-german word? I just noticed it´s "Huhu". :D
In German it´s used in rather informal context. You say or call it if you notice someone, standing in a distance to you. Some people also wave their arm in addition to calling.

Unfortunatelly I don´t know if English has a similiar expression for "Huhu".
I hoped some fellow-germans can help me out with this. ;)
Hi! Yeah, Huhu is a cool word! :) Am I right? You are a CSI:NY fan? Here aren't many CSI:NY fans- so hello to you! Or huhu! :D Maybe you can help us to teach LIZ German- she's really good!
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