Learning German

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Yeah, that's right! And I got one: schauen (look)

ich schaute
du schautest
er/sie/es schautet
wir schauten
ihr schauten
sie schauten

Man, that sounds really strange to me, but I think, it's right. Okay, this rule you can use for regular verbs. And the irregular- sorry, but it's true- you must learn them. Oh, I hate irregular verbs!
Yeah, that's the Simple Past. Now, you see, learning German isn't easy. But you learn very fast, so I think it's no problem for you.

It's only difficult for me, because as you know, I'm only a little student, not a teacher. :lol:
irregular? are you sure? okay:

go (gehen)
write (schreiben)
read (lesen)
eat (essen)
grow (wachsen)

Well, try it, but irregular verbs are not easy. Here are a regular verb:

paint (malen)
Oh jeez, I didn't mean Past Perfect but Present Perfect. Sorry. Past Perfect is rarely used in German, as well, albeit grammar would call for it a lot more often than people actually use it ;) .
ok i think this is terribly wrong but here i go. if i get it right then i will do the other wörter.

go (gehen)
ich gehe = gehte
du gehst = gehtest
er/sie/es geht = gehtet
wir gehen = gehten
ihr geht = gehtet
sie gehen = gehten
I'm afraid that's wrong. "Gehen" is an irregular verb.

Ich ging
Du ginst
Er/sie/es ging

Wir gingen
Ihr gingt (?) never heard anyone say that
Sie gingen

Ususally you use that other past thingie, whatever it is called. It would be

Ich bin gegangen
Du bist gegangen
Er/sie/es ist gegangen
Wir sind gegangen
Ihr seid gegangen
Sie sind gegangen

For that you have to learn the forms of "sein" - to be

oh geez. :p

thank you Mia for your help.

i mostly got the sein, just the other irregulars are way confusing. :rolleyes:

any way to make irregulars easier? haha that is probably why they are called irregular :p
It's quite funny, you've taught almost as much grammar in like two weeks, as I have learnt in two years!

I keep getting really confused about which words use sein in the present perfect and which ones use haben.
Oh, that's not an easy question. I know what you mean, for example you say ich habe gegessen (I have eaten) and sometimes you say ich bin gegangen (I have gone).

You are right, that's different, I never realized that before. Good question, I'll think about that!
alright just some random German.

Es ist heiß heute!

Das Telefon ist auf der graue Tisch.

Das Bild ist an der weißen Wand.

Mein Geburtstag ist in November.

Heute ist zwei, August.

Mein Füße ist unter dem Tisch

Ich bin in die Schule

Ich bin lebe neben die Schule

correct me if i am wrong. wasnt sure about the August 2nd thing.
Das ist schon sehr gut. (That's really good already)

Some small mistakes:

Das Telefon ist auf dem grauen Tisch.

(better: Das Telefon steht auf dem Tisch. (is standing on)

Mein Geburtstag ist im November.

Heute ist der zweite August.

Meine Füße sind(plural) unter dem Tisch.
(singular: Mein Fuß ist)

Ich bin in der Schule. (remember the chart I made? ;))

Same for the next sentence. "neben der Schule"

Also it's just "lebe" not "bin":

Ich lebe neben der Schule. (Although I'd say "ich wohne" instead of "ich lebe") In English it's the same word, but german has slightly different meanings.
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