Learning German

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lizanatorThanks for the nice welcome.

Jorja_Rain, thank you for claryfing the huhu-thing.

May I ask another phrase? ;)
Is there an english equivalent to "Immer ich"? :D

(You can say "Immer ich", if whenever something happens people think of you being responsible first of all - which means you always being prime-suspect).
Morning, guys!

mati Hey, welcome to you! Nice to have you here! :D

Liz It's unbelievable, German isn't easy and you learn so fast. Congratulations to you!

Detective_Burn Interesting question! I don't know if there is something like that! Perhaps someone knows?

Liz again Well, what could we learn? I thought abot some differences between German and English.

I think the most diffucult things are the word-endings.
Yesterday you wrote Gute Nacht to me.

In English you say: Good night!
In German you say: NOT Gut Nacht! You say Gute Nacht! Because: Nacht is feminine and so you say GutE Nacht.
So you see, the ending of the adjectives are changing, too.

If the word behind the adjective is feminine, you put an -e at the end. f.e. gutE Nacht/ die Nacht (good night)
If the word behind the adjective is masculine, you put -er at the end. f.e. kleinER Tisch/ der Tisch (small table)
If the word behind the adjective is neutral, you put -es at the end. schönES Bild/ das Bild (beautiful picture)

Oh, that was difficult. :D Sorry, hope I'm right!
Well, all I can think of is "Why me?", which is used in exactly the context you're referring to.

@Liz: I'm up for another lesson, just tell me what you wanna learn :D

I don't know how good you are with the sentence structure yet, so maybe we should start out with a couple translations. Keep the past tense for later, shall we? :p


I always buy (kaufen) my groceries(Einkäufe (plural,femininum)) at the same store (Laden/ Supermarkt).

Notice: Unlike in English, the German sentence structure does not allow the date/time to be at the ending of the sentence, and it's very rarely put in the beginning. Thus it is not "Ich gehe nach Hause jetzt (now)", but "Ich gehe jetzt nach Hause."

They can visit (besuchen) us later on (später)

Are you hungry (hungrig) yet (schon)?
Brina yeah i realized i used it wrong right when i sent it to ya!! :( but thank you for clearing it up for me :D

Jorja_Rain so those sentences are wrong because the time is at the end or those are right??

ehh, at work they are actually making me do stuff so i might not get that much of a chance to get on here until after my lunch break. but maybe if i work fast then i will be able to get on ;)

talk to yall later :D
^The sentences I posted were for you to translate into German. They were in English after all :p I just pointed the time thingy out to you so you wouldn't use wrong sentence structure in your translations :)
oh gee. lol ok well here i go i guess :p

They can visit (besuchen) us later on (später)
Sie ____ später besuchen. <<dont know what the German can[/b] is...

Are you hungry (hungrig) yet (schon)?
Bist du schon hungrig?
Yep, that's right. An now try the next sentence. I have an idea! We are just learning German here. It's your thread, so what do you think- should we talk about Germany here too? About the cities, landscapes and so on?

And: some differents to know
As you know, there are some words in German and English that are the same, like baby, party, hobby. But the plural is different.

English: hobby- hobbies, German: Hobby- Hobbys

English: party- parties, German: Party- Partys

English: baby- babies, German: Baby- Babys
what ever you want to talk about in here is good with me *as long as mod lets it* probably will have to be German related.

ew i was reading some other words that are really similar to english words. here are just s few:
die adresse
die akademie
der akt
der akzent
das sofa
das appetit
die bank
der ball
Oh yes, they are really similar. But you lucky guys don't have this stupid der, die, das! I like your "the", it's much easier! I love this language anyway. Ah, and Liz? I'm correcting your German, please correct my English if I make mistakes, okay? I really want to speak good English!
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