Learning German

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babe, your english is amazing!! it is better than a lot of people i hang with. :lol: maybe that is why i am such a hick :lol:
You think it's amazing? Really? I'm just talking what I'm thinking, don't think about the grammar or the words! Makes me really happy!

:lol: My old English teacher (who came from England by the way) would be proud of me! :lol:

And of course, you German is good, too.

You know which vocabularies are very different?

actor/actress are Schauspieler/Schauspielerin

Very comlicated, isn't it?
OMG, I don't know!!!! Well lets try...

Sch = sh
au = like ou from out
sp = sh+p
ie = e
l = l
er = well, I think like lar in simílar

Does it help?
yeah it did actually! i just couldn't figure out the sounds for a sec there. Thanks!! :D

ok so tomorrow, for our next lesson, i was thinking Past Tense. that is something that i need to learn.
i ate
i drank
i slept

if there is anything else that i should learn that you can think of for tomorrow just let me know.

**edited to make longer and mod happy :D**
Oh, I try soooo hard to make long posts and to edit them! I really try it hard, believe me!

Okay, it's no chat, so I try again to write a long post!

Liz, I'm so happy now, there are spoilers for CSI:NY and I'm sooo damn happy now! Yey!
But back to our topic: Yeah, Past Tense is good. Well, and there the problems with the irregular words start! :lol:
Well, I think we should make a vocabulary list with the most important verbs and then but them into Simple Past. I don't now good verbs at the moment and I'm in my univerity at the moment, but I'll search for some good words and then I'll add them here. And you can also search for some words, I'll help you with the translation!

So, there's nothing more to say at the moment now.
alright verbs, good verbs... ummm... lol all i can think of is things i wanna do right now!! (man i wanna work out!!)

Run *Ran*
Swim *Swam*
Sleep *slept*
Practice *practiced*
Sing *sang*
Dance *danced*
Drive *drove*
kick *kicked*
jump *jumped*
tumble *tumbled*
eat *ate*
watch *watched*

mind blank for others. you'd think that i would know verbs. :rolleyes:

Guten Morgen! (if your in America)
Guten Abend! (if your in Europe)
Run *Ran*---> Laufen/Joggen *liefen/joggten*--->actually, though, we commonly say *Ich bin gelaufen/gejoggt*Du bist gelaufen, and so on*

That's one of the weird things about German, we rarely use Simple Past but instead almost always use Past Perfect. Makes it pretty hard for both speakers to get the grammar rules right :p

Swim *Swam*

(Simple Past and Past Perfect forms are first person singular)--->*schwamm* *geschwommen*

Sleep *slept*---> Schlafen *schlief* *geschlafen*
Practice *practiced*---> Trainieren *tainiert*
Sing *sang*---> Singen *sang* *gesungen*
Dance *danced*---> Tanzen *tanzte* *getanzt*
Drive *drove*---> Fahren *fuhr* *gefahren*
kick *kicked*---> Treten *trat* *getreten*
jump *jumped*---> Springen *sprang* *gesprungen*
tumble *tumbled*---> Taumeln *taumelte* *getaumelt*
eat *ate*---> Essen *aß* *gegessen*
watch *watched*---> Gucken *guckte* *geguckt*
Uhhhhhh, that reminds me of school- learning the irregular verbs for the vocabulary test! :lol: Yey, this times are over now, and I'm the teacher now, :D
But don't worry, Liz, I'm a friendly teacher, of course! :D

Jorja_Rain, you are right, we use Past Perfect really often. And I think it sounds better than Simple Past. It's Plusquamperfekt, isn't it? I don't know. The thing with the tenses is easy when you learn English, but I had really problems with them while learning German. I was good in German, got a 1 (or A) in the German grammar exams, but after the exams I always forgot everything again! :D
so for most of them you add ge to the beginning to make it past tense?

thanks for your help Jorja_Rain

Brina!! your here! :D
Yes, you are right, Liz, you put ge- in front of the word, then it's in the Present Perfect. That's not so difficult.

But the Simple Past is very difficult, because as I see, we only have irregular verbs. Am I right? I'm not sure. It's very difficult for me to teach you that, so I think Jorja_Rain is your teacher for this lesson.
Do you mean in English or in German? Sorry, I'm stupid at the moments, the spoilers are still in my head! :lol:

Well in English:
slept = Simple Past
has slept = Present Perfect

Oh, well, I think you know that, sorry, okay, I think you mean the difference in German. That's my answer: No idea! :lol:
As far as I know you use the Present Perfect when something happend in the Past and you can see the results of it in the Present. That's what my teacher said. But I don't know if that's correct, as you know from my posts before, I forgot this all after my exams. :D
for example:
Simple Past: slept = schlief
Present Perfect: has slept = hat geschlafen
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